No new PowerMacs until March?



  • Reply 141 of 230

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Why not just open the store with the new ones then, instead of wait a meaningless 3 days to update and remove those (2) PowerMacs?

    Because the Mayor couldn't reschedule? Face it, product annnoucements have little to do with Apple's retail store openings. Those are determined by contractor delays and building schedules.
  • Reply 142 of 230

    Originally posted by sls

    more pics from the SF store opening:

    notice the PM G5s and the banner, nothing new...

    I have no idea whether niloc gets his info from a good source or his arse but are you seriosly suggesting that the presence of G5 floor models in the new store precludes new G5 products on Tuesday? I mean,come on,they had to put something out there...
  • Reply 143 of 230

    Originally posted by Tomb of the Unknown

    Because the Mayor couldn't reschedule? Face it, product annnoucements have little to do with Apple's retail store openings. Those are determined by contractor delays and building schedules.

    I disagree, look at the iPod mini or most of Apple's products from their introduction to their shipping times. It has everything to do with a launching platform, though Apple has said it is trying to get away from big expo announcements, I havent seen that yet.
  • Reply 144 of 230
    slssls Posts: 51member

    Originally posted by cuneglasus

    I have no idea whether niloc gets his info from a good source or his arse but are you seriosly suggesting that the presence of G5 floor models in the new store precludes new G5 products on Tuesday? I mean,come on,they had to put something out there...

    If they have rev. bs ready why not use the PR around the opening to announce them? Who'll notice, us excluded, a speedbump-release tomorrow, tuesday? Just wond'ring aloud...
  • Reply 145 of 230
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    It is interesting to see the latest sales info. It does look like the PowerMac G5 have tanked as far as sales go. Thats pretty bad for technology only 8 months old.

    My impression is that Apple has no choice but to make significant improvements to the G5 as soon as possible. That means 3GHz in the next release and at a much more reasonable price point. The market is learning pretty fast just what the G5 is when the hype is removed.

    What the G5 is, is an expensive computer offering average performance. Apple needs 3GHz to be able to claim to be a market leader and they need this at a price point that does not seem absurd next to high end PC hardware. The 3GHz is not for marketing purposes, it is the level at which the 970 would be able to soundly beat the competition in just about any rational means of measure. 2.5Ghz simply won't give Apple that capability. Even if said computer actually did out perform the competition there still is the issue of price which is currently out of line with the market.

    So while you may worry about Rev B, rev A already has issues. If those issues are not addressed you will be lucky to see 50000 in unit sales per quarter. I'm not usre anymore what Apples goals are with respect to the desktop line. It appears that they will effectively market themselves out of existance in a couple of years. Obscene profits on hardware will not assure the survival of the company, if Apples marke tshare drops to low you will see a mass movement away from the platform. It will be effectively killed off as fast as the Amiga.




    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    with regards to a rev b g5 not selling well, its important to realize that while 3Ghz might ANNOUNCED not too long after a rev b comes out, the SHIPPING is a different story. anyone that needs a g5 to do work during the summer/pretty much up until september or october will need this rev b. there are tons of people like me that would have bought a few months ago if it werent for a new rev on the way.

  • Reply 146 of 230
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    It is interesting to see the latest sales info. It does look like the PowerMac G5 have tanked as far as sales go. Thats pretty bad for technology only 8 months old.

    I don't find that interesting at all. Powermac product refreshes should be every 6-8 months at which point sales will inevitably fall all. This is normal


    My impression is that Apple has no choice but to make significant improvements to the G5 as soon as possible. That means 3GHz in the next release and at a much more reasonable price point.

    You won't see 3Ghz. Powermac G5's maxing out at Dual 2.6Ghz would be just fine for $2999. I'm not seeing anything THAT hot out right now in X86. The next thing that really needs to happen(WWDC) is a new Xcode(2.0) with more optimizations in GCC. The G5s are fast machines but we're still not seeing all the speed we can. IBMs XLC compiler and further GCC tweaks are in order.


