Star Wars: AotC



  • Reply 61 of 164
    spaceman_spiffspaceman_spiff Posts: 1,242member
    I dunno. Not really looking forward to seeing this one. I guess I'm kind of SciFi'd out. I'll see it and Spiderman too. But it'll be a couple of weeks before I get in line.
  • Reply 62 of 164
    the toolboithe toolboi Posts: 557member
    Oh my god, I just saw this last night.

    PURE COMIC GOLD! I havent laughed that hard since "Theres Something About Mary". The way Yoda limps around, then pulls out his lightsaber, kicks ass, and then grabs his cane and starts limping again. Or by far the funniest part, Anakins position and movments in bed along with his moaning "Noooo...."s, follwed by his saying in the next scene "I dremt about my mother again".

    Comic gold, pure comic gold.

    I had trouble with it from the start due to the acting. Even SLJ sucked. I mean hell, the acting in this was even worse than in Ep1, it was like watching a highschool drama class. You know youve got problems when out of your 3 best acted characters one of them is computer animated. Quite frankly I think that Lucas should be shot and the script and directing (especially the casting) should be handed over to some one (more than one?) who can actually write and direct.

    Now Jango, Jango rocked, but he was no where NEAR as cool as Bobba. And why do all the clones have an australian accent? And why then does Bobba Fett sound NOTHING like his "father"?

    As for the Yoda scene, well maybe I was tired, but I couldnt stand it! It wasnt epic in any way, it was flashy but not nearly the quallity of a good Hong Kong Blood Opera (With all Lucas' money you think that they could hire some one to show them good sword fighting. Nothing here touched on the quallity of Ep1s battles).

    Now as for flaws and plot holes... woooo... I wont get started, but I love how a army of robots can shoot the Jedi with thousands of lasers, the jedi deflect 3, and the rest vanish... Or I especially like how the tiger thing rips Natalie Portmans tight white outfit just perfectly to turn it into a tank top. Not to mention Her and Anakinsfriendly little chat in the dimmed room with the fire place and her leather girdle(sp?)...

    Now was it better then ep1? Well, it wasnt as irritating (ep1 border lines on being irritating enough to kill fleas), and I liked the plot more, so I guess it was better.

    On an ending note:

    There are 3 cliche-to-the-point-of-being-irritating types of movies. The War movie, the Love Story, and the Childrens movie. Weve had the childrens movie, and the Love Story, now whats next? THE CLONE WARS!
  • Reply 63 of 164
    kaboomkaboom Posts: 286member
    [quote]Oh, out of interest, did I fall asleep or was there no explanation yet of the fact that Jango Fett insisted an identical clone of himself be made?<hr></blockquote>In case you didn't realise it, Boba is Jango's clone.

    The only SW movie this movie is better than is Episode 1. Period. Anyone that says this is the best SW ever is a fanboy and is high on that special "Lucas crack".

    One more thing, how bad was the CG of the diner cook? Man, there wasn't a second he was on the screen that I believed that he was even close to real. The movements were all off, he was practically floating in the booth. That was bad.
  • Reply 64 of 164
    eskimoeskimo Posts: 474member
    [quote]Now Jango, Jango rocked, but he was no where NEAR as cool as Bobba. And why do all the clones have an australian accent? And why then does Bobba Fett sound NOTHING like his "father"?


    How the hell can Bobba be considered cooler than Jango? Jango actually fought and used his weapons. Bobba hardly did anything in the movies and died like a silly stormtrooper when he rocketed into that pit in Jedi. I never understood the fascination people had for Bobba Fett, he didn't do anything.
  • Reply 65 of 164
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    [quote]Originally posted by kaboom:

    <strong>In case you didn't realise it, Boba is Jango's clone.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ah, of course. I'm a dumbass. I just assumed he'd had a kid and all. Perhaps I did fall asleep?
  • Reply 66 of 164
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eskimo:

    <strong>I never understood the fascination people had for Bobba Fett, he didn't do anything.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think he gained his "cool" in the crappy paperback novels that two-bit no-good writers peddle to sad, desperate Star Wars fans.

    Not that there's anything wrong with it, or anything.
  • Reply 67 of 164
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    [quote]Originally posted by Belle:


    Ah, well, I guess this says it all. We got ourselves a Return of the Jedi fan here. Therefore your opinion doesn't count. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    So, I suppose that I am to assume just about everyone here ONLY liked Empire? Guess what folks, that doesn't make you a fan. This movie was for fans.....not professional/amateur Star Wars critics. Lighten up

    I am so sick of people that pan every film they see. NewsFlash: Lucas hasn't changed that much......we have. People are more cynical and jaded....especially when it comes to movies. I agree Ep. I wasn't the greatest. I also agree that sometimes the digital effects are a bit much. The dialogue has ALWAYS been bad.....take a look a Hammil's is bad.

