Symbian reports slow growth in the wake of the iPhone 3G launch



  • Reply 121 of 233
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Yes I know others phones have other means of storage. But Sappor posted as though this is some advantage that the iPhone is missing. I'm asking what necessity or advantage does the iPhone miss.

    I've seen some people accidentally run apps from DMG because they did not properly install. But I don't know anyone who runs apps outside of the application root.

    I read somewhere that suggested that you shouldn't.

    I have a lot of apps off my startup drive. Many apps allow you to run them from anywhere, though, due to Apple's conventions, and preference, they suggest that you put them into either the apps, or utilities folder.

    The problem is that these companies don't always make it clear that you CAN run them from somewhere else.
  • Reply 122 of 233
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Yes I know others phones have other means of storage. But Sappor posted as though this is some advantage that the iPhone is missing. I'm asking what necessity or advantage does the iPhone miss.

    So you don't think the ability to use SDHC cards is a plus?

    I do it all the time. I've a card with TomTom on which I stick in when I need it. TomTom is a relatively large application and set of data (about 700Mb). Otherwise I use another card for storing music. I've a couple of cards with different songs on.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I've seen some people accidentally run apps from DMG because they did not properly install. But I don't know anyone who runs apps outside of the application root.

    ...and you never run anything from even the Apple default locations of /Developer or /Applications/Utilities ?

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I read somewhere that suggested that you shouldn't.

    The reason for that is Apple's dumb Software Update process only checks for some aplications in /Applications and is too stupid to look elsewhere. I've never come across an application that relied on being in /Applications to even run.
  • Reply 123 of 233
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Which features have they "disabled", and what evidence do you have that they HAVE disabled them?

    How about



    File Transfer with BT

    Any other use of BT

    VOIP across 3G

    Installing any application you want without hacking it
  • Reply 124 of 233
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Don't equate the oil price crunch with phones. Gas prices have been three, or more, times higher in Europe for decades due to taxes, so Europeans don't drive that much compared to those in N America.

    The countries there are also far smaller, going from one to the other is not quite the same as driving around the US, or Canada.

    I wasn't. Someone implied that Americans didn't like the pokey phones that Europe has. I said their love of large things was proof of that.

    Europeans have no problem driving across Europe, proof of that is the number of Polish, Latvian, German registered cars you see in Ireland.

    Also, the price of petrol is not all taxes here, only around 50% of it.
  • Reply 125 of 233
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    That's partly true, but the phones are also tikitacky.


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    MMS will be going down the old chute before too long. Don't be surprised when it happens. These old technologies often disappear when newer ones supersede them, which will happen, like it or not.

    The problem being is, a lot of these 'non' smartphones support MMS

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Tethering is a contractual situation, as as we've seen, can be done very easily, if the carrier will allow it.

    No, the iPhone doesn't support it. It is not a contractual issue in a lot of countries

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    No they don't. Needing a new phone to upgrade the OS is one area in which they get you. It's interesting that the old iPhones are selling so well in a secondary market. That's because it's upgradable to the new OS, programs, etc. Who wants an old phone with an old OS?

    Because it doesn't worry some people that they don't have the latest and greatest of everything
  • Reply 126 of 233
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Apple is doing that where they cn. Music was in the hands of the providers at high prices. They ended that.

    Music may have been in the hands of the providers in the US, but not other places.
  • Reply 127 of 233
    Is this the same report, or something new?

  • Reply 128 of 233
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    How about



    File Transfer with BT

    Any other use of BT

    VOIP across 3G

    Installing any application you want without hacking it

    I'm not sure how this is "disable" when the phone was never able to do these things in the first.
  • Reply 129 of 233
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    So you don't think the ability to use SDHC cards is a plus?

    I do it all the time. I've a card with TomTom on which I stick in when I need it. TomTom is a relatively large application and set of data (about 700Mb). Otherwise I use another card for storing music. I've a couple of cards with different songs on.

    But this is more an issue for a phone with MB's of storage, not so much an issue when you have GB's.


    The reason for that is Apple's dumb Software Update process only checks for some aplications in /Applications and is too stupid to look elsewhere. I've never come across an application that relied on being in /Applications to even run.

    Sounds like a practical reason to discourage the average user from moving apps around.
  • Reply 130 of 233
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I'm not sure how this is "disable" when the phone was never able to do these things in the first.

    It is just a word, shall I say they released a feature limited product internationally because AT&T didn't want tethering.
  • Reply 131 of 233
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    I'm pretty sure they aren't. Nokia sold a squidillion phones last quarter. Selling more smartphones than anyone else by quite some margin isn't going to get them worried either.

    They've plenty of time and their platform runs on much lower end hardware. If I were Nokia I'd be more worried about Google and Linux than Apple's boutique phones.

    Who the fuck cares about market share? I'll have well made, feature rich, bug free phone thanks. When Apple ships one, I'll buy one. That's why I use Macs, not their market share.

    Maybe words from the horses mouth might drive the message home


    The firm [Nokia] indirectly claims that Apple is making a grab for market share at the expense of its long-term welfare, suggesting that its own more cautious approach is more effective overall.

    "Nokia's strategy is to take market share only when the company believes it to be sustainably profitable in the longer term," the company argues. "Nokia has not broadly participated in the recent aggressive pricing activity - as it believes that the negative impact to profitability would outweigh any short term incremental benefits to device unit sales."

    Seems the horse is paying attention at least. As far as profitability Apple's financials speak for themselves. Each of Apples moves at this point a part of an overall business strategy.

