Apple reveals most employees are white men, says diversity needs to be improved



  • Reply 641 of 757
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jungmark wrote: »
    And you're being irrational in stating I was getting upset that other religions have holidays around Christmas. That is most certainly not the case as I've stated previously. You rather dilute the meaning just so a small minority doesn't feel bad. Btw, would you say happy thanksgiving in the US since the Native Americans aren't particular fond of it?

    1) Oh, I get your intolerant meaning.

    2) Christianity isnt the majority.
  • Reply 642 of 757
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    jungmark wrote: »
    And you're being irrational in stating I was getting upset that other religions have holidays around Christmas. That is most certainly not the case as I've stated previously. You rather dilute the meaning just so a small minority doesn't feel bad. Btw, would you say happy thanksgiving in the US since the Native Americans aren't particular fond of it?
    "In the US" and "to a Native American" are rather different things.
  • Reply 643 of 757
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    "In the US" and "to a Native American" are rather different things.


    Shouldn’t be, however.

  • Reply 644 of 757
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Sad and true, but we probably shouldn't head too much in that direction or Benjamin Frost will start bleating about white guilt again.

  • Reply 645 of 757
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    1) Oh, I get your intolerant meaning.

    2) Christianity isnt the majority.

    1. Wtf are you talking about? You can't tolerate Christians celebrating Christmas. You can't tolerate any religious celebrations and you mask it with a generic "Happy Holidays" greeting. If you were really tolerant, you would find out what they celebrate and address them appropriately.

    2. It is in the US.
  • Reply 646 of 757
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post



    The trite phrase, 'Happy Holidays' excludes all religions, but makes it sound okay for atheists.

    How?  Christmas is a holiday.  Hannukah is a holiday.  Solstice... well I'm not sure it's a holiday, but it's close enough for that to be a reasonable description.  And the winter period contains national holidays in almost all countries, including New Year, which is non-religious.  Happy holiday is a fine cover for all those holidays if you don't know which ones the people that you're addressing observe, and very appropriate if you're addressing a group.


    So how does it exclude anyone?



    Oh, wait, I get it.  Trolling for attention.

  • Reply 647 of 757
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Why? I answered that. I don't celebrate a generic holiday.

    But you do celebrate a holiday, so what's wrong with saying "Happy holidays"?


    Do you object to the word holiday at any other time?


    "It's not a holiday, it's Labour Day"


    Or generic words in general?


    "Don't call me Sir, my name is Jungmark!"



    This seems to me a totally false outrage, generic words are fine.

  • Reply 648 of 757
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jungmark wrote: »
    1. Wtf are you talking about? You can't tolerate Christians celebrating Christmas. You can't tolerate any religious celebrations and you mask it with a generic "Happy Holidays" greeting. If you were really tolerant, you would find out what they celebrate and address them appropriately.

    2. It is in the US.

    Where exactly did I say you shouldn't use a specific holiday when you know one celebrates a specific holiday? I didn't. I said quite the opposite as I questioned your intolerance which got you to say how you ask everyone what holidays they celebrate, which is bullshit. At best, you look at their skin color and style of dress to make a decision if they are in the proper (read: your) religion. What would Jeaus do?
  • Reply 649 of 757
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    I have no idea what holidays heathens or other religions have around Christmas; neither do I care.

    1) You can't name a single other religion or holiday that falls around Cheistmas? image

    2) This choice to close yourself off to the world is the problem.


    You're advocating abolishing Christmas, yet you're accusing me of not learning the intricacies of other religions and holidays? The great thing about arguments is that they come back to slap you in your face.

  • Reply 650 of 757

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    If you know someone is Christian then say Merry Christmas, if you know you're they're Jewish you should say Happy Hanukkah

    It's not just Christians who celebrate Christmas though, it has been commercialized as Christmas to everyone as the event involving Santa, fir trees, stockings, snow, open fires, presents etc. Easter is similarly a specific event, which is a Christian-oriented occasion but it has been commercialized with eggs, bunnies and so on and companies tend to be ok saying Happy Easter. Happy Holidays could refer to any public holiday and I don't even know what specific period it's referring to. I don't care about the association with religion but Happy Holidays annoys me when I see it because it's taking away an identity from a well-specified event. Apple did this in their Christmas ad where the whole family was doing everything associated with Christmas and they ended the ad with Happy Holidays. I understand that if it had been the other way round and they'd said Happy Hanukkah, I'd be thinking it didn't apply to me but the ad content would have convinced me of that anyway and it doesn't happen the other way round. People who celebrate other events don't say Happy Holidays because they refer to their own specific events. I suppose if there happened to be a minority group who formed an international company they'd be pushed into adopting the same approach but I don't think it has the same effect having a catch-all phrase.

    I get that companies want to send out an all-inclusive message and that there's frustration for the people who don't celebrate it as shown here:

    but take Chinese New Year. If someone said to me 'Happy New Year' in February (some people do that anyway), I couldn't care less, I'd return the sentiment and wish them well on their event. People from other cultures working in the West are on vacation because of the event of Christmas. It's not just a random vacation. Other countries have their own public holidays:

    At least say Happy Christmas Holiday because that's what it is and it doesn't matter if people celebrate Christmas or not, that's what the public holiday is for.