    I'm not usre anymore what Apples goals are with respect to the desktop line. It appears that they will effectively market themselves out of existance in a couple of years. Obscene profits on hardware will not assure the survival of the company,

    I don't know where your hyperbole is coming from with regards to "obscene" profits. Dell's Precision P4(single of course) workstation start out at $2799. Dave you're just beating the "Apple is too expensive" Dead Horse over and over again.

    A Dual 2.5Ghz 970FX system will sell oodles for the next revision. Speed is always a necessity. X86 is trudging along slowly but there is nowhere near the excitement they had a year ago with PC fanboys where screaming that Intel would be 4+ gigahertz by now. As always Apple is hear with decent machines and X86 is selling dreams.
  • Reply 147 of 230
    bzbz Posts: 40member
    New news on the AI homepage...

    They have it updates coming end of March/April because of ATI slowdowns on the 9800XT (256MB).

  • Reply 148 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by wizard69

    It appears that they will effectively market themselves out of existance in a couple of years. Obscene profits on hardware will not assure the survival of the company, if Apples marke tshare drops to low you will see a mass movement away from the platform. It will be effectively killed off as fast as the Amiga.

    You can't be serious? Apple has absolutely NO debt, They are making tons of money. Lets compare the g5 to your PeeCee's...

    1ghz Bus, PCI-X, FireWire2, HyperThreading, Dual Procs, Advanced Cooling, 8 maximum Ram... And an OS that is 100 times better then XP.

    Now find a pc that has all those features for a price WAY cheaper than that. I would like you to find a peecee with all of those features period.

    Apple isn't going any where. They just need to update their PowerMac line. People get sick of seeing the same computer for 8 months. Of course sales are going to dwindle off without any updates. Thats the name of the game for all computer manufactures.
  • Reply 149 of 230
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    Yeah, I'm on board for April releases because I just dont see Apple further slowing sales of their current lineup, just before the quarter's end, by releasing new models in the beginning of the third and final month of Q1. Looks like early Q2 releases.
  • Reply 150 of 230
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 393member

    Originally posted by wizard69

    It is interesting to see the latest sales info. It does look like the PowerMac G5 have tanked as far as sales go. Thats pretty bad for technology only 8 months old.

    My impression is that Apple has no choice but to make significant improvements to the G5 as soon as possible. That means 3GHz in the next release and at a much more reasonable price point. The market is learning pretty fast just what the G5 is when the hype is removed.

    What the G5 is, is an expensive computer offering average performance. Apple needs 3GHz to be able to claim to be a market leader and they need this at a price point that does not seem absurd next to high end PC hardware. The 3GHz is not for marketing purposes, it is the level at which the 970 would be able to soundly beat the competition in just about any rational means of measure. 2.5Ghz simply won't give Apple that capability. Even if said computer actually did out perform the competition there still is the issue of price which is currently out of line with the market.

    So while you may worry about Rev B, rev A already has issues. If those issues are not addressed you will be lucky to see 50000 in unit sales per quarter. I'm not usre anymore what Apples goals are with respect to the desktop line. It appears that they will effectively market themselves out of existance in a couple of years. Obscene profits on hardware will not assure the survival of the company, if Apples marke tshare drops to low you will see a mass movement away from the platform. It will be effectively killed off as fast as the Amiga.



    Dave - did you get out of the wrong side of bed or what?! Apple is okay with the PM G5s - it's a winner! Obviously there is something going on right now that has slowed the Rev B release - the video cards, SOC, 970FX - whatever - hasn't showed up yet. The real questions are more in the iMac area - when will the lower price/high margin consumer Mac's start coming? It's hard to see market share increase without it. I believe Apple's market share is okay, but it's at a risky level. A bomb or two, or another motorolla-type few years, could mean disaster. I'm hopeful that Apple is poised to have an elegant product line running the gambit from $700 - $3000, with a high performance to extreme performance range. The whole product line should be turned over in the next year. Relax! Because Apple & IBM are not!
  • Reply 151 of 230
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by JohnnyTwoToes

