Never too early for MWSF predictions....

in Future Apple Hardware edited July 2014
Now that it's confirmed that Steve is giving the keynote, let's start speculating what's going to be announced at MWSF.

First: Mac OS X Leopard adoption.
  • "Fastest adoption rate of any Mac OS X release".

Next: iPod + iTunes.
  • "iPod continued to be very successful."

  • New movie studio partner: 20th Century Fox... Rupert Murdoch comes on stage.

  • iTunes 8: now with movie rentals

  • "Phenomenal success story"

  • 2 things held back 3G iPhone: power consumption and 3G network availability in USA

  • "We found a partner that solved the power issue, and AT&T will be rolling out 3G to 80% of the US population by midyear"

  • iPhone 3G: 8 GB and 16 GB models for $399 and $499; 8 GB "iPhone classic" is now $299... but FCC has to approve it first, approval is expected by April

Now: The Mac
  • "Mac market share is continuing to skyrocket"

  • Blu-ray Disc now available on select iMac and MacBook Pro models

  • New Apple ATSC/CableCard Tuner: Plugs into FireWire port of any Intel-based Mac, integrates with Front Row, $149

Oh, and one more thing...
  • "People have been asking for a subnotebook from us for years. But we didn't want to compromise anything."

  • Two and a half years in the making... the MacBook nano

  • True full featured subnotebook, 0.7" thick, less than 3 pounds, Intel Core 2 Duo

  • Aluminum design with carbon fiber frame.. extremely durable

  • Choice of 160 GB 1.8" hard drive (a la iPod) or 32/64 GB SSD

  • 13.3" LED backlit widescreen

  • And it still has an optical drive!

  • Priced from $1899

(Note to mods: when it's time, move into the Temporary Insanity forum.)


  • Reply 1 of 186
    um ...

    Revamped Mac Pro Desktop with upgraded Cinema Displays?
  • Reply 2 of 186
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by bkjj40a View Post

    um ...

    Revamped Mac Pro Desktop with upgraded Cinema Displays?

    Yep, Probably the only things that are going to be updated for sure and he leaves it out..
  • Reply 3 of 186
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    1. 16GB iPhone

    2. Early iPhone SDK

    3. 3 iPhone games announced

    1. New Cinema Displays

    2. 20", 24" + 30"

    3. 50% thinner

    4. 30% lighter

    5. iSight built-in (optionally without -$99)

    1. New 13" LED-backlit MacBook, with new design - aluminum

    1. Wish list: One more thing, 11" Mac touch

  • Reply 4 of 186
    Optical drive???? GROSSS!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 5 of 186
    First: Mac OS X Leopard adoption.

    Next: iPod + iTunes.


    Now: The Mac

    Oh, and one more thing...
    • "People have been asking for a subnotebook from us for years. But we didn't want to compromise anything."

    • Two and a half years in the making... the MacBook nano

    • True full featured subnotebook, 0.7" thick, less than 3 pounds, Intel Core 2 Duo

    • Aluminum design with carbon fiber frame.. extremely durable

    • Choice of 160 GB 1.8" hard drive (a la iPod) or 32/64 GB SSD

    • 13.3" LED backlit widescreen

    • And it still has an optical drive!

    • Priced from $1899

    One of the best MWSF prediction-post I have ever read. Very to the point.

    Concerning the "one more thing":

    Something like this. And the price is probably right also . . . :-(

  • Reply 6 of 186
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by iNtel iNside View Post

    Oh, and one more thing...
    • "People have been asking for a subnotebook from us for years. But we didn't want to compromise anything."

    So we're giving you a 13.3" screen
  • Reply 7 of 186
    Forgot the Macbook Pro Penryn update.
  • Reply 8 of 186
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Here is what I see coming to MWSF:




    A device with a 13.3 inch screen (hows that for hedging)


    New members of the "I" line up targeted towards the tablet computing crowd. Hopefully one of th devices is a slightly larger Touch with USB host capability and a FLASH card slot.


    The flash capacity of all "i" series devices using it is doubled..


    A top of the line iPhone gets released with 32GB of flash. This is not iPhone2 but rather a device fat on storage.


    XMAC - ducks. Ok, maybe not every bodies idea of an XMAC but it will be a replacement for the Mini.


    New displays that also substitute for television monitors. Yes that is right Apple slowly enters into the television business.


    Far less of a possibility is that Apple introduces a digital TV with Apple TV built right in. I'm not sure of Apples approach to the market but this would be a big win especially if the Apple TV support recording something like a TIVO.


    The Mac Mini gets replaced as alluded to above, but I think the big announcements will be laptop related. Here I'm expecting an entirely new Pro laptop line up. Mostly due to the new Intel hardware coming on line. Most of the line up due to arrive in a month or two.


    Mac Pro gets a quiet rev to Penryn. It is not the focus of the show at all.


