Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 1101 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    There must have been something wrong with it. My HD DVD add-on doesn't make a sound, and the xBox stays as quiet as it does when you're just sitting at the dashboard.

    Theres something wrong with ALL of them.
  • Reply 1102 of 2639
    I'd recommend this as further reading to Onlookers post above.
  • Reply 1103 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Electronic Arts estimates that Sony’s PS3 will outsell Microsoft’s Xbox 360 during 2008, while the Wii will remain the clear frontrunner in the home console market. Link

    While Sony has cut its internal PS3 sales target for the current fiscal year, and EA has admitted that PS3 development hurdles have not yet quite been cleared, the mega-publisher behind the Madden and FIFA franchises expects Sony’s next-gen console to sell up to 5.5 million units more than Microsoft’s Xbox 360 across Europe and the US during 2008.

    According to EA’s internal estimates, Sony will sell between 4.5 and 5.5 million PS3s in the US and 5 to 6 million PS3s in Europe during 2008 – that’s 9.5 to 11.5 million units in total.

    Microsoft, on the other hand, is expected to sell 4.5 to 5.5 million Xbox 360s in the US, but only 1.5 to 2.5 million units in Europe, so between 6 million and 8 million units altogether.

    EA also forecast that Nintendo’s Wii will outsell both rival systems, shifting between 5.5 and 6.5 million units in the US and 6.5 to 7.5 million units in Europe, totaling between 12-14 million units.

    US and European PS2 sales estimates range between 3.9 and 4.9 million units in total.

    EA therefore estimates that total home console sales for the two regions during 2008 will range between 31.4 and 38.4 million units.

    The company also expects Nintendo’s DS to dominate the handheld market, shifting between 14 and 16 million units, in comparison to PSP sales of between 6 and 8 million units. Combined handheld unit sales would therefore total between 20 and 24 million.

    EA stresses that its estimates may not reflect the views of the hardware manufacturers, and that its predictions are subject to alterations.

    Last week Codemasters’ CEO Rod Cousens told Next-Gen that he also expects Sony’s PlayStation 3 to gather sales momentum over the coming years
  • Reply 1104 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Whatever you think "Grasshopper"

    Somethings you think. Somethings you just know.

    Look I just want the HD DVD bashing to stop. It's lost the war but hasn't given in yet. So what?

    BR supporters ( and I'm counting you as one based on what you've said in numerous posts ) should concern themselves with making their product more attractive to the average consumer over just sticking with DVD. You aren't going to attract them with all that negativity. Ok so you talk about PS3s and all those figures. You act like BR's got it in the bag. It's a long way from that.
  • Reply 1105 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by jimmac View Post

    Somethings you think. Somethings you just know.

    Look I just want the HD DVD bashing to stop. It's lost the war but hasn't given in yet. So what?

    BR supporters ( and I'm counting you as one based on what you've said in numerous posts ) should concern themselves with making their product more attractive to the average consumer over just sticking with DVD. You aren't going to attract them with all that negativity. Ok so you talk about PS3s and all those figures. You act like BR's got it in the bag. It's a long way from that.

    lol. This is as pathetic as any post i've ever seen. "It's a long way from that." Toshiba has stated that HD-DVD players are now to be sold as DVD upscales. Not HD-DVD players but upscaling DVD players. Your kidding right? HD-DVD is a long way from what? Being bio-degradable?
  • Reply 1106 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Read his post again. He's talking about Blu-ray being more attractive to the average consumer over just sticking with DVD. Blu-ray is a long way from that. He's saying that kicking HD DVD when it's down is working against that goal.

    So what do you do in response? You pretend he was talking about HD DVD in that sentence so you can bash HD DVD some more.
  • Reply 1107 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Read his post again. He's talking about Blu-ray being more attractive to the average consumer over just sticking with DVD. Blu-ray is a long way from that. He's saying that kicking HD DVD when it's down is working against that goal.

    So what do you do in response? You pretend he was talking about HD DVD in that sentence so you can bash HD DVD some more.

