Never too early for MWSF predictions....



  • Reply 21 of 186
    Originally Posted by Denton View Post

    Jobs isn't going to talk about Canada at MWSF: nobody cares about Canada.


    I predict that Santa Steve will give us all a lump of coal: no iPhone Nano, no "ultra"-portable, no update ACD, no tablet. Mark my words, the only changes on 15 January are cosmetic (with slight speed increases). If you're lucky, FOX is added to iTunes movie downloads (but you won't see any rentals).

    So what do I want to see? -- well, all of the above (except for the tablet: I couldn't care less about the tablet). It seems to me that people only predict what they really want; and it also seems to me that we're mostly disappointed. Apple makes me jaded.

    Canada is a huge market, Jobs would be stupid not to give us the iPhone
  • Reply 22 of 186
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    To all of you that keep denying the Mac Pro at Macworld. I say the same thing I said to you when you said it was coming in November. Wrong! It'll be the show stopper at MWSF. Going on, or, over six months for that prediction.
  • Reply 23 of 186
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    To all of you that keep denying the Mac Pro at Macworld. I say the same thing I said to you when you said it was coming in November. Wrong! It'll be the show stopper at MWSF. Going on, or, over six months for that prediction.

    I don't see a new Mac Pro @ MW. Cinema displays yes, but not new design for Mac Pro.
  • Reply 24 of 186
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by iNtel iNside View Post

    Now that it's confirmed that Steve is giving the keynote, let's start speculating what's going to be announced at MWSF.

    First: Mac OS X Leopard adoption.
    • "Fastest adoption rate of any Mac OS X release".

    Next: iPod + iTunes.
    • "iPod continued to be very successful."

    • New movie studio partner: 20th Century Fox... Rupert Murdoch comes on stage.

    • iTunes 8: now with movie rentals

    • "Phenomenal success story"

    • 2 things held back 3G iPhone: power consumption and 3G network availability in USA

    • "We found a partner that solved the power issue, and AT&T will be rolling out 3G to 80% of the US population by midyear"

    • iPhone 3G: 8 GB and 16 GB models for $399 and $499; 8 GB "iPhone classic" is now $299... but FCC has to approve it first, approval is expected by April

    Now: The Mac
    • "Mac market share is continuing to skyrocket"

    • Blu-ray Disc now available on select iMac and MacBook Pro models

    • New Apple ATSC/CableCard Tuner: Plugs into FireWire port of any Intel-based Mac, integrates with Front Row, $149

    Oh, and one more thing...
    • "People have been asking for a subnotebook from us for years. But we didn't want to compromise anything."

    • Two and a half years in the making... the MacBook nano

    • True full featured subnotebook, 0.7" thick, less than 3 pounds, Intel Core 2 Duo

    • Aluminum design with carbon fiber frame.. extremely durable

    • Choice of 160 GB 1.8" hard drive (a la iPod) or 32/64 GB SSD

    • 13.3" LED backlit widescreen

    • And it still has an optical drive!

    • Priced from $1899

    (Note to mods: when it's time, move into the Temporary Insanity forum.)

    I like your predictions, but there is one I don't see coming true, Blu-Ray for the MBP. To make it just a hair slimmer, Apple uses 9.5mm superslim drives for ultra portables instead of regular 12.7mm slim notebook drives.
  • Reply 25 of 186
    so when apple introduces stuff at the expo does it go on sale then or how does it work?
  • Reply 26 of 186
    samnuvasamnuva Posts: 225member
    yes, apple usually sells things they announce

    usually new items are availible that day, but sometimes (iPhone, MBP, AppleTV) they ship later
  • Reply 27 of 186
    i meant like that day or week or is it coming out sometime else that year! smart-a@$
  • Reply 28 of 186
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Phoenix29 View Post

    Canada is a huge market, Jobs would be stupid not to give us the iPhone

    So I suppose that we should be getting video on iTunes any day now, right?
  • Reply 29 of 186
    Here are my 2 cents:

    Opening with Justin Long (Gosh, I hope not)

    "It has been a successful year since we met last..."


    -iPod Touch


    -iTunes 2,500,000,000 sales give or take a billion

    I know that MWSF is typically consumer-related, but the MBP, ACD's, and Mac Pro are primed for an update.

    I am putting the Mac Pro for a big update at the NAB conference in April with a small update sometime soon.

    The ACD's can't do much. They could make them iMac-esque in looks, give them a camera, and maybe alternate inputs.

