Samsung returns to targeted anti-Apple ads with latest Galaxy S4 spot



  • Reply 21 of 210
    mactoidmactoid Posts: 112member

    This "old codger" has to hobble out  this weekend (with his iPhone) and buy a new dishwasher.  Good bet it will NOT be a Samsung!

  • Reply 22 of 210
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by GTR View Post


    I hope with a lot of the part of my heart reserved for hating Samsung that BTV*s are invented and Samsung is humiliated,  stigmatizing this feature into back alleys and hourly rate hotels.


    *Bumpially Transmitted Viruses

  • Reply 23 of 210


    Originally Posted by egern View Post

    You've got to admit, Samsung is innovating. You can certainly argue that Apple implements ideas in a more elegant, controlled and tight sort of way, but iOS isn't exactly pioneering the way in new ideas lately.

    As an Android user myself, I pray that iOS 7 brings NFC capabilities so that technology finally takes off. Android has had it for over a year, but until Apple gets it, it just won't be that wide spread.

    According to Wikipedia, Android NFS phones have been out since 2010. With a larger market share, why aren't they driving the standard and why isn't it "taking off"? Why does it take Apple?





    2010 Samsung Nexus S: First Android NFC phone shown

  • Reply 24 of 210
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Samsung returns to targeted anti-Apple ads with latest Galaxy S4 spot

    Returns? That implies they actually stopped.
  • Reply 25 of 210
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    In almost all cases a user with a Samsung phone isn't even near someone with a Samsung phone, or even one with a Samsung phone new enough to do that kind of sharing. 

    This reminds me of a MS Surface commercial where everyone has a Surface to throw around. In real life the Surface owner is alone in a corner with his pocket protector and a "Windows 8 for Dummies" book.

    I wouldn't say that's accurate. High-end Samsung phones aren't nearly as prolific as iPhones but there are a lot of them. The problem I've found with the social aspects of Samsung phones is that they are more often used by very antisocial people. Of course, that's purely anecdotal on my part (and not at all bias¡) so everyone else's accounts of S-Hitheads (because they're a hit) may be different.
  • Reply 26 of 210
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,405member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    ...S-Hitheads (because they're a hit) ....

    I love that. I think I'll S-chew 'fandroid' in favor of this one. Thanks!

  • Reply 27 of 210
    winniewinnie Posts: 17member
    How about a Samsung ad that smacks at the truth....

    Samsung as in iCopy

    Mac Air
    Passbook app
  • Reply 28 of 210
    winniewinnie Posts: 17member
    How about a Samsung ad that smacks at the truth....

    Samsung as in iCopy

    Mac Air
    Passbook app
  • Reply 29 of 210
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,384member
    What a ridiculous, misleading ad. Has anyone actually seen videos of reviewers actually trying to use the "air view" bullshit? I have. The guy was making huge fucking motions with his hands, over and over again, to try to scroll to the next photo which worked like 1/5 times. Hovering your finger over something in the same spot for a few seconds to select it is not that easy or intuitive to do either. The S-beam is equally redundant and useless. So instead of taking 2 seconds and just texting the person a photo (or email/FB/instagram/ any other of the million and one sharing options), it's somehow preferable and easier to PHYSICALLY touch your phones together? Why? Oh right, and it has to be a Samsung phone that has that feature, a tiny minority of phones. But hey, it's a "feature", no mater how mind-numbingly idiotic and useless it is, just like all these features, which I very much doubt will be used in any real way by real people.

    At least Apple's ads show people using their product in realistic, believable, and real world ways. These ads desperately try to concoct situations in which these proof-of-concept gimmicks actually seem useful, when in reality they're impractical, unreliable, and unintuitive. I'm honestly curious the ACTUAL percentage of people that have ever used the S-beam in real situations. I can't believe it would be a statistically significant percentage. But of course, whether people actually use these features or not is irrelevant for a company like Samsung- as long as they accumulate bullet points and can make snarky ads.
  • Reply 30 of 210
    egernegern Posts: 3member

    Wow it's been that long?  As much as I hate to admit it, it DOES take Apple entering the ring at this point in game.  So many of my friends buy iPhones because they are iPhones.  They have no idea what the competition offers and think that their phone is the best because, again, it's an iPhone.  I know I'm generalizing, not trying to offend anyone.  Whether it's the best phone or not, it's that kind of mentality that leads to revolutionary changes in the way we live (i.e. mobile payments) needing to be driven by a company like Apple with such a devout following and robust marketing campaign.  Retailers and restaurant chains will jump on board right away if they know that all iPhone users in the world now know about NFC capabilities... they won't want to miss that market.  They ignore Android.