    I do NOT agree that either movie has sucked. Not by a longshot. I really don't understand the reaction to this one. For TPM, I understood a lot of the critcism. But for this one, I think you guys are way off. It did a masterful job of setting up the next film. The effects, overall, were fanatastic.

    I will see it again and again. The theatre I was in was charged with energy by the end. People loved it. They were saying how good it was and how much they liked it. I didn't hear this with TPM. It was the same feeling that I had as a kid when going to see the orginals. Some people were saying it was "awesome" and "the best one yet". I heard NONE of this with the TPM.

    No offense, but many of you weren't even alive when Jedi was released (or the others obviously). I think your standards (some of you) may be a tad high.

    [ 05-18-2002: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
  • Reply 68 of 164
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    It's just personal opinions, nothing to get worked up about. We're all entitled to them, you know?

    My personal opinion: Star Wars was a fine movie, The Empire Strikes Back was the pinnacle - the meeting point of fine scripting, decent dialog, dark plot lines, special effects, character development..., Return of the Jedi was the point Lucas recognized the popularity of the movies with kids and "dumbed down", The Phantom Menace was the bastard son of the dumbing down, and Attack of the Clones was a naive and pitiful attempt to appease disappointed "fans".

    So we've shared opinions, and they differ. No need to be pissy about it.
  • Reply 69 of 164
    It's clear the Chancellor Palpatine we have seen in the first two episodes is not the same as the Emperor Palpatine in future episodes. You can clone a person but you can't clone the force. This is why they don't sense anything. From what I understand Sideous will kill or let be killed the Palpatine clone he is manipulating and switch places with him at some point.
  • Reply 70 of 164
    logan calelogan cale Posts: 1,281member

    (Spoilers, no doubt)

    [quote]Palpatine was the supreme ruler of the most powerful tyrannical regime the galaxy had ever witnessed, yet his roots are extremely humble, traced back to the peaceful world of Naboo.

    Before his rise to power, Palpatine was an unassuming yet ambitious Senator in the Galactic Republic. Palpatine saw the Republic crumbling about him, torn apart by partisan bickering and corruption. All too common were those unscrupulous Senators taking advantage of the system, growing fat and wealthy on a bureaucracy too slow to catch them.

    Palpatine's moment of opportunity came as a result of a trade embargo. The Trade Federation, in protest of government measures that would tax their outlying trade routes, blockaded and invaded Naboo. Naboo's planetary leader, Queen Amidala, rushed to Coruscant for Palpatine's aid. Together, the two pleaded to the Senate for intervention, only to see their request stalemated by Trade Federation filibustering. Frustrated by the government's inability to do anything, Queen Amidala acted upon Palpatine's suggestion, and called for a Vote of No Confidence in the Republic's leadership.

    Chancellor Valorum was voted out of office, and Palpatine was soon nominated to succeed him. The crisis on Naboo created a strong sympathy vote, and Palpatine became Chancellor. He promised to reunite the disaffected, and bring order and justice to the government.

    Despite his promises, the Republic continued to be mired in strife and chaos. A decade after his nomination, Palpatine's Chancellery was faced with the challenge of a popular Separatist movement led by the charismatic leader, Count Dooku. Many in the galaxy feared that the conflict would escalate to full-scale warfare, but Palpatine was adamant that the crisis could be resolved by negotiation.

    The Separatists didn't agree. Upon the discovery of a secret army of droids, it became apparent that the Separatists were on the verge of declaring war against the Republic. To counter this, the Republic needed a military, and Palpatine required the authority to activate the Republic's newly forged army of clones. To that end, Senators loyal to Palpatine motioned that the Chancellor be given emergency powers to deal with the Separatist threat.

    With spoken regrets, Palpatine accepted the new mantle of power. He promised to return his absolute authority to the Senate after emergency subsided. What no one realized was that the galaxy would undergo further upheaval, and that a state of crisis would ensure Palpatine's authority for decades.

    Palpatine instituted a military build-up unprecedented in galactic history. He created the New Order, a Galactic Empire that ruled by tyranny. The Jedi Knights, his biggest threat, were extinguished by his greatest dark side pupil: Anakin Skywalker, who had become Darth Vader.

    During the Galactic Civil War, Palpatine ruled with an iron fist. He disbanded the Imperial Senate, and passed control down to the regional governors and the military. During the Hoth campaign, Palpatine expressed to Vader his concerns over Luke Skywalker, a young Rebel powerful in the Force. Vader suggested that the two convert the youth to the dark side of the Force, an idea the Emperor seconded.

    The Emperor was a scheming ruler, planning events far in the future, using the Force to foresee the results. Palpatine allowed Rebel spies to learn of the location of the second Death Star, and foresaw their strike team and fleet assault. Palpatine crafted an elaborate trap that was to be the end of the Rebellion. He also concentrated on converting Luke Skywalker to the dark side of the Force, even at the expense of sacrificing Vader. In the Death Star, high above the Battle of Endor, Luke refused the Emperor's newfound dark side power, and so Palpatine used his deadly Force lightning to attack the young Jedi. Luke almost died in the assault, but his father, Darth Vader, returned to the light side of the Force, and hurled the Emperor into the Death Star's reactor core, killing him.

