No new PowerMacs until March?



  • Reply 161 of 230
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Stoo

    An ATI rep. claimed that upcoming All-In-Wonders would be Mac compatible late last year. It was on Ars Techinca's front page Expo news a while back.

    That is good news. The more graphics card options for PowerMacs the better.
  • Reply 162 of 230
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    Why do you want more choices exactly? Apart form offering the Radeon 9600 for older macs (PMG4s etc) and putting more powerful cards in iMacs, there really isn't a need for more cards. Only perhaps the nVidia variant of the 9600 and 9800...

    That would be nice, and we should be expecting these, shouldn't we?
  • Reply 163 of 230
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by mattyj

    Why do you want more choices exactly? Apart form offering the Radeon 9600 for older macs (PMG4s etc) and putting more powerful cards in iMacs, there really isn't a need for more cards. Only perhaps the nVidia variant of the 9600 and 9800...

    That would be nice, and we should be expecting these, shouldn't we?

    That's pretty much what I mean. But I think the availability of a few cards BTO from each vendor would be huge selling points for Apple, and It would give users better choices to fit their needs.

    If the user is not graphics dependent, or strapped for cash, but wants the Mac they can get the low end. (most of the following cards should be updated soon, but it's just a reference): They can choose from say an ATI 9600 pro, or from the Nvidia pulldown the Geforce FX 5700. If your big on gaming, or use graphics dependant applications you should have the option of the best card's to choose from for that situation. Like the ATI 9800 XT Pro, or nVidia GeForce FX 5950 Ultra. If you have special requirement's or needs such as 3D you'll need a 3D card like the ATI FireGL Z1/X1, or the nVidia Quadro FX 3000. 2 great vendors to choose from 3 cards each. Doesn't seem like a lot compared to what the x86 side has to choose from, and I think it would make the PowerMac look far more attractive to many people.

    I personally believe the lack of graphics card options is the biggest reason would be switchers don't switch. That, and some speed/performance issues, but I think IBM has that taken care of, and it's soon to be completely over. They rule! Apple should be prepaired for that with graphics options to get more butts in seats of Mac desks.
  • Reply 164 of 230
    epromeprom Posts: 11member

    Originally posted by niloc

    PowerMac updates will be announced on March 2nd.

    You lose!!!
  • Reply 165 of 230
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    how bout march 23rd
  • Reply 166 of 230
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    I confess I didn't read the entire thread so this may have come up. IBM's Power Tune technology cuts the clock rate in half and drops the supply voltage from 1.3 V to 1.1 V, in the first step to running cooler, when computing demand is low. After that, it cuts clock rate even more, but the voltage stays at 1.1 V. It looks to me like Apple needs a new, fancy power supply to do the job of voltage reduction on demand. This supply might be one of the things slowing the schedule.

    From what I can tell, the Xserve likely runs at 1.1 V always, to keep power low. Those 970FX chips that do 2.0 GHz at 1.1 V in the Xserve can likely do 2.4 or 2.6 GHz at 1.3 V. I did a calculation that showed a 3.0 GHz 970FX at 1.3 V would dissipate just under 60 Watts. That's close to the present 2.0 GHz chip.
  • Reply 167 of 230
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    how bout march 23rd

    The new Mag'Plus rumor agrees 100% with you! Plus, they predict an all dual Power Mac line, 1.8 GHz, 2.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz.
  • Reply 168 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by snoopy

    I confess I didn't read the entire thread so this may have come up. IBM's Power Tune technology cuts the clock rate in half and drops the supply voltage from 1.3 V to 1.1 V, in the first step to running cooler, when computing demand is low. After that, it cuts clock rate even more, but the voltage stays at 1.1 V. It looks to me like Apple needs a new, fancy power supply to do the job of voltage reduction on demand. This supply might be one of the things slowing the schedule.

    From what I can tell, the Xserve likely runs at 1.1 V always, to keep power low. Those 970FX chips that do 2.0 GHz at 1.1 V in the Xserve can likely do 2.4 or 2.6 GHz at 1.3 V. I did a calculation that showed a 3.0 GHz 970FX at 1.3 V would dissipate just under 60 Watts. That's close to the present 2.0 GHz chip.

