No new PowerMacs until March?



  • Reply 121 of 230
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by ebolazaire

    Then why would anyone ever buy anything? There is always going to be a faster machine coming down the pipeline.

    Plenty of people don't ever visit this forum and have no idea that new machines are on their way

    Seems like these two contradict. Do buyers know or not?

    Check my reply to BRussel on page 1 of this thread. PowerMac sales always slow at the end of a cycle... its simple logic. \
  • Reply 122 of 230
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member
    Trust me emig, I am right there with you. I will be on the phone the day of release. The problem (and maybe blessing) is that we rarely know why Apple does not release products when expected. It could be spacing products for max effect, and that well, just sucks. It might be for the testing purposes I stated earlier. It may be waiting for shippable supplies of machines or processors. It could be clearing current stock to maintain margins on current models. It could be because Steve cut himself shaving, got irritated, and thought "screw 'em, we can milk the original G5 for another six weeks."

    We just don't know. If it is "artifical" like spacing for drama or some such nonsense, then that is AAPL just being shyttie, IMHO.

    If it is "legit" like supply issues, or testing, or whatever, then OK. I will wait until the time is right.

    (sorry for the double post)
  • Reply 123 of 230
    slssls Posts: 51member
    If new models (up to 2.5GHz) are announced/released late March or early April, how will they sell? Most Mac-enthusiasts know that 3Ghz will come late summer. And during summer-holiday you go out in the sun and care little about the IT-world. So the wait from april to release of the 3GHz-beast doesn't seem that long...
  • Reply 124 of 230
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by sls

    If new models (up to 2.5GHz) are announced/released late March or early April, how will they sell? Most Mac-enthusiasts know that 3Ghz will come late summer. And during summer-holiday you go out in the sun and care little about the IT-world. So the wait from april to release of the 3GHz-beast doesn't seem that long...

    no need to wait - imho the dual g5 3ghz comes in march or early april, g5 PB at wwdc, and new imacs in gay-pari (apple expo in paris)
  • Reply 125 of 230
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    no need to wait - imho the dual g5 3ghz comes in march or early april, g5 PB at wwdc, and new imacs in gay-pari (apple expo in paris)

    Also, if 2.5's do come out in march/april... then you can count on the dual 3ghz not coming out until at LEAST october. Apple isn't going to update that line that quick.
  • Reply 126 of 230
    slssls Posts: 51member

    Originally posted by emig647

    Also, if 2.5's do come out in march/april... then you can count on the dual 3ghz not coming out until at LEAST october. Apple isn't going to update that line that quick.

    Steve Jobs gave his word... Still, there is a difference between announcing and actually start shipping. I'd rather have my PM in April/May than October/November. July/August however doesn't seem that far away...
  • Reply 127 of 230
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    depends on what you're waiting for:

    -a new powermac you don't really need

    -a new powermac you desperately needed for 2 years already or

    -your girlfriend to return from a one year stay in France...
  • Reply 128 of 230
    slssls Posts: 51member

    Originally posted by G-News

    -your girlfriend to return from a one year stay in France...

    Get your point. Waiting for her to come back from at two months stay in Tibet felt like a year...

    The PM will really not be needed before August, then again October will be to late. It'll be used extensively for Matlab/Simulink and ArchiCAD. Some simulations can take up to a day on my (2,6 year old) iBook/500, so I'm looking forward to getting something faster
  • Reply 129 of 230
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by sls

    Some simulations can take up to a day on my (2,6 year old) iBook/500, so I'm looking forward to getting something faster

    <flips through papers>

    Yea, sls, you can get in that line right over there, the "NEED" a G5 line...
  • Reply 130 of 230
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by G-News

    -your girlfriend to return from a one year stay in France...

    Ergh. The creepy thing about you popping out that one is that's exactly where the lady I am currently seeing is headed and it currently looks as if she'll be heading there for 8 months to a year. To make matters worse my year is so full I won't be able to visit until March 2005 or later. I therefore think I will be consoling myself with the biggest fastest computer I can find
  • Reply 131 of 230
    with regards to a rev b g5 not selling well, its important to realize that while 3Ghz might ANNOUNCED not too long after a rev b comes out, the SHIPPING is a different story. anyone that needs a g5 to do work during the summer/pretty much up until september or october will need this rev b. there are tons of people like me that would have bought a few months ago if it werent for a new rev on the way.
  • Reply 132 of 230
    PowerMac updates will be announced on March 2nd.
  • Reply 133 of 230

    Originally posted by niloc

    PowerMac updates will be announced on March 2nd.

    Do you know? Or are you just guessing
  • Reply 134 of 230
    Dont do this man, lies do jokes at pathetic people's expense.\
  • Reply 135 of 230
    slssls Posts: 51member

    Originally posted by niloc

    PowerMac updates will be announced on March 2nd.

    You forgot the PowerBook G5 and iMac G5... they'll be released on tuesday as well...

    Not good PR to fill up a flagship apple store with old power macs, but hey.. I'm not here to judge...
  • Reply 136 of 230
    notice how the new store had minimal PowerMacs, I could only count two myself.
  • Reply 137 of 230

    Originally posted by niloc

    notice how the new store had minimal PowerMacs, I could only count two myself.

    Why not just open the store with the new ones then, instead of wait a meaningless 3 days to update and remove those (2) PowerMacs?

    niloc, what do you actually know and why do you say it in such a tone? Explain yourself young man.
  • Reply 138 of 230
    slssls Posts: 51member
    more pics from the SF store opening:

    notice the PM G5s and the banner, nothing new...
  • Reply 139 of 230
    Believe what you will.
  • Reply 140 of 230

    Originally posted by niloc

    Believe what you will.

    Should I believe you? Are you very positive about this prediction?
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