  • Reply 132 of 233
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    How about



    File Transfer with BT

    Any other use of BT

    VOIP across 3G

    Installing any application you want without hacking it

    YOu can not disable what you never had my friend. That is why I contend that the iPhone is nothing more than an iPod with minimal telephony features.
  • Reply 133 of 233
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    But this is more an issue for a phone with MB's of storage, not so much an issue when you have GB's.

    Sounds like a practical reason to discourage the average user from moving apps around.

    The best apologetic statements to date. Universal translation: Apple does not have external storage so it must not be needed or good.

    Apple software does not look elsewhere, so users that put their apps in other locations are average and not practical users.

    ***sigh*** shaking head in disbelief.
  • Reply 134 of 233
    Originally Posted by The Electronista Article View Post

    The firm indirectly claims that Apple is making a grab for market share at the expense of its long-term welfare, suggesting that its own more cautious approach is more effective overall.

    "Nokia's strategy is to take market share only when the company believes it to be sustainably profitable in the longer term," the company argues. "Nokia has not broadly participated in the recent aggressive pricing activity - as it believes that the negative impact to profitability would outweigh any short term incremental benefits to device unit sales."

    Now that is some classic comedy writing!

    Dear Investors,

    We are certain that selling fewer and fewer units each quarter, while keeping prices high, will almost certainly lead to us making more money in the long term. Did we mention our phone has real keys?

  • Reply 135 of 233
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    The best apologetic statements to date. Universal translation: Apple does not have external storage so it must not be needed or good.

    External cards were necessary when flash storage was prohibitivly expensive. Now with prices coming in line with realistic use as internal storage the need for external storage is less.

    Also today the need to load apps with large databases is less necessary. Most if not all iPhone apps that access information databse are just a front end UI that access information through wireless. This allows an app that weighs KB to access GB of data.

    That being said we can leave it to the market to decide which it prefers. To primarily use internal storage or continue to use an external option.
  • Reply 136 of 233
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Now that is some classic comedy writing!

    Dear Investors,

    We are certain that selling fewer and fewer units each quarter, while keeping prices high, will almost certainly lead to us making more money in the long term. Did we mention our phone has real keys?.

    Here is a recent article with Nokia saying it's a tactical decision. While this might be a case of Nokia trying to remain prideful by saying that they meant to lose this money this quarter there is also a definite rationale for the long term behind the move. Long term Mac users should be familiar with the concept since Apple has spent many years choosing not to get into the budget computer market.

    If Nokia lowered its prices now to shore up some profit from additional sales this quarter, they would have an even bigger fight the next quarter with a lower profit margin or having to use cheap products or construction. They could raise the prices again, but that just introduces more issues that can hurt a company.
  • Reply 137 of 233
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    External cards were necessary when flash storage was prohibitivly expensive. Now with prices coming in line with realistic use as internal storage the need for external storage is less.

    Also today the need to load apps with large databases is less necessary. Most if not all iPhone apps that access information databse are just a front end UI that access information through wireless. This allows an app that weighs KB to access GB of data.

    That being said we can leave it to the market to decide which it prefers. To primarily use internal storage or continue to use an external option.

    We are talking about iPhones, Mac's and Nokia's right?

    1. The lack of external storage has been a major bone of contention with many iPhone users.

    2. Shall we agree that you conceded the relocation of apps on your Mac or we can continue if you like.

    3. Apparently Nokia has gotten it right because their phones are coming with more capacity and memory slots.
  • Reply 138 of 233
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Here is a recent article with Nokia saying it's a tactile decision. While this might be a case of Nokia trying to remain prideful by saying that they meant to lose this money this quarter there is also a definite rationale for the long term behind the move. Long term Mac users should be familiar with the concept since Apple has spent many years choosing not to get into the budget computer market.

    If Nokia lowered its prices now to shore up some profit from additional sales this quarter, they would have an even bigger fight the next quarter with a lower profit margin or having to use cheap products or construction. They could raise the prices again, but that just introduces more issues that can hurt a company.

    Great post.

    It is as though people think Nokia will not produce another phone and just cede the market to Apple. In the future, Nokia will release some seriously competitive phones aimed squarely at the iPhone. Right now the phones Nokia is releasing are more in line with the markets before the iPhone was released. Nokia will respond.

    Nokia was right not to dilute its brand by having a fire sale on its phones.
  • Reply 139 of 233
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    1. The lack of external storage has been a major bone of contention with many iPhone users.

    I haven't seen much complaint about it. iPod sales have shown around 8GB is what most people use in portable devices.


    2. Shall we agree that you conceded the relocation of apps on your Mac or we can continue if you like.

    What is there to continue. Others have said this is possible, but also notes that it can cause complication.


    3. Apparently Nokia has gotten it right because their phones are coming with more capacity and memory slots.

    Just because Nokia provides the slot doesn't necessarily mean people will use them. As I said we will see what the market decides.
  • Reply 140 of 233
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    How about



    File Transfer with BT

    Any other use of BT

    VOIP across 3G

    Installing any application you want without hacking it

    We've been through the tethering thing before. Apple is contractually obligated to do that. Go to AT&T and the other providers for that.

    VOIP across 3G is the same thing, a contractual obligation.

    Please understand business here. Apple has no reason for wanting to prevent these things. It's the carriers who do.

    Most BT enabled phones don't have that either yet. Google just removed the possibility from its own OS, Android, and said that it would likely be back at some unknown time in the future

    From what I know of it, it causes some problems with power draw and other areas. Possibly Apple will also add it in the future.

    The install any apps is not what I would call "disabled". It's a decision which I, and many others, think to be a very good idea.
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