    GREAT!! More power supply issues... they can't even figure out the current power supply issues... but maybe bringing in a whole new power supply will get rid of current issues.

    There could be a 100 different things holding back the power macs from what I've read over the last few months. Power Supplys, Lack of new 970fx's, Fan redesign, Graphic Cards... the list goes on. I only wish I knew what the real problem was so I knew who to blame .
  • Reply 169 of 230

    Originally posted by Stoo

    An ATI rep. claimed that upcoming All-In-Wonders would be Mac compatible late last year. It was on Ars Techinca's front page Expo news a while back.

    Including their HDTV card?
  • Reply 170 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    This thread keeps sending me email updates, but this has been the last post on my browser for the last few days...
  • Reply 171 of 230
    slssls Posts: 51member

    Originally posted by PB

    The new Mag'Plus rumor agrees 100% with you! Plus, they predict an all dual Power Mac line, 1.8 GHz, 2.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz.

    No dual 2GHz? A very conservative prediction by macplus. 256MB RAM is not much these days... Old graphics cards. I wonder what prices we can expect.

    Why tell the world that the 970fx is good for 2,5GHz and then only offer 2,4Ghz?

    I'm kinda disappointed, expected 2,6 GHz. But an update is always good. The wait for 3 GHz doesn't seem to long now.
  • Reply 172 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by sls

    No dual 2GHz? A very conservative prediction by macplus. 256MB RAM is not much these days... Old graphics cards. I wonder what prices we can expect.

    Why tell the world that the 970fx is good for 2,5GHz and then only offer 2,4Ghz?

    I'm kinda disappointed, expected 2,6 GHz. But an update is always good. The wait for 3 GHz doesn't seem to long now.

    I almost agree completely. Honestly if this is the computer that is going to be released, then i'm pretty pissed off. No ram upgrade, No Graphics Card upgrade, No Case upgrade, No HardDrive upgrade, just a 400mhz speed bump on each proc? Lets hope they upgrade that damned Power Supply. I assume they will have to since the 970fx is power variable. They will have to drop the prices on these machines if that is all they do.

    I know they had to upgrade the motherboard for this new chip. If they are going to upgrade the motherboard why not use modern ram?? I seriously doubt apple is going to use DDR400 ram again.

    The more I think about it the more I realize that these predictions have to be off. Offering 256mb ram in the Professional Lineup has to change. Also ddr400... I can't picture apple using it again... since 533 has been out for so long.

    Could you imagine apple using the exact same cards in these machines that they released 7-8 months ago? This prediction is a bad one IMHO.

    And you're right, 2.4 does seem weird since IBM announced 2.5s... really awkward. How would this european site know more than american companies? The g5 is made locally.

    THe part I disagree on is the 3 ghz is off further then most think. Apple isn't going to release this update than release 3ghz 3-4 months later. They will milk the next update just like they milk every update they have ever made. Most are claiming apple won't even hit 3ghz this year but instead will hit 2.8ghz. Wouldn't that be a critical blow to predicitons?
  • Reply 173 of 230
    slssls Posts: 51member

    Originally posted by emig647

    THe part I disagree on is the 3 ghz is off further then most think. Apple isn't going to release this update than release 3ghz 3-4 months later. They will milk the next update just like they milk every update they have ever made. Most are claiming apple won't even hit 3ghz this year but instead will hit 2.8ghz. Wouldn't that be a critical blow to predicitons?

    Bad formulation. What I meant was that I'd rather wait for the "holy" 3GHz model than buy a 2.4, can't explain it, psychologically... (Only thing is that I'll need a new PM before September/October, so I'll probably buy the 2.4)

    I hope "most" are wrong. SJ not being able to fulfill his promise and deliver the worlds fastest PC would give the PC-world a long good laugh.
  • Reply 174 of 230
    kanekane Posts: 392member
    I am still thinking that the next PowerMac upgrade will bring G5:s at 3GHz. But I am crazy for believing that, perhaps...
  • Reply 175 of 230
    chaserchaser Posts: 63member

    Originally posted by KANE

    I am still thinking that the next PowerMac upgrade will bring G5:s at 3GHz. But I am crazy for believing that, perhaps...

