Your most embarrassing moment



  • Reply 141 of 168
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    i just found a website dedicated to just the topic at hand. aqui
  • Reply 142 of 168

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    i just found a website dedicated to just the topic at hand. aqui

    good website, pretty funny
  • Reply 143 of 168
    My maist embarrassing moment came in front o' the cameras during a screen test for a major International acting role....

    Years ago my old pal Willie and I worked at Clachnacudden FC (Fitba' ye understand) as ground keepers; looking efter the grass, repairing the cludgies, cleaning the paper Bovril cups in time for the next match; that kind o' thing.

    One day a notice appeared in the village hall tae the effect that a film producer frae America wid' be arriving wi' a camera crew tae screen test potential candidates for a forthcoming animated documentary aboot everyday life in America.

    Well - we baith put doon oor names and on the day things were going weel for us baith - we fair looked the part wi' oor big ginger beards and cartoonesque features, but when I slipped whisky intae his tea at break time he put diesel frae the tractor intae my whisky and efter that I jist rolled aboot the flair burbling and roaring wi' laughter, and I couldnae remember my lines. He got the part and I got - in quick succession- an anvil, a grand piano and a heavy safe falling frae the sky right on tae my heid.

    The rest is history. He's noo a major international star reprising his groundskeeping role in a major televsion series aroond the world. Willie got the fame and the groovy chicks while I got the cludgies at Clach.

    Still, withoot wishing tae sound bitter I sometimes feel he comes across on the tv as being a wee bit two dimensional, no' tae say flat, but there ye go.
  • Reply 144 of 168
    I once went on a lunch date with a Lebanese girl (in a Lebanese restaurant on Edgeware Road, London?s little West Bank.) We were working together; we saw a lot of each other. This was our first date.

    Half-way through the meal, I asked her ?X, are your parents very rich?? (It had dawned on me that they might be rich.)

    She sighed and said that yes, they were indeed very rich, and she had learned to say so without any fuss because it was better than pretending.

    ?What do they do?? I asked. She replied that her father was the former owner of [very famous manufacturer of yellow bulldozers] and had just sold the company, which he formerly owned.

    OK. This ain?t the kind of thing that phases a Sabbah, and she?s nice enough, so we continue our lunch. I would pay.

    The bill comes. I proffer my card. ?I?m sorry, Sir?, they say, ?We don?t take Switch.?

    Damn. The embarrassment. I go to the cashpoint. It gives me no money. I have paid my rent that day, or the day before.


    I return to the restaurant.

    ?X?, I say, ?I have no money. I?m sorry.?

    She has no money either. So we get a lift in a white delivery van driven by a waiter, with her sitting on my lap, to her father?s mansion in Maida Vale, where she pops in and gets the money for the bill off her dad.

    We are still friends.
  • Reply 145 of 168
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by groverat

    I have never been caught masturbating.

    I shit my pants at work once... food poisoning. But no-one knew except me, I felt it and then got my ass home with a quickness, no speaking to anyone. E-mailed my boss, "Went home. Very sick. - Adam"

    I called a teacher "mom" in 4th grade, holy Jesus I wanted to curl up into a ball and die a thousand painful deaths.

    I called a teacher "Dad" in 4th grade. Yes, a female teacher.
  • Reply 146 of 168
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    well, i think the only solution in this case is to post an image of said award winning ass.

    that should settle things once and for all.

    How about if I post a 'state fair' image of a mule with a blue ribbon on the bridle?

    Wouldn't that be an "award-winning ass"?

  • Reply 147 of 168
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    did someone say cat fight? i want a live video feed.

    We could move the "altercation" to a low-rise vat of chocolate pudding. Whaddaya think?
  • Reply 148 of 168
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    i just found a website dedicated to just the topic at hand. aqui

    The one with the dog was pretty embarrassing. Cringe. Dogs can't seem to leave well enough alone, ever noticed that?