    I'm a professional illustrator and I'm in the market for a professional machine (obviously a dual g5). The reason why I'm STILL in the market is because of the rev b's on the horizon. Just posting here defeats your idea that "NO creative person" looks at the rumor sites. I need the machine asap, but I dont want to drop the cash on a machine that will be replaced by something more powerful for the same price in another month or two. I just want to get as much for my money as I can. That may be foolish to think that way considering i could be using it now, but hey, we creative people are CRAZY.

    No kidding, every creative person I know is all mental about something.
  • Reply 152 of 230
    tinktink Posts: 395member
    re: New S.F. store not having many G5's indicating an update.

    1) I don't think this would indicate anything in regards to releasing new G5's.

    2) I was @ the S.F. store yesterday and they had quite a few G5's taking up a good % of the desktop display areas.
  • Reply 153 of 230
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    the new AI report sums up delivery issues--go read it.
  • Reply 154 of 230
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    We may go yet another month without new CPU's on both the pro and consumer lines.

    I guess Apple is pretty confident with the ipod. \
  • Reply 155 of 230
    tombtomb Posts: 29member

    However, successive reports from independent sources have cited supplies of graphics cards as one of the possible culprits.

    How ironic if true. It appears that Apple is now suffering from the same problem that every other Mac owner has run into when trying to upgrade their graphics card. I still have dreams of waking one day and finding that the ATI All-in-Wonder is now Mac compatible.... fat chance
  • Reply 156 of 230
    Let it Rain !!!

    Apple is going to shell out a new PowerMac G5 revision today! Tuesday March 2nd.

    Yeah Baby, Yeah !!!

  • Reply 157 of 230
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by Dr_Holistic

    Let it Rain !!!

    Apple is going to shell out a new PowerMac G5 revision today! Tuesday March 2nd.

    Yeah Baby, Yeah !!!

  • Reply 158 of 230
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Back to the thread title.

    March is an eventful month for Nvidia, ATI, Future Technology, and Gaming.

    CeBIT is 18th - 24th of March

    The Game Developers Conference is the 22nd - 26th of March.

    Do you think Apple would show up at any of these with, IBM, and nVidia? I doubt it, but it's a good dream. This could be the triple threat. a 3GHz G5, and an nVidia NV40 based graphics card both the graphics GPU, and the Processors are Made by IBM?

    Here are the assumed specs:

    Summary of what we know (or think to know) about NV40 at the moment:

    nVidia NV40

    175 millions transistors, manufactured in 130nm by IBM

    8x2 architecture, but 16 Z/Stencil-test per cycle

    DirectX 9.0 architecture, supports shaders 3.0

    Doubled in number compared to NV38 and more efficient pixel shaders

    256 bit memory interface, supports DDR1, GDDR2, GDDR3

    Internal interface is AGPx8

    Exact clock-speeds: unknown; estimated 500-600 MHz core and 600-800 MHz memory

    Improvements for anti-aliasing: (at least) one new mode, its sub-pixel-mask is still unknown though

    Improvements for anisotropic filtering: unknown

    Presentation: CeBIT or GDC, end of March

    Market entry: end of April or beginning of May 2004

    Official name: GeForce FX 6XXX

    While first purchasable NV40 graphics cards can be expected around the end of April or the beginning of May.

    Here is a link to the story I got this from. LINK

    BTW. I'm going to use this post in 3 threads, because it's relevant in all of them.
  • Reply 159 of 230
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    I'm not particularly keen on a next gen nVIdia card, really.
  • Reply 160 of 230
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member

    I still have dreams of waking one day and finding that the ATI All-in-Wonder is now Mac compatible.... fat chance

    An ATI rep. claimed that upcoming All-In-Wonders would be Mac compatible late last year. It was on Ars Techinca's front page Expo news a while back.
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