    Palpatine was a gnarled, old man. An ancient-looking human, he had pale skin, and searing, sickly yellow eyes. He wore a heavy dark cloak, and carried a glossy black cane.<hr></blockquote>

    This doesn't say who Sidious is, but it proves that it's the same Palpatine and he's a Sith master.

    [ 05-18-2002: Message edited by: MacAgent ]</p>
  • Reply 71 of 164
    logan calelogan cale Posts: 1,281member
    [quote]Originally posted by apple.otaku:

    <strong>You can clone a person but you can't clone the force.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sure you can. Because of midichlorians, the clone should also be Force sensitive.
  • Reply 72 of 164
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    [quote]Oedipus Rex, <hr></blockquote>

    Huh? I don't remember Luke sleeping with his mother and then poking his own eyes out.
  • Reply 73 of 164
    finboyfinboy Posts: 383member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eskimo:


    Also anyone notice after Amidala gets thrown out of speeding transport onto sand she jumps up and tells trooper they need to "get to that hangar"? What hangar? How the hell did she know there was a hangar or where it was?

    Those clone troops had some bad ass blue pulse rifles that were wrecking the droid army. If the clone army turns into the stormtroopers why the hell did they give up their awesome weapons and ability to shoot for innacurate imperial blasters and the shooting prowess of a drunk ewok.


    I noticed the "hanger" reference. I just assumed that she heard through her comlink or one of the clones said something before she got up. After all, all of the guys with helmets had radios, and they would have been listening to the radio net while the other guys followed Dooku.
  • Reply 74 of 164
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:

    <strong>Something else I noticed: during the end battle, did some of you guys notice a 60's Japanese sci-fi TV show look to the filming?

    There were a couple of instances where those landing craft things that the clone troopers and Yoda were riding on were flying through the air. For once, it didn't look CGI, but rather like a model suspended from strings, with fake smoke around it.

    Then the camera zoomed in to it really quick. You always see that on the Power Rangers, and I remember, as a kid, when I'd see some of those Japanese superhero import TV shows. And that was one of the signature camera things: a quick zoom into a character or an object.

    Do you all know what I'm talking about? It happened two or three times during the big end battle, and, to me, it was kinda weird and jarring because it was never used anywhere else in the movie, OR any of the OTHER movies.

    It was as if George was trying to sneak in a little homage one particular day.

    Somebody else back me up on this.</strong><hr></blockquote>


    in fact, over at, they're pointing out how the tanks with the solid laser that shot up the sphere space ship were straight from 80's japanese movies, godzilla and the like - and the droid football in the bar was acutally an 80's atari game, Cyber-ball :cool:
  • Reply 75 of 164
    First - I though this movie beat the hell out of Return of the Jedi and TPM. I think it is worthy to be a part of the original series.

    The weird part is the Jango and Boba Fett and one of Amidala's guards - the eyepatch guy - are all Maori (New Zealand natives) and they all have New Zealand accents.
  • Reply 76 of 164
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    [quote]Originally posted by Belle:


    Ah, well, I guess this says it all. We got ourselves a Return of the Jedi fan here. Therefore your opinion doesn't count. </strong><hr></blockquote>


    couldn't have put it better
  • Reply 77 of 164
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    [quote]Originally posted by janitor:



    couldn't have put it better </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, what horrible movie. Man, you really showed me what a bad and unsuccessful movie it was. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart, thanks.
  • Reply 78 of 164
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    I just don't get where most of you are coming from. This is the most entertaining Star Wars ever! Look at the reactons from the people in the theater! So what if there are a few plot holes? Some will be filled in Episode III. I thought it was awesome how the Jedi were fighting along side the "storm troopers." Padme's white shirt was hot and there were tons of cool fights. SLJ's was all Shaft-like when he goes "This party's over." 3PO was as gay as ever. Yoda kicks ass. Anakin is total dark side. Those clone troopers are the most bad ass warriors in Star Wars, and they make the Storm Troopers look like little girls. What more could anybody possibly want????

    PS. Did anyone else notice at the beginning that Palpentine had two of those red Impirial Guards in his office? Awesome.

    PPS. I think Bobba Fett IS the clone that Jango got.
  • Reply 79 of 164
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yes, Boba is Jango's clone. He's unaltered, so he grows at a normal rate. Just like a son.

    Hence, the "father/son" relationship/vibe.

    It's in all the literature, websites, novel, reviews.

    No mystery there. Trust me.
  • Reply 80 of 164
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:

    <strong>Yes, Boba is Jango's clone. He's unaltered, so he grows at a normal rate. Just like a son.

    Hence, the "father/son" relationship/vibe.

    It's in all the literature, websites, novel, reviews.

    No mystery there. Trust me. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ya, I just put that in cause earlier in this thread people didn't seem to get it
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