    (I LOVE dogs, though.)
  • Reply 149 of 168
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Sir Mac o' the Isles

    but when I slipped whisky intae his tea at break time he put diesel frae the tractor intae my whisky and efter that I jist rolled aboot the flair burbling and roaring wi' laughter, and I couldnae remember my lines. He got the part and I got - in quick succession- an anvil, a grand piano and a heavy safe falling frae the sky right on tae my heid.

    Still, withoot wishing tae sound bitter I sometimes feel he comes across on the tv as being a wee bit two dimensional, no' tae say flat, but there ye go.

    Well, Sir Mac, it was fate. He was more ruthless than you. Dog eat dog, and all that. But your life now is probably better than his, or at least just as good. So, no worries, eh?

    Btw, isn't diesel poisonous when ingested?????
  • Reply 150 of 168
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by Sir Mac o' the Isles

    Willie got the fame and the groovy chicks while I got the cludgies at Clach.

    Still, withoot wishing tae sound bitter I sometimes feel he comes across on the tv as being a wee bit two dimensional, no' tae say flat, but there ye go.

    Agh! <---Did I spell that right?
  • Reply 151 of 168
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    I am not stick-thin or fat, but 'just right'; and my ass actually won the title of 'best ass on campus', in an informal contest held by a fairly large group of males.

    I think that we may have found your membership subtitle, if you want it....
  • Reply 152 of 168
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    I think that we may have found your membership subtitle, if you want it....

    You mean: "Just right" ?

    Hmm. Well, it's a little ambiguous, don't you think?

    "Right" could mean 'accurate'; or 'conservative', 'Republican', 'right wing'.......
  • Reply 153 of 168
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by tonton

    Carol, please note that I let it go a long time ago.

  • Reply 154 of 168
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    You mean: "Just right" ?

    Hmm. Well, it's a little ambiguous, don't you think?

    "Right" could mean 'accurate'; or 'conservative', 'Republican', 'right wing'.......

    I actually was thinking of "Best ass on campus" (sorry), but "just right" would be great too, except for the difficulties you point out.
  • Reply 155 of 168
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    I actually was thinking of "Best ass on campus" (sorry), but "just right" would be great too, except for the difficulties you point out.

    Hi Chinney - Yes, I knew that's the title you meant. I was just fooling around about the other one.

    I think I'll 'pass' wrt that particular title for now.

    It's a little on the 'crass' side, don't you think? hehe

    My title on another board is "Peaches 'n' cream" (without the quotation marks).

    (That's my favorite bubble bath fragrance.) I do love bubble baths.
  • Reply 156 of 168
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    make it BAOC.
  • Reply 157 of 168
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    make it BAOC.

    "Baoc, baoc, baoc!"

    Sounds like a dog barking with a Hungarian accent.

    .....or maybe with a really bad cold.
  • Reply 158 of 168
    I definitely had my most embarrassing moment in my mind when I clicked "reply", but now I'm blanking.


    I guess I'll give a less-than-most embarrassing moment instead.

    I'm a swing dancer, but I haven't done it in a while. I'd say that I'm a decent dancer, but the other night I was dancing with one of the really, really good people. I mean, this guy is one of the best dancers in my town. Needless to say, I really didn't want to screw it up. So everything was going fine until he leads me in an incredibly basic turn, and I catch my feet on each other, and fall in the middle of the floor. Yes - I tripped over my own feet. What a moron I was. My only excuse is that I was out of practice, but still! I thought I was out of that awkward-leggy-teen stage years ago, but I guess not...

    Once I'm done being a blonde and can actually remember my most embarrassing moment, I'll be sure to tell all of you.
  • Reply 159 of 168
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    make it BAOC.

    I can see I'm never gonna live this down.
  • Reply 160 of 168
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    make it BAOC.

    BOAC - Britian in the sky

    BOAC - Britain in the sky

    Anyone remember that old airline commercial?

    "BOAC" was the British Overseas Airways Corporation, which merged with BEA to form the now "British Airways".

    I suppose that remembering that dates me. If I were still capable of embarassment, I would be by this post.
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