No new PowerMacs until March?



  • Reply 201 of 230
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member
    That is why it is safer to guage an update by PERCENT GAIN rather than Mhz, MB, or GB.
  • Reply 202 of 230
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member
    Going to 2.4 is a 20% increase in speed. The question is - does that relate to a 20% increase in performance? I've read that a 10% speed increase on a Pentium results in only a 2 - 3% increase in performance. How will the G5 compare?

    To me the upgrade is really about moving tot he 90 nm G5's and I have a feeling that has required a bit of engineering, plus probably some revisions to Panther - read 10.3.3. The other issue is will this engineering work also cover the next revision this summer when the magic 3.0 is reached?

    As for Steve's comment on hitting 3.0 in a year, remember that an IBM VP came on stage and said 3.0 in a year. IBM's commitment for 12 months is rather impressive and, I think, dependable.
  • Reply 203 of 230
    tfworldtfworld Posts: 181member

    Originally posted by kenaustus

    As for Steve's comment on hitting 3.0 in a year, remember that an IBM VP came on stage and said 3.0 in a year. IBM's commitment for 12 months is rather impressive and, I think, dependable.

    I gotta agree here. I am thinking, again, that Apple and IBM have some kind of deal where Apple gets to announce the faster chips. Maybe they let IBM tell about the 2.4Ghz chips but not the faster ones???
  • Reply 204 of 230
    macmikemacmike Posts: 96member

    Originally posted by tfworld

    I gotta agree here. I am thinking, again, that Apple and IBM have some kind of deal where Apple gets to announce the faster chips. Maybe they let IBM tell about the 2.4Ghz chips but not the faster ones???

    Apple has learned theri lesson, and IBM is too smart (and conservative) to let Steve announce they will be at 3 Ghz without being almost absolutely sure it will happen. Really I wouldn't be surprised if they made it to (or at least announced) 3.2 or higher in that time frame.

    So... when will revisions be made? When 10.3.3 is out?
  • Reply 205 of 230
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    How does that affect AppleCare coverage?

    iDon'tCare .
  • Reply 206 of 230
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by kenaustus

    Going to 2.4 is a 20% increase in speed. The question is - does that relate to a 20% increase in performance? I've read that a 10% speed increase on a Pentium results in only a 2 - 3% increase in performance. How will the G5 compare?

    Chances are that the 970FX will perform better than the 970 at the same clock speed thanks to the SSOI technology. I am not sure though how performance is affected here by clock speed scaling.
  • Reply 207 of 230
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member

    Originally posted by PB

    Chances are that the 970FX will perform better than the 970 at the same clock speed thanks to the SSOI technology. I am not sure though how performance is affected here by clock speed scaling.

    No, the 970FX will not perform better per clock because of SSOI. SSOI enables it to run more efficiently - at lower power at the same frequency. To predict how a faster G5 will run compared to a slower, just check out benchmarks comparing the dual 1.8 and 2.0, as well as single 1.8 and single 1.6.

    Everything indicates that performance scales pretty well with clock speed increases, for the 970(fx).
  • Reply 208 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by cowerd

    What does that mean? The size of technology doubles? The weight of technology doubles? The number of technologies double? What is a technology?

    tech·nol·o·gy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tk-nl-j)

    n. pl. tech·nol·o·gies


    a) The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives.

    b) The scientific method and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective.

    2. Electronic or digital products and systems considered as a group: a store specializing in office technology.

    That help?
  • Reply 209 of 230
    cowerdcowerd Posts: 579member

    That help?

    No, however this may help you:


    Moore's Law

    The observation made in 1965 by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented.

  • Reply 210 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by cowerd

    No, however this may help you:

    Is that still true today? I know intel is around 100 million... g5 is around 58 mill?
  • Reply 211 of 230
    smalmsmalm Posts: 677member

    Originally posted by emig647

    Is that still true today? I know intel is around 100 million... g5 is around 58 mill?

    May be you missed per square inch ?

    Moore's Law is about the density of transistors on a chip not the quantity!

    But to your question: yes, sometimes they are behind and sometimes ahead of Moore's prediction. Chip technology advances in leaps.

    For Motorola it was quantum leaps

    And quantum leaps will be the end of Moore's Law...
  • Reply 212 of 230
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
    I spoke to an Apple "insider" today. He told me that Apple WILL release new G5s the week of March 15th-19th (on Mon or Tues probably). I know I, know, you dont believe me, but...
  • Reply 213 of 230

    Originally posted by dstranathan

    I spoke to an Apple "insider" today. He told me that Apple WILL release new G5s the week of March 15th-19th (on Mon or Tues probably). I know I, know, you dont believe me, but...

    Ya but this is what makes the week bearable, knowing that another exciting announcement from apple is just around the corner.
  • Reply 214 of 230
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by dstranathan

    I spoke to an Apple "insider" today. He told me that Apple WILL release new G5s the week of March 15th-19th (on Mon or Tues probably). I know I, know, you dont believe me, but...

    I think this why the online stores went down Friday evening (EST). They were testing for the update on Monday or Tuesday. This also coincides with the 10.3.3 update, which is said to be almost complete, and probably required for the new Power Macs, etc.
  • Reply 215 of 230
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Sorry folks, I posted in the wrong thread. I read two or three of them at once and I got confused. Sorry.
  • Reply 216 of 230
    beige_g3beige_g3 Posts: 203member
    Hmmmm....If Apple announces new machines this week how long until they actually ship one?\
  • Reply 217 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Beige_G3

    Hmmmm....If Apple announces new machines this week how long until they actually ship one?\

    Well lets see... we'll do the math.

    The XServes still haven't shipped. They were announced on Jan 6th. They have a shipping prediction of April 4th. We'll just call that 3 months even.

    The PowerMac sells about 6 times more then the XServe... soo

    3*6 = 18 months.

    Assuming the PowerMac is released next week... we're looking at: Sept 23rd '05

    Thats assuming that some college like VT doesn't buy all of them
  • Reply 218 of 230
    beige_g3beige_g3 Posts: 203member
  • Reply 219 of 230
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by emig647

    Assuming the PowerMac is released next week... we're looking at: Sept 23rd '05

    That'll be a nice b'day present for me, finally getting the computer I've ordered
  • Reply 220 of 230

    Originally posted by emig647

    I remember when apple went from 33mhz to 66mhz on the 68040.

    Well, I can remember when Apple Marketing decided to retroactively double the 040 Megahertz rating for no good technical reason. But I don't think Apple ever shipped a 66Mhz 040. Only 33Mhz and 40Mhz (Q840AV).
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