


  • Reply 381 of 770
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon

    Which brings me to WWDC. I think we're on the verge of a new era for Apple. I think Panther and the 970 will finally have Apple positioned for growth. No guarantees. It's up to Apple. However, with abot 70-ish US stores circa the end of 2003...and a confused 64 bit picture in Wintel land...this is the best chance for Apple to strike at the heart of the enemy in years. It may not come again.

    Let's see some advertising for Panther.

    Let's see what Apple Software can do.

    Let's see powerful AND competitive as well as stylish desktop kit.

    Can I get an "amen" from the crowd?

    Particularly that ADVERTISING part. I'm perpetually amazed (not in a good way) at just how silent and pussy-whipped Apple comes across in their marketing, efforts to "reach the masses", touting their OS, the iApps, etc.


    There are routinely more good ideas, comments, plans, ad mockups, etc. thrown about casually here on these forums than I've honestly EVER seen from Apple themselves. I just find that incredible.

    Think, for just a moment, how different things COULD truly be, with just a little effort and energy and mouthiness on Apple's part.

  • Reply 382 of 770
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    mebbe that dell guy is available
  • Reply 383 of 770
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    mebbe that dell guy is available

    Should be out of jail by now...
  • Reply 384 of 770
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    I would buy a compact, quiet PPC 970 Cube workstation, if Apple would make it...

    But I would also like to see a fire-breathing quad PPC 970 3D workstation from Apple, and I would slid that bad boy into my rack, if the opportunity presented itself...

  • Reply 385 of 770
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member

    Originally posted by MacRonin

    I would buy a compact, quiet PPC 970 Cube workstation, if Apple would make it...

    But I would also like to see a fire-breathing quad PPC 970 3D workstation from Apple, and I would slid that bad boy into my rack, if the opportunity presented itself...


    if apple released a g4 iBook, i would get that for my daughter...if apple released a new 970 cube i would get that for myself...

  • Reply 386 of 770
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    If Apple would release a

    fire-breathing quad PPC 970 3D workstation

    I would be a happy camper.
  • Reply 387 of 770
    macjedaimacjedai Posts: 263member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Can I get an "amen" from the crowd?

    Particularly that ADVERTISING part. I'm perpetually amazed (not in a good way) at just how silent and pussy-whipped Apple comes across in their marketing, efforts to "reach the masses", touting their OS, the iApps, etc.


    There are routinely more good ideas, comments, plans, ad mockups, etc. thrown about casually here on these forums than I've honestly EVER seen from Apple themselves. I just find that incredible.

    Think, for just a moment, how different things COULD truly be, with just a little effort and energy and mouthiness on Apple's part.

    Heh, you'd be PW'd too, if ... like Apple ... you didn't have H/W to advertise about.

    From "Field of Dreams", "Build it, and they will come."

    Apple needs to build the new computers, then utilize the ads you're talking about. Otherwise, it's just vaporware.

    You're right though, Apple needs extremely aggressive advertising to let people know of the 'new' PowerMac's capabilities, and then yes ... they will come.

    I was talking to 2 IT Server admins today, and they didn't even know that much about OSX. Thinking it was totally incompatible with everything. If IT folks don't know about things, what do the normal folks 'on the street" know?
  • Reply 388 of 770
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well, I'm coming at it from a different perspective than the assorted gear/propeller heads at this site.

    I don't really pay attention to or keep up about all this 970 talk because I'm not a tower/pro guy. Are neither are any of the people I know who dig on Macs and Apple in general. To them, it's ALWAYS about the OS and how it all works.

    I honestly think it's a small piece (or an already small, niche group to begin with) that actually gets off on numbers and talk of the 970. Probably because I don't do video, 3D, animation, etc. I guess?

    Besides, nowhere did I even mention it being about the hardware either. And since OS X, the iApps, the iPod, the Music Store, .mac, etc. have nothing whatsoever to do with the 970 or whatever, there's really no excuse - or good reason - that this stuff ISN'T talked about.

    To paraphrase someone else from earlier in the thread, I don't think the average Joe schmo is going to give two damns about the 970 either. The only people that is going to appeal or impress or even make a conscious, drool-inducing impact on are CURRENT Mac users of the pro/serious variety.

    I doubt very seriously your average student, soccer mom or grandmother is holding off on a Mac purchase because they're waiting for the much-hyped 970. They don't even know what's in their iBook, much less what's coming down the road in the pro gear.

