Bustamante was (is?) a racist



  • Reply 21 of 227
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Actually this is a misconception.


    I think there are qualities in a president that both women and men want and when they see it in a female candidate that person will be elected.

    So you are telling me that that it is the qualities of a candidate that see that person gets elected.

    Not (say) family connections, powerful financial backing from 'interested' lobbies like petrochemicals etc.

    No, the reason why there's never been a woman or a black person elected is because they never had the qualities that all the white male presidents have had.

    There was no woman or black person in the country who could match GWB, for example, on all the qualities that make a good president: diplomacy, world knowledge, even-handedness to all lobbies, honesty, cool-headedness, foresight and so on.

    Or what did I miss?
  • Reply 22 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    What double standard?

    >McClintock was never in the KKK and if he had been I doubt he'd be where he is now.

    The point is that Bustamante was asked last week four times by Fox News if he now renounces MEChA.

    He never gave a direct answer to the question.

    If McClintok or anyone else running for office were in the KKK he would deserve the heat that he would take on the issue - especially if that person did not come clean on his present stance concerning it.

    Bustamante won't answer the question and deserves the heat he's taking if not more.>

    Thats what i mean by a double standard. Bustamonte is still in the race simply because he's a latino and not white. Had he been white and a member of a racist group he'd be gone.

    >Totally agree, but keep in mind that it's Grey Davis who signed SB60 today.

    He's trying to kiss anyones ass who might possibly vote for him.

    He rejected the bill twice in the past and back then, the bill had a lot more teeth.

    The current version left out two key provisions that were in previous versions that he vetoed:

    1. Every applicant must show proof of employment.

    2. Every applicant would have a felony background check.

    It's pure political BS (like the tripling of the car tax).

    I hate politics because issues like this. <

    Its just amazing to me whats going on. There should be more of an uproar about this. Problem is Americans dont take to the streets anymore, only organized minority groups.........................
  • Reply 23 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by bunge

    YES! Support paranoia!

    Its called throwing mindless idiots out of office........................
  • Reply 24 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Harald

    So you are telling me that that it is the qualities of a candidate that see that person gets elected.

    Not (say) family connections, powerful financial backing from 'interested' lobbies like petrochemicals etc.

    No, the reason why there's never been a woman or a black person elected is because they never had the qualities that all the white male presidents have had.

    There was no woman or black person in the country who could match GWB, for example, on all the qualities that make a good president: diplomacy, world knowledge, even-handedness to all lobbies, honesty, cool-headedness, foresight and so on.

    Or what did I miss?

    First I do think there are political families, and amazingly enough they have daughters as well as sons.

    It wasn't like the two female candidates I mentioned were complete outsiders (Dole/Clinton)

    Obviously it is hard for any one person to put together the right combination of factors/monied interests/connections/etc. to get elected president. However Hillary was able to do it as a carpet bagger to New York and so was Dole.

    The real point though is not that men are keeping women from being president. You claim this in some conspiratorial fashion. Women are the majority of the votes and could ultimately decide the winner. So women in addition to men must see qualitites/corrupt evil politics (depending upon how cynical you are) in men that they vote for as well as women.

    Perhaps both men and women show some conservatism in going for the surrest shot for the biggest prize. I don't know all the factors that everyone everywhere uses to vote. I just know that women are the majority and could easily elect a woman if they all agreed she were a good candidate.

  • Reply 25 of 227
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    The real point though is not that men are keeping women from being president. You claim this in some conspiratorial fashion.

    I just know that women are the majority and could easily elect a woman if they all agreed she were a good candidate.


    But the number of presidential candidate women has been ... let me see ... oh yes, zero. No-one has ever had the opportunity to vote for a woman yet.

    And we got here via affirmative action; what about black people?

    I don't claim a conspiracy. I claim a cold, stone hearted FACT. Being that the 'system' for want of a better word, excludes black people and women from high-paid jobs and positions of responsibility.

    It is NOT as if the best people get the jobs today, which is what many anti AA people claim. The level of white male incompetence is unnaceptable.

    I say again, was there no woman or black person out there who had better control of his / her emotions, was a better communicator, was smarter or 'intellectualy curious,' knew more about the world, was a natural bridge-builder, was more even-handed ... as the current President of the United States?
  • Reply 26 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Harald

    But the number of presidential candidate women has been ... let me see ... oh yes, zero. No-one has ever had the opportunity to vote for a woman yet.

