No new PowerMacs until March?



  • Reply 181 of 230
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member
    Actually... you all are right. "Within 12 months"

    Just give me my terabyte of SATA and no one gets hurt. I get my RevB and Apple gets (more) of my money. Wasn't that easy?
  • Reply 182 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by kupan787

    Actually Steve said "3GHz within 12 months" at WWDC. Then he changed this to "3GHz by the end of summer" (don't recall where, but it was a few months later, maybe september?). We already know that by the end of summer means by the end of September by Apple standards. So if we don't see the machine then, the stockholder lawsuits can fly

    It was at the Paris Expo where he changed his statement.
  • Reply 183 of 230

    Originally posted by sls

    No dual 2GHz? A very conservative prediction by macplus. 256MB RAM is not much these days... Old graphics cards. I wonder what prices we can expect.

    Why tell the world that the 970fx is good for 2,5GHz and then only offer 2,4Ghz?

    I'm kinda disappointed, expected 2,6 GHz. But an update is always good. The wait for 3 GHz doesn't seem to long now.

    Well... the G4-->G5 upgrade gave you everything and more... Why do you want it again already?

    I expect all of the 2 Ghz processors to go to the Xserve, and maybe a stockpile to go into the iMac soon?

    And note, if i remember correctly, noone from IBM or Apple has said anything about the FX reaching 2,5 Ghz... That came from newssite's and rumorsites...

  • Reply 184 of 230

    Originally posted by kupan787

    Actually Steve said "3GHz within 12 months" at WWDC. Then he changed this to "3GHz by the end of summer" (don't recall where, but it was a few months later, maybe september?). We already know that by the end of summer means by the end of September by Apple standards. So if we don't see the machine then, the stockholder lawsuits can fly

    An announcement of 3.0 Ghz G5's within 12 months, would still be on schedule! A shipment within 12 months of the original G5 shipdate, would also be on schedule!
  • Reply 185 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    Well... the G4-->G5 upgrade gave you everything and more... Why do you want it again already?

    I expect all of the 2 Ghz processors to go to the Xserve, and maybe a stockpile to go into the iMac soon?

    And note, if i remember correctly, noone from IBM or Apple has said anything about the FX reaching 2,5 Ghz... That came from newssite's and rumorsites...


    Microprocessor Report - 970fx

    There... straight from the horses mouth on IBM announcing 2.5 970fx's. That is from the OFFICIAL company that did the ISSCC conference. It took some digging but I found it.

    Most people aren't asking for a total revamp of the g5. We don't need 3ghz procs. The main complaint is they aren't changing anything but the PS and the PROC... no ram upgrade? No grahpics card upgrade? both ram and graphics card are over a year old. DDR533 has been out for 9 months. The 9800 has been out for 12 months that I know of. 9800xt has been out for at least 5. NVidia is stuck on 5200's?? Give me a break. This is potentially the weakest update I've seen from apple. I hope they modify the case for terabyte hd's. Say no to daisy chained hd's.
  • Reply 186 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I just wanted to say I've never seen a forum topic go on this long!

    This just shows how badly apple needed to update the powermacs... *shrugs*
  • Reply 187 of 230

    Originally posted by emig647

    Microprocessor Report - 970fx

    There... straight from the horses mouth on IBM announcing 2.5 970fx's. That is from the OFFICIAL company that did the ISSCC conference. It took some digging but I found it.


    Editor: The 970FX should yield well at 2.5GHz

    I see nothing except speculation.. (cant access the original link)


    Originally posted by emig647

    Most people aren't asking for a total revamp of the g5. We don't need 3ghz procs. The main complaint is they aren't changing anything but the PS and the PROC... no ram upgrade? No grahpics card upgrade? both ram and graphics card are over a year old. DDR533 has been out for 9 months. The 9800 has been out for 12 months that I know of. 9800xt has been out for at least 5. NVidia is stuck on 5200's?? Give me a break. This is potentially the weakest update I've seen from apple. I hope they modify the case for terabyte hd's. Say no to daisy chained hd's.

    I'd say a 400 Mhz speedbump is a lot...You think not? And I cant see why you need more ram/HD.. Just buy it!

    And dont expect Apple to jump on the latest wagon all the time... We've had PC-133 ram for years now... I would expect a ram/HD/more bays upgrade when it hit 3.0 Ghz!
  • Reply 188 of 230

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    I would expect a ram/HD/more bays upgrade when it hit 3.0 Ghz! [/B]

    I agree completely. This update to the systems is probably going to be more of an interum update. Just minor changes in specs here and there (wishfully...they'd give us lots of new stuff). I think when they hit the 3 ghz mark is when you're going to see more system changes (the ram, two optical drives, more hd bays...etc...). They'll probably hold off on the monitor upgrades until then too, because Jobs announced the 3 ghz last summer. THey're going to make as big a deal out of that as they can, and introduce as much as they can. That's just my opinion though. It'd be nice to get new monitors with the new round of upgrades.
  • Reply 189 of 230
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    the mac rumor sites are making very conservative predictions on the new g5's so that they'll be right--i can see up to 2.5 or 2.6, and wont be upset.
  • Reply 190 of 230

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    ...As far as RAM, though, I would rather pay for it after the fact cheaper, than have to pay Apple for RAM impregnated with Californium 252...