  • Reply 389 of 770
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by MacJedai

    I was talking to 2 IT Server admins today, and they didn't even know that much about OSX. Thinking it was totally incompatible with everything. If IT folks don't know about things, what do the normal folks 'on the street" know?

    Well, you're kinda helping to prove my point: the average, non-Mac using schmo probably DOESN'T know about OS X...and that's a shame.

    And it's no one's fault but Apple's either.

    I don't recall seeing any splashy campaign for it, or a single memorable, catchy and clever commercial for it...even though Apple themselves have spent the past three-and-a-half years touting its "next generation" and "it's the future of the platform" aspect to all us choir members.

    Apple does all this cool stuff and the only ones who really ever seem to be aware of - or impressed by - it are US...the "already indoctrinated".

    I want to storm into Jobs' office one day and grab him by the turtleneck and go "WE KNOW ALREADY, Goober...make that smug, Windows-using idiot down the hall from me and my neighbor across the street and my Mom know, okay?"

    Average people also don't know about iTunes and iPhoto. Or iDVD. Or the Apple retail stores. Or AirPort. Or iMovie. Or [take your pick of all the cool things we, as Mac-heads, simply take for granted and have come to expect].

  • Reply 390 of 770
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    where is the countdown page? I thought this was it.
  • Reply 391 of 770
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    where is the countdown page? I thought this was it.

    Patience, little one. The morning has yet to break.
  • Reply 392 of 770
    aphelionaphelion Posts: 736member
    16 days until I order my 970 cube.
  • Reply 393 of 770
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    o all us choir members.

    I think the closest thing to Apple comparing OS X to Windows was when Ellen Feis went "...and it was like, beep beep beep! And I was like, bummer." A OS X commercial, especially a business oriented one for IT, would probably help their market share, especially corporate. Wouldn't it be cool if they could get Linus Torvalds or Kevin Mitnick to do a Switcher commercial? "Because I needed to work with my UNIX apps, and on the road. So I bought the 12" PowerBook to use with my Bluetooth phone. And it's great."
  • Reply 394 of 770
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    I really like the lapel-grabbing, goober-calling version that pscates suggests....
  • Reply 395 of 770
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member

    16 days until I order my 970 cube.

    A shaft of light...a host of heavenly angels sing...as the object of lust descends upon the erected turntable. Then god (SJ of course...who'd ya think, Charlton Heston?) spoketh to the crowd, '...and lo'...it's only £495!'

    WOW. Cheap, headless 970 iCube Mac!!!!!!!

    Apple gets instant 10% growth...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 396 of 770
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member
    Mac Rumors is claiming next to no supply of Dual 1.42 PMs in the channel.

    16 days...
  • Reply 397 of 770
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon

    the object of lust descends upon the erected turntable...instant 10% growth...

    Lemon Bon Bon

    C'mon, this is a family forum.
  • Reply 398 of 770
    kurtkurt Posts: 225member

    1993 Digital TV box agreement

    On June 7, 1993, Apple Computer, IBM, Motorola, and other companies agreed to work together to develop set-top boxes for delivering interactive and multimedia services. Cable, computer, and Internet companies began to converge in the mid-1990s to create set-top converters to broadcast digital and interactive television. Intel and Microsoft had agreed to work together, and Time Warner had also launched an experimental cable venture.
  • Reply 399 of 770

    i think this kinda helps things out... dunno how much but i do find it

    interesting to see this press release...


  • Reply 400 of 770
    silvergunsilvergun Posts: 62member
    As a Lightwave user, Power would be very welcomed, so I hope apple has a quad line up this year. I'm currently renderng on a 400 mhz G4 tower and its pretty painful. Apple already has pretty much the whole movie, sound and graphic design industry so a quad set up would be very applealing to break into the 3d market. Lets hope they announce something special. Theres rumours apple have been trying to get into the CAD market so they must have something that could handle all the 3d stuff. Plus Final Cut Pro and Shake require alot of power. I wouldnt think apple would release a new set of machines just to break even with the pc world but rather push it up a gear and let the rest play catch up.

    In response to pscates, I think apple will carry on marketing their machines as the user friendly computer. Stuff like 64 bit power and dual 1.8 ghz power wont work on the public.. A simple "this is THE most powerul computer in the world" would make a much bigger impact to the public.

    Just imagine an imac advert in the not so distant future. Fully equiped with a 970 and they have children in the ad listening to music and making their own movies, where as the rest of us are using them for network render farms, servers, high end CAD, music production and Graphic design....Quality Nice!
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