    And we got here via affirmative action; what about black people?

    I don't claim a conspiracy. I claim a cold, stone hearted FACT. Being that the 'system' for want of a better word, excludes black people and women from high-paid jobs and positions of responsibility.

    It is NOT as if the best people get the jobs today, which is what many anti AA people claim. The level of white male incompetence is unnaceptable.

    I say again, was there no woman or black person out there who had better control of his / her emotions, was a better communicator, was smarter or 'intellectualy curious,' knew more about the world, was a natural bridge-builder, was more even-handed ... as the current President of the United States?

    There have been women candidates for President. They didn't end up getting the nomination of either of the two major parties, but there have been women "running" for President.

    Carol Moseley-Braun is running right now. Carol for prez I know Elizabeth Dole ran a while back. She ran against George Bush for the Republican nomination in 2000.

    So I can name two women right off the top of my head.

    Likewise your "system" doesn't exclude them. There is more to reality than some white men seeking to oppress others.

    How about oil refinery workers, for example. Women are underrepresented there yet you don't here them sceaming about wanting those jobs even though they are about 98% men. Why? Because they are profoundly dangerous (while also being high paying)

    98% of all workplace and job related deaths are men. Do you see women screaming for equality there?

    There is more to it than your BS assertions.

    However back on topic, Busamente is still a racist, casino whore who will raise taxes by over 8 billion dollars while not asking the Indian casinos for a cent.

    He will let the Indian casinos still hand their employees applications for medical, food stamps, etc while charging everyone else billions.

    In my newspaper today, an elderly senior couple wrote in to say they had to non-op their home which is their motorhome. They gotten their vehicle registration notice for it and the amount due was $1740 to register an 18 year old motorhome.

    And Democrats claim Republicans want the elderly to choose between medicine or food. That vehicle license fee is criminal.

    If we have to give illegals drivers licenses because driving is such a "right" and so necessary you can't get by without it, then why do Democrats raise vehicle license fees so high that people won't be able to register their cars?

    They didn't do it for road repair, or to pay for a new (fill in the blank) for the DMV. They used it to balance the budget. They are balancing the budget on the backs of the poor and elderly while claiming to be for the little guy.

    But that is their historical pattern. The income tax was once a tax on the top 1% of superrich income earners. Now it is on everyone. That is the nature of their game. Generate envy, then tax everyone.

  • Reply 27 of 227
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    Quite possibly the worst political analysis I've ever read.

    I don't see you doing any better. I don't even see you explaining your reasoning behind this statement. All I see is an inflammatory statement with no backing which I infer to be a personal attack aimed both at discrediting Fship and disrupting the thread.

    Hmm...I have a new bumper sticker to add to that most offensive bumper sticker thread..."One-liner insults are for pussies."
  • Reply 28 of 227
    I've researched the whole mecha thing and apparently that traslation of the slogan is a "selective" way of look ing at it.


    Mickey Kaus[*] points out that the now-notorious slogan ""Por La Raza todo. Fuera de la Raza Nada" doesn't mean "For the Race, everything. For those outside the Race nothing," but rather "By means of the Race, everything. Outside the Race, nothing" or "On behalf of the Race, everything. Outside the Race, nothing." But then Kaus continues to demand that Bustamante denounce the "For the race, everything," version.

    [More on the subtleties of Spanish, and in particular the meaning of the word por, from San Diego Soliloquies.[*] Suggested translation: "United we stand. Divided we fall." Update And it turns out, according to a reader, that "race" is not the primary meaning of "raza" as given by standard Spanish-English dictionaries. "Raza" can mean "family" or "kin group" or "affinity group." My reader suggests that Kaus should be embarazada, except that embarazada actually means "pregnant" rather than "embarrassed" On the evidence, Mickey -- who is a much nicer and more serious guy in real life than the character he plays in his blog --is no more capable of embarrassment than he is of pregnancy.]

    [Oddly, neither Kaus nor Reynolds is asking Schwarzenegger to renounce his support of a known Nazi war criminal for re-election as President of Austria[*], or his board membership in US English, which denounces efforts to teach emergency room personnel and paramedics in areas with large Spanish-speaking populations to speak enough Spanish to communicate with people who might otherwise die.[*] Nor does either of them point out how outrageous it is to compare MEChA's windy theorizing to the violence of the KKK, as Sen. McClintock has done.]
  • Reply 29 of 227
    If Cruz is a racist than Gerage Bush is a racist. His Yale Skull and Bones club desecrates the bones of a native american in every club ritual.

