Review: macOS Catalina 10.15 is what Apple promised the Mac could be, and is a crucial upg...



  • Reply 161 of 168
    I used to use Time Machine. I may start using it in addition, but if I don't remember to plug in my external drive and do a back up periodically I'm screwed.

    I contacted Canon and they said an updated installer will be out soon. The error message I receive is here:

  • Reply 162 of 168
    Catalina removed or lost functionality from iTunes when it moved files to Music and Books.  Specifically the "Command-I" has gone away making it impossible to modify metadata such as author/artist and title.  I organize my audiobooks and music by Last Name, First Name or for music unit the artist name for consistency, sorting and searching.  This has disappeared.  In addition in the transfer from iTunes the initial installation date was replaced on all files with the date of Catalina implementation.  When I want to sort from oldest to newest it is no longer possible.

    Mail is also a victim of neglect or a rush to publish.  Specifically I have been able to drag a file (.jpg, .png or ..pdf) from the desktop to an email. No longer possible. For .jpg it is necessary to import the image to Photos and then drag it from Photos to the eMail.  Since many of these are for one-time use I then need to go back to photos and delete the imported image/file.  

    Preview no longer opens .jpg or .png on the desktop.  Previously I might drag something from an email to my desktop, open it for editing and reuse.  No longer possible.

    Communicating concerns to Apple is a fools errand.  I am not sufficiently sophisticated to have created an alternate volume to retain Mojave so I am regretfully stuck with Catalina until Apple gets around to restoring long used functionality.  To say I am disappointed is an understatement because I have bought into the Apple mantra of customer first, best possible quality control, perfect integration across platforms and always improving.  From my perspective Apple attempted to do too much in a single release and the result is shoddy and far below their commitment to excellence.
  • Reply 163 of 168
    I used to use Time Machine. I may start using it in addition, but if I don't remember to plug in my external drive and do a back up periodically I'm screwed.

    I contacted Canon and they said an updated installer will be out soon. The error message I receive is here:

    Ah yeah, that's Canon's bad for not being ready. Not really Apple's fault, given they've been broadcasting for years now that this change was coming. And, not surprising that Canon hasn't moved fast enough. Sorry. If it's important, you'll want to downgrade to Mojave or run Mojave in a virtual machine using Parallels and see if that will work for your software needs in the interim.

  • Reply 164 of 168

    Catalina removed or lost functionality from iTunes when it moved files to Music and Books.  Specifically the "Command-I" has gone away making it impossible to modify metadata such as author/artist and title.  I organize my audiobooks and music by Last Name, First Name or for music unit the artist name for consistency, sorting and searching.  This has disappeared.  In addition in the transfer from iTunes the initial installation date was replaced on all files with the date of Catalina implementation.  When I want to sort from oldest to newest it is no longer possible.

    Mail is also a victim of neglect or a rush to publish.  Specifically I have been able to drag a file (.jpg, .png or ..pdf) from the desktop to an email. No longer possible. For .jpg it is necessary to import the image to Photos and then drag it from Photos to the eMail.  Since many of these are for one-time use I then need to go back to photos and delete the imported image/file.  

    Preview no longer opens .jpg or .png on the desktop.  Previously I might drag something from an email to my desktop, open it for editing and reuse.  No longer possible.