    Originally posted by SonOfSylvanus

    ...(not Apple RAM of course because it costs only just a little less than californium-252 -- ah Google...)

    [Insert homer_mad.gif here ]

    Patent Pending

    Patent Pending

    Patent Pending
  • Reply 191 of 230
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by SonOfSylvanus


    [Insert homer_mad.gif here ]

    Patent Pending

    Patent Pending

    Patent Pending

    Oh. For. Real.

    What kind of licensing fee can I pay you for referring to your original post?

    How about eleven cents and half a Hershey Bar? Cool?

    Hey everyone, I was referring to SonOf's Californium post. The author apologises for any confusion or trademark infringment. We now return to our regular thread.

    To me, internal storage is the whopper, along with 8x DVD burning. RAM and processor are secondary... but I think AAPL needs more than a 400Mhz bump in this revision... 2.6 would put us on track, methinks.
  • Reply 192 of 230
    eupfhoriaeupfhoria Posts: 257member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    the mac rumor sites are making very conservative predictions on the new g5's so that they'll be right--i can see up to 2.5 or 2.6, and wont be upset.

    You will be upset if Apple releases 2.8 Ghz?
  • Reply 193 of 230
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member

    Originally posted by emig647

    DDR533 has been out for 9 months.

    And what PCs are using it? Currently it is too expensive to hit Apple's price points. That they went with DDR400 was surprisingly progressive and unusual.


    The 9800 has been out for 12 months that I know of. 9800xt has been out for at least 5. NVidia is stuck on 5200's??

    The significance of the changes since the 9800 was released have been fairly minor (same for nVidia). Apple is probably waiting for the next big leap so that it is worth the investment. Revving products is expensive so they'll only do it if the payoff is worthwhile.


    Give me a break. This is potentially the weakest update I've seen from apple. I hope they modify the case for terabyte hd's. Say no to daisy chained hd's.

    Which update is that? I haven't seen Apple announce anything yet, and I'm sure the news sites would have had something.

    Sheesh, at least wait until Apple actually announces something before slamming them. The rumour sites are just grasping at straws since everybody expects a bump.
  • Reply 194 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Programmer

    Which update is that? I haven't seen Apple announce anything yet, and I'm sure the news sites would have had something.

    Sheesh, at least wait until Apple actually announces something before slamming them. The rumour sites are just grasping at straws since everybody expects a bump. [/B]

    if you paid attention you would have seen that I said the word "POTENTIALLY"...
  • Reply 195 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    To me, internal storage is the whopper, along with 8x DVD burning. RAM and processor are secondary... but I think AAPL needs more than a 400Mhz bump in this revision... 2.6 would put us on track, methinks.

    Internal storage is a big one. And you're right... ram and procs should come secondary.

    Apple does need a bigger bump than 400mhz... you're right. At least it would satisfy many peeps.

    As far as the DVD burning thing. If you buy a custom built g5 from apple... take out the superdrive and save $$. You get a really nice combo drive that is worth at least 50 dollars. Then go to some website like or and buy a pioneer 107... 8x for -/+R for 140 dollars. Now you have a really cool spare combo drive and a superdrive... and you saved 60 dollars .
  • Reply 196 of 230
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by emig647

    As far as the DVD burning thing. If you buy a custom built g5 from apple... take out the superdrive and save $$. You get a really nice combo drive that is worth at least 50 dollars. Then go to some website like or and buy a pioneer 107... 8x for -/+R for 140 dollars. Now you have a really cool spare combo drive and a superdrive... and you saved 60 dollars .

    How does that affect AppleCare coverage?
  • Reply 197 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    How does that affect AppleCare coverage?

    Thats why you keep around the combo drive in case something happens. But I believe the 107 would be the exactly the same as the superdrive that comes in them. I had a friend who said apple finally moved over to the 106 pioneer instead of the sony. I'm not really sure which they are using right now. But it would be very difficult for them to tell if you swapped the optical drives.
  • Reply 198 of 230

    Originally posted by emig647

    This is potentially the weakest update I've seen from apple.

    You must be new to this game. To me, a 400MHz speed bump is almost unbelievable. It wasn't so long ago that whole expos were built around 50MHz increases, new iMac case colors, or iCards.
  • Reply 199 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin

    You must be new to this game. To me, a 400MHz speed bump is almost unbelievable. It wasn't so long ago that whole expos were built around 50MHz increases, new iMac case colors, or iCards.

    As a rule of thumb technology doubles every 18 months. 18 months ago I would have been impressed. Just like I was impressed of apple going from 333->450mhz g4s. That was 4 years ago? Its time to have bigger updates. 100mhz isn't what it used to be.

    I've been in this game since 91. I remember when apple went from 33mhz to 66mhz on the 68040. There was also a ppc release in there at 66mhz too. That was a big thing back in 93 or 94 (can't remember off of the top of my head). That was also 10 years ago
  • Reply 200 of 230
    cowerdcowerd Posts: 579member

    As a rule of thumb technology doubles every 18 month

    What does that mean? The size of technology doubles? The weight of technology doubles? The number of technologies double? What is a technology?
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