    I hope you are crazy (right).

    I am crossing my fingers, and holding my breath!

    It's gonna be my first Mac ever, so it's gotta be good!
  • Reply 176 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by sls

    Bad formulation. What I meant was that I'd rather wait for the "holy" 3GHz model than buy a 2.4, can't explain it, psychologically... (Only thing is that I'll need a new PM before September/October, so I'll probably buy the 2.4)

    I hope "most" are wrong. SJ not being able to fulfill his promise and deliver the worlds fastest PC would give the PC-world a long good laugh.

    You're right.. they will be laughing. It wouldn't be the first promise SJ has broke. I can think of so many...

    One thing though. Everyone keeps referring to what he said as a "promise". He didn't promise anything. If I recall correctly he said if everything works out correctly we could have 3ghz this time next year. I could be wrong though.

    Again the more I talk to people and think about it... these rumors aren't holding true. A tiny 400mhz speed bump for each proc is not all they will do. I'm not too worried actually. But I'm in the same boat as you. i can't wait until october for a new machine. I don't have a mac any more because I sold it thinking they would be out by now... I have a Select ADC account and I can't even use the tools I get every month... it sucks!

    But again... these macs will scream and still be more than I'll need for a long long time. Programmers don't need all that great stuff any ways. But I will need Photoshop to fly. So we'll see...
  • Reply 177 of 230
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by emig647

    A tiny 400mhz speed bump for each proc is not all they will do. I'm not too worried actually. .

    I'd be interested in what other promises he has not delivered on. Not for the purpose of creating an arguement, rather to soften the crushing trauma from it maybe not happening. I tend to take the word "promise" seriously... did he actually use that word at the keynote? I don't remember, I was catatonic from the spectre of the G5. What else has he fudged on?

    I have decided that if we see 2.6 with a terabyte of internal as an option and 512+ RAM standard, I am there. As far as RAM, though, I would rather pay for it after the fact cheaper, than have to pay Apple for RAM impregnated with Californium 252.

    I am at the end of my rope with a daisy-chained Firewire HD nest. I want it internal and fast, and the case can certainly do it. A new display would be nice, too.
  • Reply 178 of 230

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    I'd be interested in what other promises he has not delivered on. Not for the purpose of creating an arguement, rather to soften the crushing trauma from it maybe not happening. I tend to take the word "promise" seriously... did he actually use that word at the keynote? I don't remember, I was catatonic from the spectre of the G5.

    All he said was that they would be at 3 ghz in a year.No promise.Nothing about "if all goes well".What he didnt say was that 12 months to the day you would be taking home a 3 ghz machine.If they are delivering 3 ghz machines by the end of the summer in September I consider that a "promise" kept.No one should be upset about that.
  • Reply 179 of 230

    Originally posted by emig647

    I almost agree completely. Honestly if this is the computer that is going to be released, then i'm pretty pissed off. No ram upgrade, No Graphics Card upgrade, No Case upgrade, No HardDrive upgrade, just a 400mhz speed bump on each proc? Lets hope they upgrade that damned Power Supply. I assume they will have to since the 970fx is power variable. They will have to drop the prices on these machines if that is all they do.

    I actually don't want anything more than the upgrades you listed. I had a dual G5 and totally got burned by video issues, costing me enourmous amounts of time before (and after!) I returned it. So I'd rather they do a very small update that fixes all the bugs of the current machine, so that I can repurchase one with all the fixes.

    Adding new features is much more likely to add new bugs...
  • Reply 180 of 230
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member

    Originally posted by cuneglasus

    All he said was that they would be at 3 ghz in a year.No promise.Nothing about "if all goes well".What he didnt say was that 12 months to the day you would be taking home a 3 ghz machine.If they are delivering 3 ghz machines by the end of the summer in September I consider that a "promise" kept.No one should be upset about that.

    Actually Steve said "3GHz within 12 months" at WWDC. Then he changed this to "3GHz by the end of summer" (don't recall where, but it was a few months later, maybe september?). We already know that by the end of summer means by the end of September by Apple standards. So if we don't see the machine then, the stockholder lawsuits can fly
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