Closer look at alleged 'iPhone 6' front panel suggests 5.1" screen with 16:9 ratio



  • Reply 121 of 135
    mvigodmvigod Posts: 172member

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    So this rumor is somehow confirmed? Apple releases items when those items are ready. There isn't an innovation shot-clock in Jony's office.

    You have no fn clue what Jobs would have done. Remember he didn't want iTunes for Windows.


    Larger iPhones are done deal.  Confirmed.  Deal with it. Apple is a trend follower.  "Apple releases items when those items are ready" is merely an excuse for being 3 years late and behind Samsung and every other phone maker.  Apple is the LAST one to offer a larger screen that consumers want.  


    Also, I guarantee the larger screen iphone will outsell all the small screen iphones within 1 year.  


    I do know exactly what Jobs would have done.  He would not have stood by why the market whizzed by him.  He also would not have allowed samsung to attack apple and its customers unanswered like Cook did.   Anyone who knows Jobs knows this.  

  • Reply 122 of 135
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post

    I do know exactly what Jobs would have done.  He would not have stood by why the market whizzed by him.


    That must be why he did absolutely nothing like what you’re whining about between 2008 and 2011 while he was still alive, huh.

  • Reply 123 of 135
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    mvigod wrote: »
    Larger iPhones are done deal.  Confirmed.  Deal with it. Apple is a trend follower.  "Apple releases items when those items are ready" is merely an excuse for being 3 years late and behind Samsung and every other phone maker.  Apple is the LAST one to offer a larger screen that consumers want.  

    Also, I guarantee the larger screen iphone will outsell all the small screen iphones within 1 year.  

    I do know exactly what Jobs would have done.  He would not have stood by why the market whizzed by him.  He also would not have allowed samsung to attack apple and its customers unanswered like Cook did.   Anyone who knows Jobs knows this.  

    Apple is last in size (like there's a race) but why are they still selling shitloads of iPhones? Apple also first with 64 bit chip, the M7, and a reliable finger print sensor.

    So youre saying a larger screen iPhone will sell > 400 MM in one year? Sweet. I'll say the newest flagship iPhone will outsell the previous flagship line like it always has for years regardless of screen size.

    So where did you and Jobs meet? Must have been in you ass because it smells like BS. You don't know what Jobs would have done. No one does.
  • Reply 124 of 135
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,858moderator
    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post



    Not sure i agree.  By this logic apple would have waited for co's to prove an iphone like smartphone was viable before they entered the space.  Also same with ipad. Let others enter the tablet space before apple and find out if it was in fact viable.  After all everyone mocked iPad when it was announced (later to be proven quite wrong).  Apple leads when it can which was under Jobs.  Under Cook they certainly seem to follow a lot more.


    Apple should be skating to where the puck will be, not where it is.  Another example is iTunes. IT's dying.  Why? Pandora, Spotify, Rdio, etc.  Apple needs to buy Spotify yesterday.  Their model and implementation of what a music service should be is perfection.  I used to buy lots of songs on iTunes but once I downloaded spotify never opened iTunes again.  All music, non music albums, etc all at your fingertips perfectly and instantly sync'd across every mobile, tablet and desktop.  iTunes couldn't do that (well almost if you buy Match but even that wasn't working well for me on my home entertainment setup).   Again apple is behind the curve here and trying to catch up with iRadio.  WTF.  Buy Pandora. Buy Spotify. Buy both.  Or let them continue to grow and prove like you said just how wrong they are on their current strategy and try to buy or build their way out of it in 5 years at MUCH higher cost.


    Not an iPhone like smartphone, but Apple did wait until others placed their primitive smart phones (space between words intentional) into the market before introducing the iPhone.  Recall the four 'competing' phones Steve Jobs showed in a slide when he talked about the problem being 'down there in the lower 40', a reference to the physical keyboards and also his recognition that these phones represented so-called smartphones when he criticized them as being 'not very smart.'  There were also primitive tablets in the market before the iPad.  MSFT preceded the iPad with its Windows CE OS that was available on a number of tablet computers eight years before the iPad.  You're taking my contention too literally and assuming that when I said "but has played out at other times", that I somehow meant every other time.  Certainly Apple doesn't always wait for competition to move first, but it sometimes does and that's what I was attempting to capture with its delayed entry into larger screen sizes.


    ?Regarding your argument about what Apple should do in music, I think you've answered your own question with the statement, "I used to buy lots of songs on iTunes but once I downloaded spotify never opened iTunes again."  Of course Apple knows full well what's happening in music downloads, but it also knows the next step along the evolutionary path takes you to a place where there's little money to be made.  So Apple continues to milk its fat-margin download business while creating iTunes Radio as its initial salvo in streaming.  This has the benefit of being tightly coupled with the download business, enhancing revenues by enhancing the experience for that segment of the population still loyal to the download model while also creating pull for the Apple ecosystem with casual listeners (a huge audience) who have iDevices.  Nope, it doesn't represent what hardcore audiophiles and music junkies might want, but maybe that's round two.  Or maybe Apple will skate right past the barely profitable streaming paradigm and onto something that provides a deeper music experience.  iTunes Concerts might be something that allows Apple to experiment in that realm, as a hobby for now.

  • Reply 125 of 135
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,858moderator

    Originally Posted by Eric38 View Post

    I was hoping Apple would release the first bezel-less phone this year. I just think they look cool. Small bezels are more practical unless they have the ability to discern inadvertent touches by now.


