Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 381 of 2639

    Looks like I'll be getting me a Blu-Ray player then.
  • Reply 382 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Truth be told the Samsung Combo player announced today at $599 is likely going to be my next HD player if it performs well (I suspect it will since it's a 4th gen product)

    I'm simply NOT selling my HD DVD discs and if I can pick up some discs off of craigslist for a song I'll certainly do that. This isn't discs don't suddenly stop playing because a studio decides to call it quits.

    I figure that the street price of the next Sammy Universal will be $499 and that's fine with me for a consolidated unit.

    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Me too. My plan was to wait for the BD-UP5000 to drop below $499, but if the 5500 can be had for less than $500 upon release then so be it. May is when WB goes Blu-Ray exclusive, so a May release for this combo payer is perfect.

    Combo players will be a pretty big hit for those who already have HD-DVD. I never thought about that. That will also give you few - the extra paramount movies that Blu Ray users wont be able to see until Paramount makes the switch.

    So all is not lost, and you guys have something to rejoice in.
  • Reply 383 of 2639
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Combo players will be a pretty big hit for those who already have HD-DVD. I never thought about that. That will also give you few - the extra paramount movies that Blu Ray users wont be able to see until Paramount makes the switch.

    So all is not lost, and you guys have something to rejoice in.

    I bet that there are fewer HD-DVD disks out there than Laserdiscs, how many combo DVD-laserdisc players do you see being sold anymore?
  • Reply 384 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    I bet that there are fewer HD-DVD disks out there than Laserdiscs, how many combo DVD-laserdisc players do you see being sold anymore?

    Hey! I have one. How else could I watch every version of starwars ever released back then? I used to be the only guy with 4 versions each of StarWars Episodes IV, V, and VI on laserdisc.
  • Reply 385 of 2639
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post is HD DVD any more proprietary.

    well until about the last six months its only been Toshiba players available its a toshiba format.. you should know being an ex employee n all so if its one companys format and its only them making the players, I guess that makes it a damned sight MORE proprietary. but you, no doubt, will disagree, being an ex employee of Toshiba n all.
  • Reply 386 of 2639
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    the extra paramount movies that Blu Ray users wont be able to see until Paramount makes the switch.

    I've no problem waiting on Paramount, by the time M$ allows them to go BD, the average prices will have dropped so they wont be able to charge as much as if they switched right now. A win win really
  • Reply 387 of 2639
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Hey! I have one. How else could I watch every version of starwars ever released back then? I used to be the only guy with 4 versions each of StarWars Episodes IV, V, and VI on laserdisc.

    Not any more you arnt
  • Reply 388 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    well until about the last six months its only been Toshiba players available its a toshiba format.. you should know being an ex employee n all so if its one companys format and its only them making the players, I guess that makes it a damned sight MORE proprietary.

    This kind of reasoning is why Blu-Ray backers gained a reputation for not being all that bright.
  • Reply 389 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    This kind of reasoning is why Blu-Ray backers gained a reputation for not being all that bright.

    Look who's talking. And look who's laughing now.
  • Reply 390 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Look who's talking. And look who's laughing now.

    I guarantee you, I'll be laughing for a long time yet. Big Media isn't playing me like a violin.
  • Reply 391 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Look who's talking. And look who's laughing now.

    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    This kind of reasoning is why Blu-Ray backers gained a reputation for not being all that bright.

    I just thought it was funny, how blu-ray backers feel as if they accomplished something in life by Warner Bros announcement. Did we forget it's about just a optical disc format?
  • Reply 392 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    If the industry can focus on a single format there are at least two things that can be accompished:

    1. People waiting on the sidelines can buy in with confidence.

    2. Economies of scale can begin to work on HD media and hardware.
  • Reply 393 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    I guarantee you, I'll be laughing for a long time yet. Big Media isn't playing me like a violin.


    Then what are you doing in this thread huffing and blowing?

    Just keep on squeezing your eyes tight and repeating as you are "I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" I don't think it will do you any good though, Warner have gone Blu-ray. so thats about ?? 75% of the market is Blu-ray now. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, its a fact.
  • Reply 394 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Blu-ray Olive Branch...?


    Well... the Microsoft counterstrike for HD-DVD never materialized this evening. I spent a couple hours waiting in line to get into Bill Gates' big CES opening keynote presentation, and it ended up as much ado about nothing with respect to the format war at least. The house was packed as you'd expect, but not a single time in the entire hour did Gates or his associates mention the HD-DVD format, which is interesting, because VERY reliable sources had informed us that, prior to Warner's Friday announcement, as much as 30 percent of the presentation was originally devoted to HD-DVD developments connected to the Xbox, Xbox Live, etc. Neither did Gates announce any kind of ultimate Xbox 360 with a built-in HD-DVD drive, though he did reveal that British Telecom and other CE companies will be partnering with Microsoft on Xbox-based media devices.

