


  • Reply 41 of 189
    reactorreactor Posts: 27member


    No 9700 as standard though? [/B]

    The dutch Apple site speaks of a Radeon 9800 Pro or NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra to come standard......
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  • Reply 42 of 189
    Hmmm... I just noticed that the 1.6er doesn't have PCI-X...

    Its seems that the 1.8 is a way better deal over: Twice the hard drive, twice the ram, 200mhz more processor, 100mhz more bus, and PCI-X all for only a little more than the 1.6
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  • Reply 43 of 189
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by smalM

    Specs are available at Apples site

    The 1.6 GHz is realy disappointing!

    But 2 is my new favorite number

    You mean the specs, the price or the GHz? Considering we were expecting 1.4 GHz before the leak, that's not too bad.
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  • Reply 44 of 189
    marcsirymarcsiry Posts: 27member
    I'd like to see how the low end compares against the previous high end. Has anyone scraped together those specs yet?
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  • Reply 45 of 189
    johnsonwaxjohnsonwax Posts: 462member

    Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon

    People are entitled to their point of view.

    Great machines. (AT LAST!)

    Pricey! (...oh...)

    An aside: ironically, the G5 page on the apple store has the g4 specs pic instead of the g5 one. Everything *except* the leaked shot updated. Should we all email them the missing image?

    My theory now on the G5s is that the low-end really is too expensive to produce. The new machines run hot and Apple doesn't want to deal with low-GHz G5s anywhere. We're going to have to wait for .09 970s to get the low-end and laptops. The Powermacs will clear the way for lower-cost components as well. Ah well, more waiting.

    Hopefully Apple can start revving this line fairly quickly over the next 6 months.

    Personally, I think the new machines look like crap, but they look much better in the framework of the page. If you assume euro styling, they look ok. Steve should have ended with the theme from 'Sprockets', though.
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  • Reply 46 of 189
    galengalen Posts: 46member
    Does the 1.6 remind anyone else of the yikes? I may be wrong but that's what it seems like
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  • Reply 47 of 189
    bperkinsbperkins Posts: 110member
    What up with Panther? Seems skimpy on the new features. I was expecting more.
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  • Reply 48 of 189

    Originally posted by rok

    no, i do too, except one bay enclosure just seems hella-strange.

    For some reason the case design takes me back to watching Space: 1999 as a kid.

    You know, this really sucks. Not only do I gotta pony up the $3K for the dual, but I'll have to sink some extra $ for the ATI 9800 BTO option.

    At least I pre-warned the wife we were goign to be $3500 poorer in September...
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  • Reply 49 of 189
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member

    Note lack of game demos.

    Well, Apple DID note that an ATI 9800 Pro give 337 frames per second on Quake III Arena!

    Kick-a-HA's the snot out of a Dell 3 gig! On games!

    Apple does recognise the games market. I'm not sure the WWDC was the place (unless they were releasing an 'X-Box'). It was pretty packed as it was, a great Keynote.

    When the 'furore' dies down...Apple will find themselves in the same position they found themselves in with the Powerbook Ti. Demand will soften and they will have to drop prices..?

    We'll see.

    Lemon Bon Bon

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  • Reply 50 of 189
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Jellytussle

    In what sense?

    In the sense of the MHz myth 3GHz is always faster than 2GHz, because it's a bigger number.
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  • Reply 51 of 189
    moazammoazam Posts: 136member

    Originally posted by marcsiry

    I'd like to see how the low end compares against the previous high end. Has anyone scraped together those specs yet?

    It does'nt. The low-end is crap compared to the high-end. No PCI-X, slower FSB, slower RAM, half the RAM, half the HD, almost half the CPU, for $2k.

    Maybe Apple doesnt even HAVE a 1.6Ghz G5...I mean at that price, they know no one will buy it. Everyone will just jump to the Dual 2Ghz.

    PS> The Dual 2Ghz is a pretty damn good deal, if not an awesome deal.
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  • Reply 52 of 189
    Disappointed about a couple of things:

    1) Only one optical drive bay.

    2) Only 2 internal HD bays.

    3) The design, but I'll get over that. (My anti-Ive campaign has just gathered new momentum, though)

    So much for my plan of getting the low-end model. That one seems very 'yikes'.

    I'll spend the extra for the 2x2GHz, delete the superdrive and the internal modem, bump the HD to 250 meg, and I'll be in a very nice price range.
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  • Reply 53 of 189
    Do old PCI cards work in PCI-X slots, or do these new slots require new cards?
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  • Reply 54 of 189
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    Look at some of those benches!?!?

    The G5 crushes the Xeon!!!

    On some it's up to 6 times faster, dual for dual!!!


    It's gonna be hard not to buy...

    Lemon Bo n Bon
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  • Reply 55 of 189
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member




    Did you get that from the video?

    IBM and Apple are commited to KEEPING Apple at the top!

    Way to go!!!

    WAY TO GO!!!


    Buy now or then, folks.'re still going to kick Pentium/Xeon whatever arse!


    Picks baseball bat...c'mon....dons red head band...

    You wanna piece of me? C'mon, Dell...who's yer daddy!?? talkin' t' me? HUH? HUH?!?!?

    Lemon Bon Bon
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  • Reply 56 of 189
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Well all I can say is that for once SJ came through and gave us what everybody has been complaining about! Sure they cost a lot. But it's not because of a " Pretty case " anymore. It's what's inside. Any complaining about this is stupid. You get what you pay for. The fastest PC out there.

    About no new displays and such, Apple probably put everything into getting this product out there. The new displays will come. But, since I just purchased a 17" Studio display I'm not worried about it.

    As far as all those trolls and PC advocates and their rude comments about Apple hardware over the years. Read the specs. Read 'um and weep!

    I know there will still be trolls out there but their comments now will be hollow.

    Because the hardware is now very competitive it might mean more games coming to the Mac. I wonder what Carmack is saying now?

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  • Reply 57 of 189
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member

    what are the fastest pc quake frame rates?
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  • Reply 58 of 189

    Well, Apple DID note that an ATI 9800 Pro give 337 frames per second on Quake III Arena!

    Kick-a-HA's the snot out of a Dell 3 gig! On games!

    Pentium 4 and Athlon XP Quake 3 benchmarks here:

    They are still faster and that is with the 9700Pro the 9800 Pro is even faster.

    At least Apple can be competitive in gaming now.
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  • Reply 59 of 189
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Humongous image of open PMG5 case

    Just love the inside of this thing.

    [edit: I do too, but this pic is a bit large to post inline. -Amorph]
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  • Reply 60 of 189
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    This monkey's gone to heaven.
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