    These could match new MBP's. Their last update was late '03 or early '04 when they went titanium to aluminum. I see a new, darker looking, aluminum with some creative name like "Carbide" or some other durable metal that no other tech product has used or killed (platinum, silver...)

    As much as I hope it won't happen, the aTV maybe? I can see them getting rid of it and making a lower-budget media-center It'd need 2 HDMI's, a mini-DVI, and an S-Video/RCA combo or 2. It could take the footprint of the aTV with the height of the Mini, knocking both off of the lineup. It is a 5-year dream for people, but Steve needs to hear sometime.

    They could do the new media center first, link it to the new MBP, and then as the "one more thing." they could say "but you need something to watch them on, right?" and pull out the ACD's.

    Let's be honest though, it is going to be built up for the next month only to be Penryn's across the spectrum by 6/1 or something that they think is great, but we are pissed about since it is EXPECTED to move to new chips.
  • Reply 30 of 186
    This would be a great for an option for any mac!!

    "This allows the size of the SSD[Storage] to increase without sacrificing speed. The initial product range, the Mach-8 MLC, will be available in sizes from 32GB to a whopping 512GB at half the cost of current SSDs."
  • Reply 31 of 186
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Originally Posted by LaEsperanza View Post

    I am putting the Mac Pro for a big update at the NAB conference in April with a small update sometime soon.

    MacPro will not pass January without a major upgrade

    ACDs also are coming at the same time.

    Because of time-frame, I think MWSF will be the place. Chips were announced in November, that's plenty of time to release then in January. NAB is just too far away, MacBookPro could be announce there since chips are coming in January, so that gives plenty of time for Apple to test them and ship in April.
  • Reply 32 of 186
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    MacPro will not pass January without a major upgrade

    2002: New LCD iMacs

    2003: New PB/ 12" PB

    2004: iPod Mini/XServe G5

    1005: Mac Mini/iPod Shuffle

    2006: 10.4/Intel iMac/upcoming MBP for $1999/2499

    2007: AppleTV/iPhone

    Other than the XServe, the highest priced-non MBP/PB has been the iMac. Also, the XServe is the only non-consumer product. THE PB/MBP can be argued as pro, but they are cheap enough to still be in the consumer market.

    The Mac Pro STARTS at $2499 (unlike everything else sans XServe topping off at $2499), putting it way above the consumer market and into the prosumer/professional market. The Mac Pro will see an upgrade soon, maybe even a new chip upgrade. Then Jobs can say how great the new machine is selling.

    The Mac Pro is due for upgrade (We all know how to use the MacRumors Buyer's Guide), so I see something soon as well. However, the Mac Pro/PowerMac doesn't usually get the fanfare that the consumer products do. It doesn't need it. It doesn't have much use for most MacWorld readers, so why announce it to the wrong crowd?

    I'm still putting in for some redesign of the Mini.
  • Reply 33 of 186
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    I agreed that MWSF is mostly consumer centric.

    When I said "will not pass January" I meant it could happen at MWSF if there is a redesign of the enclosure and new ACDs. Then it makes sense to use the Keynote to market it.

    If there is NO redesign at all, it is just a specs upgrade, we can still have it in January outside of MWSF. I just can't see it Apple delaying it even further than that. NAB is just too far way and most competitors will have their machines out by then.

    Plus the latest rumors of 10.5.2 optimized for MacPro is a good indication that Apple is working hard to release it soon. January please come fast!
  • Reply 34 of 186
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Just because the PowerMac didn't get an update until WWDC for the past 5 years because Motorola, and IBM didn't have processors in time for the show does not mean that MacWorlds are not places that Apple won't announce pro hardware. They used to do it in NY almost every year. Either a PowerMac, or a PowerBook, or whatever hardware they felt like, and that still rings true. When hardware is ready it is announced. Actually Steve Jobs just said that a while back. Consumer my ass - WTF are you talking about? If you even new the definition of consumer you'd be aware that anyone buying is one.
  • Reply 35 of 186
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Just because the PowerMac didn't get an update until WWDC for the past 5 years because Motorola, and IBM didn't have processors in time for the show does not mean that MacWorlds are not places that Apple won't announce pro hardware.

    Look at the target market of MacWorld. Look at the booths at the expo. It is a CONSUMER show. WWDC is the developer show. The MP fits either a professional (video, photography, and graphic design) or a developer crowd. They don't pop in 8 cores, a 256mb vid card, and internal RAID for little Billy to play Half-Life. It is a beast of a machine compared to the iMac. I have one next to me right now. I have felt the impact that the Intel change had on Final Cut render times. I'm not picking my nose and tossing out whatever idea I find on my finger. I say it because it is more likely than not that Apple will just do a quiet update.