    Apple gives us hints as to where the iPhone SDK is going. I suspect Apple is a bit worried about the coming technologies from Google and others that want a slice of the smart phone market. Apple may finally realize that it is a computer platform more so than a cell phone. Hopefully they adjust course properly


    Iphone Nano. Yep an iPhone based on the old Nano form factor. What is different here is that the unit will not provide much more than Cell capability and the capability of the old Nano. It is not a smart phone in the sense of the iPhone, it is there to round out Apples line up and to provide a low cost entry point.

    From there who knows. It is pretty obvious that this MWSF will focus on Macs this year, but I don't think Apple can totally ignore the cell and iPod businesses. However they could give us blatant hints to look for releases in the coming month or months.

  • Reply 9 of 186
    smeesmee Posts: 195member
    My predictions...

    11.1"-13.3" Aluminum Notebook


    13", 15" and 17" Pro'ish Notebook series with powerful proc's and 7200RPM drives as default with up to 4GB RAM, very Configurable

    Mac Touch? (who needs it anyway, don't give it to us steve.)

    iPhone gets "shrinked", more pocket sized. And some games get announced

    iMac updated with Penryn

    Macbook Pro also gets Penryn

    Mac Pro gets the Penryn, but the Penryn updates aren't the whole point of the show

    The Mini gets totally revamped! Cubish like, with PCIe slot, 3.5" drives, Way better graphics and better proc

    Let's hope my dreams come true! Steve, bring it!!!
  • Reply 10 of 186
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    AppleTV 2.0

    Iphone increase storage 16gig, new apps

    redesign MacPro and ACDs

  • Reply 11 of 186
    malusmalus Posts: 28member
    ...aaaand redesigned Macbook Pros with:

    1. faster hard drives standard

    2. LED screens across the board

    3. Macbook keyboard

    4. Penryn

    5. multi-touch trackpads

    6. 3 gigs standard

    I really want a multi-touch trackpad.
  • Reply 12 of 186
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Maybe, but I hardly would expect to have the desktop land laptop professional line updated at the same event. I don't think Apple ever done that at any keynote.

    So my vote is on the MacPro and ACDs because it has been ages since a substantial update and the new chips were announced in November. As for the Macbook Pro, they just upgraded the top of the line last month. So, I would not expect it in January.
  • Reply 13 of 186
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    As for the Macbook Pro, they just upgraded the top of the line last month. So, I would not expect it in January.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they updated the Macbook Pros because they as part of a deal with Intel and Foxconn--they probably agreed to do so so that Intel sells them a ton of chips at a lower price per unit, Foxconn does the work slightly cheaper, and the Pros look slightly more attractive for the holiday season.
  • Reply 14 of 186
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    Maybe, but I hardly would expect to have the desktop land laptop professional line updated at the same event. I don't think Apple ever done that at any keynote.

    I have no memory of that either.

    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    So my vote is on the MacPro and ACDs because it has been ages since a substantial update and the new chips were announced in November. As for the Macbook Pro, they just upgraded the top of the line last month. So, I would not expect it in January.

    My vote here is for the Macbook Pro. The update you talk about was a silent addition to the BTO options. The Macbook Pro needs a redesign. If it does not get it in this MWSF, it will be the longer lasting form factor in the Apple portables, beating even that of the iBook (5 years). Now Apple could probably add the rumored 13" pro model with a new design and leave the rest of the line as is for some time yet. Even so, it would be better than nothing.
  • Reply 15 of 186
    ajpriceajprice Posts: 320member
    iPod touch 32GB. Please!
  • Reply 16 of 186
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member

    before MWSF rampant speculation. Stock climbes.

    after MWSF: rampant disappointment. Stock falls.

    that and steve intros 13" knowledge navigator.
  • Reply 17 of 186
    I don't agree with any iPhone updates, except for talk about the SDK.

    Macbook and Macbook pro updates I can see happening. Nothing major with Pro line, maybe flash disk as an option and updated CPU?

    I can see Apple making a Macbook "touch" in the future but that isn't coming anytime soon. But seeing as they have the technology now. It only seems logical no?
  • Reply 18 of 186
    Apple and Rogers Wireless come to an agreement and finally release the iPhone in Canada. Shipping today!

    Thats my prediction and hope!
  • Reply 19 of 186
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by JOEP323 View Post

    I can see Apple making a Macbook "touch" in the future but that isn't coming anytime soon. But seeing as they have the technology now. It only seems logical no?

    Let's get the name right first. It's not going to fold, therefore it's not going to contain the word "book" in it.

    1+1= Mac touch®
  • Reply 20 of 186
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Phoenix29 View Post

    Apple and Rogers Wireless come to an agreement and finally release the iPhone in Canada. Shipping today!

    Thats my prediction and hope!

    Jobs isn't going to talk about Canada at MWSF: nobody cares about Canada.


    I predict that Santa Steve will give us all a lump of coal: no iPhone Nano, no "ultra"-portable, no update ACD, no tablet. Mark my words, the only changes on 15 January are cosmetic (with slight speed increases). If you're lucky, FOX is added to iTunes movie downloads (but you won't see any rentals).

    So what do I want to see? -- well, all of the above (except for the tablet: I couldn't care less about the tablet). It seems to me that people only predict what they really want; and it also seems to me that we're mostly disappointed. Apple makes me jaded.
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