    Firmware numbing at the edges to create a virtual bezel of any width desired would be a simple engineering exercise.  Yeah, I'm still dreaming of no side bezels too.

  • Reply 126 of 135
    eric38eric38 Posts: 100member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    It could also be a ruse to keep people from buying the SGS 5 and HTC One

    Never considered that, mainly because everyone in
    Firmware numbing at the edges to create a virtual bezel of any width desired would be a simple engineering exercise.  Yeah, I'm still dreaming of no side bezels too.
    Firmware numbing at the edges to create a virtual bezel of any width desired would be a simple engineering exercise.  Yeah, I'm still dreaming of no side bezels too.

    Wonder why no one has done it yet? The no side-bezel concepts on YouTube look so good, it's ashame they can't get it done.
  • Reply 127 of 135

    Perhaps some of you would be happy if the iPhone and iPad mini became one and then Apple releases the 7.9" iPhone.

  • Reply 128 of 135
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    The 4.7" iPhone doesn't look too bad. In a way it looks proportionally more balanced in this mock-up.



    It is the 5.5" iPhone I am worried about.

  • Reply 129 of 135
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    mr o wrote: »
    The 4.7" iPhone doesn't look too bad. In a way it looks proportionally more balanced in this mock-up.

    It is the 5.5" iPhone I am worried about.

    You should've included his 'closing statement':

    I have to admit though, that it's a lazy design effort by Ives.

    If he thinks it's only the width & height that has changed he might be proven wrong; there are a few rumours out there already that it will become thinner, have a different bezel etc.

    Plus he's only holding it, not trying to toch the top right of the screen:

  • Reply 130 of 135
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post


    This you? How tall are you? I need a frame of reference.

  • Reply 131 of 135
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    4.7" will probably work out for the big handed fellows amongst us. I prefer the 3.5". It is nice & cute. It is perfect for my small hands.


    Concerning the bezels:

    Perhaps Jony Ive could apply the iMac trick? Have the (Sapphire) glass cover the complete front with diamond cut chamfered edges? It depends how durable the Sapphire Glass is. The chamfered edge would give a nice shine …


    I somehow think the next iPhone will have a perforated back. Like the amazing Leica Jony Ive & Marc Newson did last year.


    The perforated back could signal the end of the mechanical antenna ribbon we've been seeing from the iPhone 4 onwards as the antenna's could be incorporated behind the perforated back panel? It would certainly add more grip and make the iPhone softer to the touch. Hell, I already want one … even if the screen is 4.7"

    I am going to put weights on my fingers from Today onwards  ;) 

  • Reply 132 of 135
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    This you? How tall are you? I need a frame of reference.

    Definitely not me! My hands are way smaller. 


    Make one for yourself out of paper.


    It measures 138mm x 64mm.

  • Reply 133 of 135
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,549member
    mr o wrote: »
    People are fooling themselves if they think they can be more productive on a 4.7" instead of a 4" screen. My iPad Air is already on the edge of usability. It is because the iPad interface hasn't fully matured yet.

    Apple is sending out the wrong signal to developers by making the screen size bigger. Some well developed iPhone apps - like Clear, Rise and Mailbox - do not need a bigger screen.

    I really hope Apple updates the 3.5" iPhone. For the colorful. I'd be more than happy with my (unlocked) sub 500$ iPhone.

    I think you're wrong. I would love a larger phone, and around 4.7" is the largest I would want. No, I don't want a phablet. Lots more people are wanting, and buying, larger phones than 4". It's an inevitable trend. Apple has no choice. When around 50% of the market is choosing phones larger than 4", it's time to give up the notion that 4" is ideal. So, while we can point to the fact that the iPhone is the most popular phone in the world, which it is, as no other phone, including the "S" series, sells in anywhere the numbers, though the overwhelming number of different Android models in all price categories outsells the iPhone around the world handily, as far as the high end models go, Apple now doesn have a competitive model in that 50% range! and so they need one.

    It's very possible that Apple can increase their sales by another 10-20% with larger phones. I know more than a few people who want a larger iPhone, and that includes more than a few Android users, who mostly have Android because of the larger phones.

    As for your contention that "some well developed apps..." Don't need a larger screen (or, by implication, higher resolution, I would like to point out that MOST apps would benefit from it, and that likely includes the ones you mentioned. Just because you can't imagine what a larger screen would add to these apps, doesn't mean that it wouldn't. I thought my Palm Treo 700p was the best smartphone around, and I found it hard to believe something else could be much better, other than a newer model of the same thing, but I was obviously wrong.
  • Reply 134 of 135
    philboogie wrote: »
    You should've included his 'closing statement':

    I have to admit though, that it's a lazy design effort by Ives.

    If he thinks it's only the width & height that has changed he might be proven wrong; there are a few rumours out there already that it will become thinner, have a different bezel etc.

    Plus he's only holding it, not trying to toch the top right of the screen:


    Here's your u: u.
  • Reply 135 of 135
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    Originally Posted by mr O View Post


    Concerning the bezels:

    Perhaps Jony Ive could apply the iMac trick? Have the (Sapphire) glass cover the complete front with diamond cut chamfered edges? It depends how durable the Sapphire Glass is. The chamfered edge would give a nice shine …


    Ah, the Sapphire edge won't work.

    You need to raise the front facing glass of the phone from the surface of the table (if the phone is laid down with its screen on the table). The silver edge solution of the iPad already offers the solution. It is both beautiful and protective to the screen.

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