    Communicating concerns to Apple is a fools errand.  I am not sufficiently sophisticated to have created an alternate volume to retain Mojave so I am regretfully stuck with Catalina until Apple gets around to restoring long used functionality.  To say I am disappointed is an understatement because I have bought into the Apple mantra of customer first, best possible quality control, perfect integration across platforms and always improving.  From my perspective Apple attempted to do too much in a single release and the result is shoddy and far below their commitment to excellence.
    I'm not sure about the Music app stuff, but the image files on Desktop and Mail sounds like a bug or some other issue with your system. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to drag and drop into Mail or open images in Preview from Desktop. Maybe try running Onyx or something to repair permissions and what not?
  • Reply 165 of 168
    Someone drank the Apple cool-aid. Catalina changes things, sure, but to call them improvements and innovation is just plain silly. I have been using Catalina for 3 weeks, and my Macs (4 of them) are no better or worse with it; I have to look for things in different places, and I have to deal with even more in-your-face propaganda for Apple services like AppleTV+ and Apple Music than before, but beyond that my work flow is no faster, better, or simpler than with the previous version. Some things are more annoying, like having to constantly respond to permission prompts. Perhaps these prompts really do keep things more secure, perhaps not, who knows. Regardless of the reason, they are more of them and therefore more of a nuisance. I always upgrade my machines, but I don't view the upgrades as these fantastic Apple offerings; upgrading is just the only way to keep the Apple bombardment about updates at bay.  Catalina is just another version, nothing special, nothing monstrous, just mediocrity as the new standard for software releases. Deadlines for releases and Agile as a cult have made polished software a thing of the past.
  • Reply 166 of 168
    Gumby77Gumby77 Posts: 1member
    I got Catalina for my MacBook Pro three weeks ago and it has been three weeks of pure hell.
    The machine is as slow as any machine can be.
    The fan runs high and hot, the battery runs out in an hour, NONE of my apps or files will open reliably and stay open without either the rotating pinwheel of death or sudden quit - or just black screen shut down of the whole shebang.
    Everything that DOES work - and that's saying something - takes four times as long as it would on a freaking Commodore 64.

    It quits and freezes day in and day out; I have to log into every site, every app, repeatedly. I've done twelve force quits and restarts just TODAY and I have to do the same EVERY DAY.
    "You have to sign in to do anything in iCloud"
    [I sign in]
    "But you are already signed in!"
    [I try to do iCloud business]
    "You have to sign in to do anything in iCloud"
    [I sign in AGAIN]
    "But you are already signed in!"

    Another user with this IP address is accessing WiFi already.
    Microsoft Suite that I purchased NEW just to work with Catalina:
    I can't open that file, Dave. <a> error message nothing to see in the files.
    Firefox: There are no bookmarks or history, sorry, dude. Just gone. Until you shut the thing down and reboot for the tenth time.

    Catalina has not just destroyed my Mac it has destroyed me as a life-long Mac user. I hate my Mac the way I never thought I could. And - does anybody at Apple Care?

    Nope. That would be a hard no.

  • Reply 167 of 168
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,447member
    Gumby77 said:
    I got Catalina for my MacBook Pro three weeks ago and it has been three weeks of pure hell.
    The machine is as slow as any machine can be.
    The fan runs high and hot, the battery runs out in an hour, NONE of my apps or files will open reliably and stay open without either the rotating pinwheel of death or sudden quit - or just black screen shut down of the whole shebang.
    Everything that DOES work - and that's saying something - takes four times as long as it would on a freaking Commodore 64.

    It quits and freezes day in and day out; I have to log into every site, every app, repeatedly. I've done twelve force quits and restarts just TODAY and I have to do the same EVERY DAY.
    "You have to sign in to do anything in iCloud"
    [I sign in]
    "But you are already signed in!"
    [I try to do iCloud business]
    "You have to sign in to do anything in iCloud"
    [I sign in AGAIN]
    "But you are already signed in!"

    Another user with this IP address is accessing WiFi already.
    Microsoft Suite that I purchased NEW just to work with Catalina:
    I can't open that file, Dave. <a> error message nothing to see in the files.
    Firefox: There are no bookmarks or history, sorry, dude. Just gone. Until you shut the thing down and reboot for the tenth time.

    Catalina has not just destroyed my Mac it has destroyed me as a life-long Mac user. I hate my Mac the way I never thought I could. And - does anybody at Apple Care?

    Nope. That would be a hard no.

    Clearly there is some thing wrong as none of those things should be happening. I held off on upgrading until a week or so ago and have only run into a couple minor issues which I was able to fix on my own pretty easily.

    If I were you, I'd wipe the disk, do a clean reinstall, and use Migration Assistant to import your data from a backup. 
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