I have only one thing to say : i will buy a dual 2 ghz G5. 3000 $ more with taxes included, it worth the prize for this beast. At the time the G3 333 was at the same prize ...
The G5 is the most giant step in the mac history since the PPC era. And at the contrary of the beginning of the PPC era, the advantage are avalaible immediatly.
In one year IBM will introduce a 3 ghz G5 : this beast will scream a 4 Ghz P4.
They've got the performance part of the price/performance ratio down. Very dissapointed at the low-end price. I was hoping to talk my employer into a new Mac, but they aren't going to spend that kind of money.
A lowend g4 tower, while nice, would still bite on the performance end of the price/performance ratio. I was hoping for a rebirth for Apple, but they're just caching out in the short term again.
The G5 is the most giant step in the mac history since the PPC era. And at the contrary of the beginning of the PPC era, the advantage are avalaible immediatly.
If not the single largest leap in desktop computing performance...ever.
These things rule and I'm completely stoked. There is one thing I do have to question though. Why Firewire 400 on the front? I know 400 is more prevalent right now, but 800 is the future. There are also cables that adapt the two, so it really shouldn't have been a problem.
The G5 is the most giant step in the mac history since the PPC era. And at the contrary of the beginning of the PPC era, the advantage are avalaible immediatly.
In one year IBM will introduce a 3 ghz G5 : this beast will scream a 4 Ghz P4.
Long life Apple, long life IBM `.
Agreed. The dual 2 gigger is THE machine to go for if you stretch to it.
No 9700 as standard though? No gig of ram? \
No bundled 17 LCD prices?
Still, all in good time...
You're right, 'doc. This is the most giant step in Mac History since the PPC era began. Unquestionably. Available in one month-ish.
In one year, a 3 gig 970 will kick the snot out of Prescott at 4 or 5 gig. Easy.
Originally posted by Cosmo
still waiting for a 15" PB update, hopefully it will be a g5, but if not i will buy a faster g4.
Hopefully at MWNY at the latest
If they put a 970 in a Powerbook, maybe they can get it down to 6 or 7 fans.
Originally posted by Clive
Fastest? GHz myth still applies, surely?
In what sense?
Originally posted by jante99
Macrumors is reporting that Apple will still offer a dual 1.25 Gzh G4 Power Mac for 1299. seems pretty reasonable.
$1299 for a decently config'ed Dual G4 is a saving grace at least. Hope they can keep those up for a while. Might have to grab one in a week or so.
The G5 is the most giant step in the mac history since the PPC era. And at the contrary of the beginning of the PPC era, the advantage are avalaible immediatly.
In one year IBM will introduce a 3 ghz G5 : this beast will scream a 4 Ghz P4.
Long life Apple, long life IBM `
30% hmm... world's fastest PC packed in an a/c unit.
20% great, but maybe a bit pricey on the low end.
on balance... good.
jesus you people are whiny
People are entitled to their point of view.
Great machines. (AT LAST!)
Pricey! (...oh...)
This is Apple.
I'm kinda hopin' that something is going to fill the void in the gap left by the former low-end Tower market.
Like, a range of single CPU Cube 970 machines..? With Towers now being ouch pricey...Cube machines oughta look cheap!!!
Cos the iMac2 sure aint doing it...
I can't whinge about the G4, drat! But I'm calling Matsu to arms right now! MAAAAAAAAAAAAAATSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
Lemon Bon Bon
A lowend g4 tower, while nice, would still bite on the performance end of the price/performance ratio. I was hoping for a rebirth for Apple, but they're just caching out in the short term again.
Originally posted by Powerdoc
The G5 is the most giant step in the mac history since the PPC era. And at the contrary of the beginning of the PPC era, the advantage are avalaible immediatly.
If not the single largest leap in desktop computing performance...ever.
The G5 is the most giant step in the mac history since the PPC era. And at the contrary of the beginning of the PPC era, the advantage are avalaible immediatly.
In one year IBM will introduce a 3 ghz G5 : this beast will scream a 4 Ghz P4.
Long life Apple, long life IBM `.
Agreed. The dual 2 gigger is THE machine to go for if you stretch to it.
No 9700 as standard though? No gig of ram?
No bundled 17 LCD prices?
Still, all in good time...
You're right, 'doc. This is the most giant step in Mac History since the PPC era began. Unquestionably. Available in one month-ish.
In one year, a 3 gig 970 will kick the snot out of Prescott at 4 or 5 gig. Easy.
Xeons cost way more than G5s... Heh.
I shouldn't be too churlish?
Truly. This is a great day.
Congratulations Apple.
That was THE Steve Jobs Keynote.
I kinda think he enjoyed it.
'Kick ass!'.
I'll say.
Lemon Bon Bon
The 1.6 GHz is realy disappointing!
But 2 is my new favorite number
Originally posted by moazam
$1299 for a decently config'ed Dual G4 is a saving grace at least. Hope they can keep those up for a while. Might have to grab one in a week or so.
Uhh, NO.
That's a SINGLE G4 1.25Ghz for $1299. You gotta be out of your damn mind. 256mb RAM also. Pfft.
Did you guys see how the new case opens??
new Apple gallery
I'm very pleased with how the boxes are priced, as well as their speed, smoking hot they are. And up to 3GHz in one year from now..... WOOOHOOOO
Originally posted by epimetheus
Am I the only one that likes the new enclosure?
no, i do too, except one bay enclosure just seems hella-strange.
Originally posted by epimetheus
Am I the only one that likes the new enclosure?
I'm off to look at the 'G5'!
(Girlish giggle...)
Lemon Bon Bon 8)