    I was not pretending anything. You interpreted his statement in a different way than I am. I think he was running off about one thing, and then digressed back into another argument. It's not coherent either way though. I can see how it could be borderline on one or the other.
  • Reply 1108 of 2639
    Originally Posted by jimmac View Post

    Somethings you think. Somethings you just know.

    Look I just want the HD DVD bashing to stop. It's lost the war but hasn't given in yet. So what?

    BR supporters ( and I'm counting you as one based on what you've said in numerous posts ) should concern themselves with making their product more attractive to the average consumer over just sticking with DVD. You aren't going to attract them with all that negativity. Ok so you talk about PS3s and all those figures. You act like BR's got it in the bag. It's a long way from that.

    I am not employed by or affiliated with the BDA, so I don't have to do anything. There have been people here posting the most FUD-tastic crap for the last 3ish years, eventually I decided to post to counter it.

    If one cannot take the heat, it is best to leave the kitchen.

    Did you read the link I provided?
  • Reply 1109 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    lol. This is as pathetic as any post i've ever seen. "It's a long way from that." Toshiba has stated that HD-DVD players are now to be sold as DVD upscales. Not HD-DVD players but upscaling DVD players. Your kidding right? HD-DVD is a long way from what? Being bio-degradable?

    So extrapolating this point a bit further, I guess people were right when they claimed the HD DVD spec was "finished" .
  • Reply 1110 of 2639
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Ok, i've finally fallen off the fence... and am picking up a 40GB PS3 @ CC on the way home today. They're offering a free sony remote with the $400 PS3.

    Rationalization? Gotta have some excuse right?

    Mine is that both my DVD player and network-media-player's DVD drive are on the fritz. Plus, the network-media-player (AVeLinkPlayer II) doesn't support some of the newest rips I've run across. The PS3 will replace both.

    I still consider both formats to have originated in a rather anti-consumer manner. But I'd rather be watching movies than making a moral/economic stand. I still wish that Hollywood was willing to give us high-res h264 on regular DVDs. It wouldn't have have been as "HD" as the current offerings, but I think it is closer to what consumers wanted. We would have had HD without having to buy expensive players.

    To top things off, my second choice would have been HD-DVD.

    So in the end, the strong-arm tactics have worked. I'm buying an expensive product built to holywood's ideals rather than my own. They've won. I've given up and am forking over the money. But at least I'll be watching HD movies tonight... just with a wallet much lighter than it could or should be.
  • Reply 1111 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    On the bright side, that is a nice machine and fairly future-proofed as well.
  • Reply 1112 of 2639
    Warner will be releasing some of their catalog titles this year on BD. Two of the titles I'm particularly interested in are Casablanca and Adventures of Robin Hood. I'm wondering if Corey, bite, Fish or any other HD owner could comment on PQ for the HD-DVD releases of those movie and perhaps compare it to The Searchers, the only BD Warner catalog title I've watched.
  • Reply 1113 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Great Reading on the Truth about HD-DVD, Players, and People.

    Most recent Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD Numbers to date.

    Read the headlines on EGM also.

    you love posting crap dont you?

    that guys blog is flat out retarded. he fails to realize many things in his ignorant comments about the U.S video game market as well as all the journalists that cover it.

    "hardcore" gamers is the reason he gave because he didn't understand why people were lashing out at the PS3. so, why then did most magazines, journalists, blogs,etc talk so favorably about the Wii before launch? The wii is definitely not a "hardcore" machine.

    the 360's failure rates have been plastered all over messageboards and news sites. there is no hiding the fact that microsoft pushing its console out early resulted in these failure rates but it is forgiven and not because of "u.s being microsofts home base"

    what an a55hat, it's because the 360 actually has GOOD GAMES!!!!! omg, what a novel concept, a gaming machine with good games! lmao.

    sony has done what they have always done- feed hype, promise the world but only in the future, and then (like they did with the ps2) under deliver. the thing about the ps2 was that it entered enough homes to gain a substantial lead before the xbox had a chance to get developer support (it was the more powerful system at the time).