    Saying Cruz is a racist because he was in a harmless college club is silly. Did he ever give a racist speach? Did he ever partake in a lynching? Make a toast at his wedding to a Nazi? Try to prevent a white person from getting into a high school?

    Oh that's right I forgot... all democrats are racist.

    This whole argument is complete crap.
  • Reply 30 of 227
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    Originally posted by steve666

    Cruz Bustamante, Lt Gov of California who wants to unseat his own Governor, was a member of a racist Chicano group while he was in college. The groups motto was 'For the Chicano race everything, for everyone else, nothing'.]

    More BS from Steve 666. The group in question is M.E.Ch.A . and its motto is "La Union Hace La Fuerza," which means, "Unity Creates Power." MEChA members said another slogan that translates as "For the race, everything, for those outside the race, nothing" is not the group's motto, as reported by some news organizations, but was used by Chicano activists before MEChA was founded.

    Steve, switch off O'Reilly and FOX "news"...it's dumbing you down, and feeding you nonsense.

  • Reply 31 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    If Cruz is a racist than Gerage Bush is a racist. His Yale Skull and Bones club desecrates the bones of a native american in every club ritual.

    Saying Cruz is a racist because he was in a harmless college club is silly. Did he ever give a racist speach? Did he ever partake in a lynching? Make a toast at his wedding to a Nazi? Try to prevent a white person from getting into a high school?

    Oh that's right I forgot... all democrats are racist.

    This whole argument is complete crap.

    Then Kerry is a racist too because he also belongs to the Skull and Bones club. BTW, Kerry is a Democrat running for president.

    So you prove your sarcastic point, all democrats are racists.

    Actually Cruz did give a racist speech. He used the word n*gger and had a bunch of folks walk out on it. He claims (of course) that he misspoke. However we all know that the way you practice is the way you play. You couldn't misspeak or use a word that you don't already use commonly.

    It says alot about him.

  • Reply 32 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    More BS from Steve 666. The group in question is M.E.Ch.A . and its motto is "La Union Hace La Fuerza," which means, "Unity Creates Power." MEChA members said another slogan that translates as "For the race, everything, for those outside the race, nothing" is not the group's motto, as reported by some news organizations, but was used by Chicano activists before MEChA was founded.

    Steve, switch off O'Reilly and FOX "news"...it's dumbing you down, and feeding you nonsense.

    So what you are saying then is that he has denounced those people, racist chicano organizations, and also any seperatist or nationalist ideas??

    I thought not...


    "Yes, MEChA went through a nationalist period, but most people in this country went through a nationalist period," said Rodolfo Acuña, a professor of Chicano studies at Cal State Northridge who has worked with the local chapter.

    Acuña and others said MEChA is not affiliated with La Voz de Aztlan, which some have criticized as anti-Semitic, and does not advocate creating a separate "Aztlan" nation, despite reports to the contrary. Rather, references in MEChA literature about "liberating Aztlan" refer to improving the Latino community, they said.


  • Reply 33 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by sammi jo

    More BS from Steve 666. The group in question is M.E.Ch.A . and its motto is "La Union Hace La Fuerza," which means, "Unity Creates Power." MEChA members said another slogan that translates as "For the race, everything, for those outside the race, nothing" is not the group's motto, as reported by some news organizations, but was used by Chicano activists before MEChA was founded.

    Steve, switch off O'Reilly and FOX "news"...it's dumbing you down, and feeding you nonsense.

    Then why didn't he say that when he denounced the motto? Its possible for latinos to be racist, gringo.

    I get my news from many different sources, including that liberal rag, Newsday. If I ever run out of Quilted Northern I can always use that. ........................................
  • Reply 34 of 227
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    >[Oddly, neither Kaus nor Reynolds is asking Schwarzenegger to renounce his support of a known Nazi war criminal for re-election as President of Austria[*], or his board membership in US English, which denounces efforts to teach emergency room personnel and paramedics in areas with large Spanish-speaking populations to speak enough Spanish to communicate with people who might otherwise die.[*] Nor does either of them point out how outrageous it is to compare MEChA's windy theorizing to the violence of the KKK, as Sen. McClintock has done.]<

    US English is trying to make English the official language of the US, so that all Govmnt material is printed in English only. I support them 100%-it has nothing to do with ER's or anything else.............................................. .......
  • Reply 35 of 227
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by chu_bakka

    I've researched the whole mecha thing and apparently that traslation of the slogan is a "selective" way of look ing at it.