    Quite. Thank you, Marvin.

  • Reply 651 of 757

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    "In the US" and "to a Native American" are rather different things.


    Shouldn’t be, however.


    My knowledge of American history is weak. My understanding is that white man forced Red Indians, now called Native Americans, off their land and claimed it, resulting in a tension which still lasts today. Here, boys play cowboys and Indians, and the Indians are generally the baddies.


    I presume you're saying that they should get along. Correct me as needed.

  • Reply 652 of 757

    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post



    The trite phrase, 'Happy Holidays' excludes all religions, but makes it sound okay for atheists.

    How?  Christmas is a holiday.  Hannukah is a holiday.  Solstice... well I'm not sure it's a holiday, but it's close enough for that to be a reasonable description.  And the winter period contains national holidays in almost all countries, including New Year, which is non-religious.  Happy holiday is a fine cover for all those holidays if you don't know which ones the people that you're addressing observe, and very appropriate if you're addressing a group.


    So how does it exclude anyone?



    Oh, wait, I get it.  Trolling for attention.


    So you're saying that all holidays, religious festivals and bank holidays are the same, so we should just lump them under one title. So, so stupid.

  • Reply 653 of 757

    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Why? I answered that. I don't celebrate a generic holiday.

    But you do celebrate a holiday, so what's wrong with saying "Happy holidays"?


    Do you object to the word holiday at any other time?


    "It's not a holiday, it's Labour Day"


    Or generic words in general?


    "Don't call me Sir, my name is Jungmark!"



    This seems to me a totally false outrage, generic words are fine.


    You're showing an intolerance for the word Christmas, which is typical of liberal atheists. They profess to be the most tolerant people around, whilst continually demonstrating the most explicit intolerance on a daily basis. Guess it makes the world go round.

  • Reply 654 of 757
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Marvin wrote: »
    It's not just Christians who celebrate Christmas though…

    Because some non-Christians celebrate Christmas we have to assume all non-Christians celebrate Christmas? I guess that mean people that celebrate Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick's Day are Mexican-Irish?¡

    The point still stands that it's arrogant to impose your religion on anyone else and consider them inferior scum if they don't have the same cultural traditions as you.
  • Reply 655 of 757
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I think Apple][ hacked Benjamin Frost's account.
  • Reply 656 of 757
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    You're advocating abolishing Christmas, yet you're accusing me of not learning the intricacies of other religions and holidays? The great thing about arguments is that they come back to slap you in your face.

    Point out where I said abolishing Christmas by accepting that others have a different religions and traditions? Point out where I said you can't practice your cultural traditions?
  • Reply 657 of 757
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It's not just Christians who celebrate Christmas though…

    Because some non-Christians celebrate Christmas we have to assume all non-Christians celebrate Christmas? I guess that mean people that celebrate Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick's Day are Mexican-Irish?¡

    The point still stands that it's arrogant to impose your religion on anyone else and consider them inferior scum if they don't have the same cultural traditions as you.


    If you celebrate Christmas, you are a Christian. 


    No-one imposes their religion on anyone else and hasn't for some time, in the Western world, at least. I very much doubt that many people would consider those with different cultural traditions inferior scum. That is hyperbolic language designed to inflame and can be easily dismissed.


    On the other hand, I have a lawyer friend (possibly a paradox) who wearies of the 'scumbags' he has to send down regularly. Those are sentiments I can relate to. If mstone had carried out his threat to repeatedly smash the side of my head with a cricket bat and was tried by that judge, I imagine he would join those ranks.

  • Reply 658 of 757
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Where exactly did I say you shouldn't use a specific holiday when you know one celebrates a specific holiday? I didn't. I said quite the opposite as I questioned your intolerance which got you to say how you ask everyone what holidays they celebrate, which is bullshit. At best, you look at their skin color and style of dress to make a decision if they are in the proper (read: your) religion. What would Jeaus do?

    Bullshit. Religion knows no colors. Happy Holidays is so impersonal. It's like giving cash as a gift.

    Read my post again. Merry Christmas.
  • Reply 659 of 757
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Bullshit. Religion knows no colors. Happy Holidays is so impersonal. It's like giving cash as a gift.

    Read my post again. Merry Christmas.

    I'm still waiting for you to tell me where I said you shouldn't use a specific greeting when you know their religion and the customs they follow. This, "If they aren't Christians then **** those heathens!", attitude is deplorable. Shame on you and Benjamin Frost. :no:
  • Reply 660 of 757
    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Where exactly did I say you shouldn't use a specific holiday when you know one celebrates a specific holiday? I didn't. I said quite the opposite as I questioned your intolerance which got you to say how you ask everyone what holidays they celebrate, which is bullshit. At best, you look at their skin color and style of dress to make a decision if they are in the proper (read: your) religion. What would Jeaus do?

    Bullshit. Religion knows no colors. Happy Holidays is so impersonal. It's like giving cash as a gift.

    Read my post again. Merry Christmas.


    Yeah; SolipsismX is combining his two hangups in one neat little basket: race and religion; he's the model liberal.

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