    the PS3 has had nothing to be happy about yet. yes, it is a bluray player, thats a good for some, but overall the better gaming is being had on the 360. until the ps3 pulls out some damn good games i dont see the point in getting one besides the bluray player.

    also, you can sit here and post numbers on how the ps3 sold this and this to retailers. thats a bit different than gaming machines actually sold there bud. dont make me post holiday sales figures for you to chew on, or do you want me to? really?

    if there is going to be any talk about nationalism it should be in regards to the love that japan has for everything Sony. i mean, afterall, the company did basically save that country.
  • Reply 1114 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    *bundles of nonsense*

    Oh, I missed you.

    So you simply disagree with EVERYONE (journalists/analysts/writers) that keep coming out and saying that the PS3 is going to pull ahead? And what is this nonsense about it having no GREAT games?

    Clearly you've never played Uncharted. PS3 has great games. Of COURSE not as much. It hasn't been out as long. Sure, it's library is small. It shouldn't be this small. But it does consist of some great games. And what's this about it having nothing to be happy about? I'm COMPLETELY happy with my PS3. And I have LOADS of stuff to look forward to.

    And how did he posted crap? He posted statistics, and a cover of a gaming magazine that said 2008 will rock for the PS3. How is that crap?

    It's a shame your pride keeps getting in the way, you're missing out.

    Anyway, be sure to post back! I missed hearing your non-crap!

  • Reply 1115 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    you love posting crap dont you?

    that guys blog is flat out retarded. he fails to realize many things in his ignorant comments about the U.S video game market as well as all the journalists that cover it.

    "hardcore" gamers is the reason he gave because he didn't understand why people were lashing out at the PS3..........

    OK, lets stop right there and get the facts straight. #1 your not even quoting the blogger, your taking a different post, and meshing it in with your rant. The part that I thought was interesting in the blog is where I highlighted the facts about player sales that was announced by toshiba themselves. THey did not outsell Blu Ray in stand alone payers last year.

    The thing about the PS3 I posted was a quote from EA, and the cover to EGM. If you want to know why EGM says PS3 is going to be so awesome in 2008 buy the issue. But I will give you a hint. It's about the games. If you want to know why EA games (the biggest game maker there is) says the PS3 will outsell the 360 in 2008 look up the quote from EA games. But please stop crying about it.
  • Reply 1116 of 2639
    It's a shame Sony's MLB The Show series blows out ANY baseball game done by EA. Or anyone, for that matter.
  • Reply 1117 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    As you have bought an HD-DVD player, does that mean you are financially irresponsible? it would go a long way to explaining some of the FUD you post.

    Yes. Yes I am. $2500 televisions, $400 game consoles, plus $180 accessories is money that could be better invested. For further proof of how wasteful and gluttonous we Americans are, just look at our President's proposed 3.1 trillion dollar annual budget.
  • Reply 1118 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    They've been touting the success of the PS3 for a long time now- before launch, during launch, now waiting for the "magic" 2008 right? that metal gear image you see on that mag was shown a year ago. when you have a commercial (as sony so often does) showing games that wont release for another 3 years (final fantasy was shown and being hyped since launch) there is a problem.

    yeah, i've been hearing about the greatness of the PS3 since before launch. all the false features they had shown, floating point calculations, this, and that. now i hear from the sony camp "just wait, wait a little longer, PLEASE, its gonna get good! we promise!"

    again, if it wasn't for the japanese market the ps3 would have completely tanked but we'll see where 2008 goes.
  • Reply 1119 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Most recent Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD Numbers to date.

    Uh oh, HD DVD is back up to 26%, with a couple of older titles back on the top 10. Maybe people are starting to buy those cheap players?

  • Reply 1120 of 2639
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Yes. Yes I am. $2500 televisions, $400 game consoles, plus $180 accessories is money that could be better invested. For further proof of how wasteful and gluttonous we Americans are, just look at our President's proposed 3.1 trillion dollar annual budget.

    There are hordes of Windows and Linux enthusiasts who think all Mac users are financailly irresponsible and technically ignorant.
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