    Mickey Kaus[*] points out that the now-notorious slogan ""Por La Raza todo. Fuera de la Raza Nada" doesn't mean "For the Race, everything. For those outside the Race nothing," but rather "By means of the Race, everything. Outside the Race, nothing" or "On behalf of the Race, everything. Outside the Race, nothing." But then Kaus continues to demand that Bustamante denounce the "For the race, everything," version.

    [More on the subtleties of Spanish, and in particular the meaning of the word por, from San Diego Soliloquies.[*] Suggested translation: "United we stand. Divided we fall." Update And it turns out, according to a reader, that "race" is not the primary meaning of "raza" as given by standard Spanish-English dictionaries. "Raza" can mean "family" or "kin group" or "affinity group."

    Thank you chu_bakka....being fluent in Spanish I know this is correct. To suggest that the slogan is racist is simply idiotic, ignorant and irresponsible. The level of ignorance and stupidity on these AO boards is mesmerizing sometimes. Some people should just SU and research something before posting the ignorant and ridiculous crap they hear on the radio or watch on TV.

    On the issue of giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens....living in SoCal I can say that I feel safer knowing that said illegal aliens have taken and passed a driving test, know the traffic laws, carry insurance and identity records about them exist. Of course the little neocon wannabes would rather the illegal aliens remain annonymous, not carry auto insurance, and drive without knowing the traffic laws of our state. Brilliant!
  • Reply 36 of 227
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member

    Originally posted by BR

    Yes, there is a double standard but you are called a racist if you point it out. You are also called a racist if you don't believe in affirmative action, don't like welfare, or don't like the latte tax in Seattle.

    I suppose I will also now be called a racist because I think that it is STUPID to give ILLEGAL aliens driver's licenses in the state of California.


    Either racist, or worse, conservative.
  • Reply 37 of 227
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    On the issue of giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens....living in SoCal I can say that I feel safer knowing that said illegal aliens have taken and passed a driving test, know the traffic laws, carry insurance and identity records about them exist. Of course the little neocon wannabes would rather the illegal aliens remain annonymous, not carry auto insurance, and drive without knowing the traffic laws of our state. Brilliant!

    Oh, you'd feel safer?

    Do you realize that pretty much anyone can get a Taxpayer ID (the government admits that they do not do background checks on those who apply for one). With that they get the drivers license.

    Did you know that the Office of Homeland Security had no idea about this bill and were "alarmed" that such a bill was being signed?

    There are huge loopholes regarding the security of this bill, but it doesn't matter anymore.

    Today the bill gets chaptered which means that we have 90 days to gather 400,000 signatures to stop this bill from going into effect.

    Once they get the 400,000 signatures (which will be easy), the bill will be voted upon by the people and will be thrown into the trash where it belongs.

    Sign up at this site - Save Our License - and end this idiotic issue.

    Illegals should not be legitimized. If you want the benefits of living in the USA, there are simple and explicit ways to do it.
  • Reply 38 of 227
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    On the issue of giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens....living in SoCal I can say that I feel safer knowing that said illegal aliens have taken and passed a driving test, know the traffic laws, carry insurance and identity records about them exist. Of course the little neocon wannabes would rather the illegal aliens remain annonymous, not carry auto insurance, and drive without knowing the traffic laws of our state. Brilliant!

    Sure and knowledge of immigration laws stopped them from coming here illegally. Knowledge that driving without a license is wrong stopped them from driving and of course knowledge that you need insurance will of course make them get insurance.

    You have absolutely no proof of your contentions. Knowledge does not equal application or else they wouldn't have broken the immigration laws in the first place.

  • Reply 39 of 227
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Outsider

    Either racist, or worse, conservative.

  • Reply 40 of 227
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    I was obviously being sarcastic... I don't think Cruz or GHWB are racist.

    Arnold did give a toast to Kurt Waldheim... who IS a nazi.
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