Star Wars: AotC



  • Reply 161 of 164
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I wonder if they call him wedge because he got his underwear hung on coathooks when he was in high school. Maybe it's pronounced "wed?gee" - you know, one of those fancy Star Wars phonetic things.

  • Reply 162 of 164
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
  • Reply 163 of 164
    jesperasjesperas Posts: 524member
    Just saw AotC for the first time last night and managed to avoid this thread until today. Overall, I enjoyed watching it, but I think I pretty much agree with most of what people have written:

    Dialog: sucked

    Plot: sucked

    love story: stunk

    Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman: teen eye-candy

    CGI: overkill

    Belle, I agree with the dialog going downhill from the first line of the movie...

    Personally, I liked the Yoda/Dooku sabre duel (yeah, people in the showing I went to laughed when Yoda went into his fighting pose and floated his lightsabre out of his belt). A bit silly, but I'm a big Jackie Chan fan too.

    What I am disappointed about is that this movie was basically recycled variations of scenes from EP4-6. They had the monster fight, an astroid battle scene, the speeder chase scene through Corresant (similar to the speeder bikes on Endor), the jedi-falling-off-ledge scene, titanic battle scene between two armies (like in Empire Strikes Back), and of course the requisite lighsabre duels. About the only thing new were the romance scenes with Anakin and Padme frolicking through Naboo, and those just blew.

    I thought it was very cool to see all of those lightsabres flashing in the Jedi battle at the end, but also thought that a lot of the Jedi there were killed way too easily for masters of the force...

    The duel between Dooku and Anakin was on par with the best of Episodes 4-6.

    Christopher Lee was great as Dooku, and Ewen (sp?) McGreggor good as Obi Wan (loved the Alec Guiness-esq manerisms!). Portman was better than I'd thought she would be, and Christensen had his moments (the scenes of and following his massacre of tuskin raiders were very believable to me).

    Foreshadowing was too heavy-handed, though I did like how they played the Empire's theme at the end when they showed the Republic's clone army assembling for battle at the staging area on Corresant.

    Looking forward to Episode III!

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: jesperas ]</p>
  • Reply 164 of 164
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    I just saw it last night. It was as good as I had hoped. Anakin was underacted though. Hope they go with a much older Anakin in the next one and replace that guy with someone better. He sounded like he was simply reading the lines most of the time. I thought the dual between Yoda and Dooku was the best part of the whole movie. However, for some reason all I kept thinking was, "Man, look at that little monkey jump!" Did anoyone else find it interesting that he came huffing slowly in bent over a cane, looking quite weak, and then went from that to a jedi power struggle to lightsaber duel where he basically kicked Dooku's butt, and then back to limping over a cane breathing hard? I guess there was the power of the force laid out for you.

    Looking foreward to the next movie. This one was much better than the first, and I will say that Dooku had me going for a bit near the end. That is, until he went through with the execution, then I knew that he was full of it. Well worth the $4 I spent to see it. Heck, my wife even liked it, and she hates SciFi. Must have been those horrible love scenes on Naboo.
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