    Having said that, I have a Galaxy Nexus and use Google Wallet as often as I can, especially in taxis.  Some places have it all set up, including Macy's, McDonalds, Banana Republic just to name a few.  I love the technology, but I get such strange looks when I pay by tapping my phone.  Guarantee that more than half the time, it's the first time the clerk has seen it in action (several have told me that).  Once Apple integrates it and pours marketing dollars into it, everyone will know about it (and everyone will think Apple did something revolutionary, but that's a rant for a different time).  I live in SF too, so I can only imagine that NFC payment opportunities are even more scarce in other parts of the US.

  • Reply 31 of 210
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Sometimes, less is more. Simpler is better. Focus is better.
    Samsung thinks: more is more. Loading up the spec sheet is better. Less feel inadequate.
    Seriously. Sure seems Samsung littered up the software with bloatware just so they could claim it was more than an incremental update.
  • Reply 32 of 210
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    According to Wikipedia, Android NFS phones have been out since 2010. With a larger market share, why aren't they driving the standard and why isn't it "taking off"? Why does it take Apple?

    Exactly. If Android is the better platform and has more market share why does it require Apple for NFC to take off?
  • Reply 33 of 210
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    the funny part is some features have been available on the iPhone for years. Bump is just one app with functionality like S beam. It only been out since 2011. The current version even works with computers too.
  • Reply 34 of 210
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    Bump even works on any IOS device supporting at least version 4.3
  • Reply 35 of 210
    starbird73starbird73 Posts: 538member


    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post


    In almost all cases a user with a Samsung phone isn't even near someone with a Samsung phone, or even one with a Samsung phone new enough to do that kind of sharing. 


    This reminds me of a MS Surface commercial where everyone has a Surface to throw around. In real life the Surface owner is alone in a corner with his pocket protector and a "Windows 8 for Dummies" book.

    Not to mention, the very free, and very popular iOS app, Bump, lets you do this, too. It isn't even an exclusive feature. And it works with all iPhones (4.3+), Android phones (2.2+) AND computers!!

  • Reply 36 of 210
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Yes... Air View.

    The solution in search of a problem that is only available on Samsung apps, because no developer with a brain is going to implement features for only a segment of Android.

    I weep with envy.

    AirView is cool for answering the phone without touching it, but I don't see much use for it past that.  Built in IR is nice.

    The unfortunate thing is that it runs Android and Android has a lot of problems with it.

  • Reply 37 of 210
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    Built in IR is nice.

    It would have been a great feature for an iDevice in the last decade. Apple could have had a kick ass Universal remote but I think they see IR as being too archaic and limited despite its ubiquity. Now that we have new BT profiles that seem ideal for remote controls I think that's something we'll see moving forward for high-end devices. Well, once Apple makes it a reality anyway.
  • Reply 38 of 210
    scprofessorscprofessor Posts: 218member

    What problems? I find Jellybean more stable than my daughter's iOS on the IP5. I've never had an issue or a problem in almost 2 years. And I'm not a paid spokesman.

  • Reply 39 of 210
    sessamoidsessamoid Posts: 182member


    Originally Posted by starbird73 View Post

    Not to mention, the very free, and very popular iOS app, Bump, lets you do this, too. It isn't even an exclusive feature. And it works with all iPhones (4.3+), Android phones (2.2+) AND computers!!

    Bump has been available since the original iPhone app store in 2008 (?), IIRC. I used once because it seemed cool. Never used it again.

  • Reply 40 of 210
    see flatsee flat Posts: 145member


    Originally Posted by SCProfessor View Post

    What problems? I find Jellybean more stable than my daughter's iOS on the IP5. I've never had an issue or a problem in almost 2 years. And I'm not a paid spokesman.

    What exactly is unstable about iOS? I dont' mean annoying, not to your liking, stupid... whatever.

    Unstable= ???

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