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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Well cool

Did they kill the web guy on stage?


  • Reply 1 of 189
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by Anders

    Well cool

    Did they kill the web guy on stage?

    wow is all i can say
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  • Reply 2 of 189
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Panther: Oh HECK Yeah.

    Xcode: Humina humina humina

    iSight: I foresee many lawsuits for aiding and abetting voyeur webcams

    G5: Performance is unreal... the pricing is consistent with that, for better or worse. NOT a consumer tower, NOT a prosumer tower, this is a PRO WORKSTATION. Period. When it keeps up with and kicks a dual Xeon top of the line? I think Apple just got handed the Unix workstation market. Not a market share expander... not supposed to be. Note lack of game demos.
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  • Reply 3 of 189
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Lets compare. Better than the g4 introduction? The Jobs return? The intro of the iMac?

    Or better than the mac itself?
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  • Reply 4 of 189
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Ladeeeddaaaee we are the fastest, we are the fastest, lladdeeellaadddeeedaaaa.
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  • Reply 5 of 189
    zazzaz Posts: 177member

    Lightning strikes giving the PowerMac the power of the Hardware Gods.

    The PowerMac is dead!! Long live the PowerMac

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  • Reply 6 of 189
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member
    Mixed reaction here. Good specs, leaves room for a 1.4 Ghz single consumer "tower", Cube, or whatever. With these prices for the PM's Apple needs a "headless consumer model more than ever, and I dont think that a G4 (at lease with current FSB restrictions) would fit the bill now that the 970 is out. If they arnt carefull they will price themselves out of the consumer market.

    Software sounds good, cant wait to download Safari tonight.

    Single ($1,299.00) and Dual ($1,599.00-$3,274.00 ) 1.25's still available. Does anyone think these will sell at the listed prices?
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  • Reply 7 of 189
    moazammoazam Posts: 136member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Panther: Oh HECK Yeah.

    Xcode: Humina humina humina

    iSight: I foresee many lawsuits for aiding and abetting voyeur webcams

    G5: Performance is unreal... the pricing is consistent with that, for better or worse. NOT a consumer tower, NOT a prosumer tower, this is a PRO WORKSTATION. Period. When it keeps up with and kicks a dual Xeon top of the line? I think Apple just got handed the Unix workstation market. Not a market share expander... not supposed to be. Note lack of game demos.

    Well, they better keep the G4 Towers still up for sale, and cut their prices drastically then. If they are gonna just cut all Prosumer towers, well, nevermind then.

    Hopefully they'll drop the current G4s for the $999 level, but after seeing the pricing today, that probably won't happen.

    $2k for 1.6Ghz, 256mb, 80GB. Thats a farce.

    $3k for a Dual 2Ghz is reasonable and actually a good price.

    But sorry, they screwed the pooch on the low-end.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 189
    Macrumors web feed mentioned that Steve posted spec results. Anyone got the numbers?
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  • Reply 9 of 189
    razorrazor Posts: 9member
    Well yet again the PowerMac line won't compete at the lower price point but it sure is a great value at the top of the line. Well, when the replacement iMac and eMac lines show up and what they look like we will know how competitive (if ever) Apple chooses to be. Will one of the consumer lines have a box versus all-in-ones?
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  • Reply 10 of 189
    let me be the first to say:

    Wow on the specs.

    Jebus, a but ugly case and what's up with only one drive bay?

    What are we going to call these beasts with nine fans??

    Huricane mac....i'll bet they suck the room vacuum

    For the rest.., i'm content.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 189
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member
    Macrumors is reporting that Apple will still offer a dual 1.25 Gzh G4 Power Mac for 1299. seems pretty reasonable.
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  • Reply 12 of 189
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member
    still waiting for a 15" PB update, hopefully it will be a g5, but if not i will buy a faster g4.

    Hopefully at MWNY at the latest
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  • Reply 13 of 189
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
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  • Reply 14 of 189

    Originally posted by moazam

    Well, they better keep the G4 Towers still up for sale, and cut their prices drastically then. If they are gonna just cut all Prosumer towers, well, nevermind then.

    Hopefully they'll drop the current G4s for the $999 level, but after seeing the pricing today, that probably won't happen.

    $2k for 1.6Ghz, 256mb, 80GB. Thats a farce.

    $3k for a Dual 2Ghz is reasonable and actually a good price.

    But sorry, they screwed the pooch on the low-end.



    "[15:06] <iPalindrome> Special notifications

    [15:06] <iPalindrome> Power Mac G4 announcement

    [15:06] <iPalindrome> New single PM G4 today

    [15:07] <iPalindrome> $1,299

    [15:07] <iPalindrome> Limited stock of existing G4s"
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  • Reply 15 of 189
    dnisbetdnisbet Posts: 201member
    PHEW What a show.

    I'm loving the new features in Panther. Might take a little getting used to. Mail got updated, yay.

    The G5, wow that thing certainly looked hot especially when compared to that PC.

    The G5 Case? Well I need a better look at it really. First impressions, not as astounding as Apple can be.

    Am dissapointed about no new PowerBooks, as I will be buying one soon and was hoping for an updated one, perhaps that will come soon?

    iSight looks interesting along with the new iChat AV.

    Just need a few days to take in all this information now!!!!!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 189
    mclmcl Posts: 11member
    Impression: I'm very disappointed that an updated 15" Powerbook was not even *mentioned*. I don't care if it's not available today -- the new G5s aren't even shipping until August -- but throw us a bone!
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  • Reply 17 of 189
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    Fastest? GHz myth still applies, surely?
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  • Reply 18 of 189
    jesus you people are whiny. they just introduced the fastest machines a consumer can buy for close to the price of the old top of the line. the case is likely to be better looking in person and very sleek. i swear, will we be satisfied at nothing? this is huge news.
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  • Reply 19 of 189
    Countdown before someone puts lights inside the new tower... 10... 9... 8...
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  • Reply 20 of 189
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member

    NOT a consumer tower, NOT a prosumer tower, this is a PRO WORKSTATION. Period. When it keeps up with and kicks a dual Xeon top of the line? I think Apple just got handed the Unix workstation market. Not a market share expander... not supposed to be. Note lack of game demos.

    It certainly is a 'Pro' workstation. Yes it spanks the Xeon. But after four years, I was kinda hoping for that.

    It is an outstanding machine. The 'dual 2 gigger'. Certainly. Not a market share expander. Hmmm. Well, they've certainly fixed the 'performance problem'. Any machine that outperforms the G4 by a factor of 6 is commendable. 16 gig bandwidth (8 to each processor?) is impressive.

    Out performing a Xeon 2 to 1 is storming.

    However, I think they DID screw the pooch on the low end.

    This is 'new' tech'. Being Apple. Being supply and (pent-up) demand gives them a chance to fleece the punters.

    This IS cutting edge stuff. Witness the Xeon stuttering to keep up.

    Some may argue that is a price worth paying for.


    So. Who's going to pay £1500inc VAT for a G4 now?

    I'm hoping they've got a prosumer tower or something to fill the obvious void left by the massive hoik in prices. I'm still spluttering on my saliva. I think I'll wait for Revision B. 3 gig in 12 months? Maybe that is worth waiting for...?


    A fantastic Keynote, Mr. Steve Jobs. Packed. Relevant. I have to question how Apple are going to make Steve Job's 10% stated growth target. Still it is 'only 6 months into the year...'

    Lemon Bon Bon \
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