    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Consumer my ass - WTF are you talking about? If you even new the definition of consumer you'd be aware that anyone buying is one.

    Congratulations, you look like the ass here. "Consumer" refers to the level of performance. A consumer is for Billy. A Professional is for people who make a lot of money using the hardware (videographers or designers), and prosumers lie in the middle.

    You're probably a BS in computer science (if you even made it through college) telling an MBA how he hasn't learned the definition of the object he has studied for 6 years. Chew on that and tell me what you think.

    Oh, you may want to cite the AI article that just went up saying that the Mac Pro's are being updated. That way you have the backup of a rumor site. My way makes sense in business, your way makes sense on a rumor site.
  • Reply 36 of 186
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by LaEsperanza View Post

    Look at the target market of MacWorld. Look at the booths at the expo. It is a CONSUMER show. WWDC is the developer show...............

    Look at the booths? Where else are manufacturers going to tout booths of their products for Mac users? There is only one MacWorld left per year. WWDC is strictly for developers. I've never been, so I can't comment on their booths, but it stands to reason it's only for one type of professional and that is developers. You'll find the full range, and all your "Pro Apps" at MacWorld.

    Originally Posted by LaEsperanza View Post

    ..................Oh, you may want to cite the AI article that just went up saying that the Mac Pro's are being updated. That way you have the backup of a rumor site. My way makes sense in business, your way makes sense on a rumor site.

    I've been saying it for months longer than AI so don't lump me in with the new "rumor site blurb" crowd. It maybe even came from me. But I don't write, work, nor am I a confidential source for AI.

    Originally Posted by LaEsperanza View Post

    Congratulations, you look like the ass here.

    Just remember you said I was an ass. I don't recall calling you an ass, nor do I appreciate the implication that I did.
  • Reply 37 of 186
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I know many here look a what is possible for Mac World and others just wish for things that aren't possible. It seems pretty obvious to may of us that much of the Mac line up needs a refresh and I personally think that will happen over the first couple of months of the new year.

    What I wish for and hope that Apple has the balls to do so, are upgrades to the Touch and iPhone. The problem is it could be argued that they are to new for upgrades and I can't dismiss that point of view. Bumps are more what I'm talking about here.

    For the iPhone I'd like to see a bump in flash with both 16GB and a 32 GB model delivered, with each also doubling they available RAM. The device could otherwise remain the same with respect to hardware.

    For the TOUCH I want to see more Flash of course and like the iPhone more RAM. But here I'd also like to see BLUETOOTH! This makes the upgrade a bit more than a bump but makes the device far more attractive.

    Software upgrades for both devices of course. In each case the "bumps" will make the devices more attractive while holding them over for -2 versions.

    By the way I wouldn't turn down a -2 version of either device in Jan. I just don't think they are in the cards at the moment. Apple please prove me wrong.

  • Reply 38 of 186
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't see a new Mac Pro @ MW. Cinema displays yes, but not new design for Mac Pro.

    According to the Mac Buyer's Guide there hasn't been a real update to the Mac Pro since August 2006. And the ACDs haven't been updated since March and August 2006.

    If MWSF passes without anything happening to these product lines, it will make me wonder if Apple is abandoning them. There is no reason not to update them. The technology is there and available. Their competitors' are all selling products that are current, while Apple is selling products that are almost 2 years old. That is astoundingly out-of-date.

    And to the poster who thinks that MWSF is a consumer-only show, could you please explain why Adobe spends so much money to be at a consumer-only show? I really don't think that they're there to promote Acrobat Reader or the Flash plug-in.
  • Reply 39 of 186
    double post, strange because it produced an error the first time...
  • Reply 40 of 186
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    donebylee, I know. Two years I mean come on. It's the Apple flagship. It's totally absurd to think they wouldn't announce it at MW when all eyes are on them. It's the most impressive computer they make, and it's the most visible show they have. The only reason not to, is if their flagship was being discontinued, or it isn't very impressive again this year and Apple is hiding it by not showing it at the show where all eyes are on them. Those are the only reasons I wouldn't expect a Mac Pro. They are trying to hide it by letting it blend at a less visible venue, or it's discontinued.

    IMO, basically if the graphics are back in the Mac you'll see it at MWSF, and if not expect it somewhere where people care much less about the performance of their computers.
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