    Instead, the focus of the presentation was on Microsoft's plans for "the next digital decade" in which Microsoft devices and software will allow consumers to access their media (photos, music, movies, etc) over a variety of devices and in any location, from the home, to cell phones, to your car and so forth. Software was demonstrated that, for example, can assemble a series of separate digital images into a single extrapolated panorama. Other software was teased that can recognize faces and locations, so your cell phone will one day identify where you are, show you where you want to go using Virtual Earth and 3D maps, help you find nearby services (like restaurants and stores) and even let you buy movie tickets over your Windows enabled portable device, all via highly intuitive, more natural interfaces. These same devices will recognize your voice commands, touch, gestures and even your facial expressions. The overall concept is that you're always connected, your devices always recognize you, and your media goes whereever you do. You can share your media with friends online, and everywhere you go you'll find hot-links to contextual online content.

    I hadn't been to one of Gates' keynotes before, and this was apparently his last (as he's stepping down from his role at Microsoft to get more involved with his foundation), but it was largely geared toward hard-selling Microsoft products and services with the help of various celebrity appearances, video clips, etc. Bill is nothing if not the ultimate software guy - a 21st century Barnum. But again, there was not a single mention of HD-DVD.

    One last note this evening: That idea I floated yesterday, that the BDA should offer an olive branch to HD-DVD consumers? I mentioned it to senior BDA executives this evening, and I think you can safely say that they're going to move forward with something along these very lines in the weeks ahead. We'll post more when we can, but the idea was definitely warmly received. In fact, plans are already in the works. We'll post more on this as things develop.

    We'll be back tomorrow night with more on the BDA's press conference tomorrow evening, and any other interesting news that comes out of the show tomorrow. Stay tuned...

    and this is what he was talking about prior...


    I actually posted this earlier today, as part of my original comments this afternoon, but we've gotten such a strong positive response to the idea, that I felt it was important to break it out into its own post this evening for emphasis.

    I was thinking last night about how HD-DVD fans must be feeling right now, in the wake of Warner's announcement of their intent to go Blu-ray only later this year. We've gotten more than a few e-mails from them over the last 24 hours, as you might imagine, and they're understandably feeling a bit down right now. I have to say, however, that with just a few exceptions, they've been very classy today in accepting what most of them acknowledge is the defeat of their preferred format with good grace.

    Given that, I think it would be wise at this point for the Blu-ray Disc Association and its member studios and manufacturers to make a peace offering of sorts to HD-DVD supporters. Warner and the rest of the BDA should make some kind of offer to HD-DVD enthusiasts that would allow them to exchange a few of their HD-DVD discs for Blu-ray versions of the same titles, or to provide some kind of additional discount on Blu-ray players to those who have purchased HD-DVD players prior to December 31st 2007, to help them migrate to Blu-ray more easily and painlessly. It would be a nice gesture. It's not like both camps aren't giving tons of free discs away already in "buy one get one free" offers. It might cost the BDA a little up front, but the goodwill it would generate among enthusiasts would be worth the expense, I think. It would be a nice way to welcome HD-DVD consumers into the Blu-ray fold, and it's a way to help put this format war foolishness - and the acrimony that it's inspired online - behind us. It's worth considering.

    Our next post will be tomorrow, with a little luck, from CES. Stay tuned...

    Can ya feel the Blu-ray love, warming your HD DVD heart?

    See...that's quite classy of the BDA if this comes to fruition for you HD DVD guys. This means you might be able to turn in your HD DVD players or Discs for either discounted hardware or discs. So, ya never know, it may be more to your advantage to take this olive branch from the BDA than to try and buy a Universal player.
  • Reply 395 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    If the industry can focus on a single format there are at least two things that can be accompished:

    1. People waiting on the sidelines can buy in with confidence.

    2. Economies of scale can begin to work on HD media and hardware.

    Spot on Bancho!
  • Reply 396 of 2639
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Did we forget it's about just a optical disc format?

    If its "JUST" about an optical disc format, and you imply that fretting about such things is beneath you, then why are you here wasting your time posting on the thread?

    "I don't believe, I don't believe" go on, it'll do you as little good.
  • Reply 397 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    If the industry can focus on a single format there are at least two things that can be accompished:

    1. People waiting on the sidelines can buy in with confidence.

    2. Economies of scale can begin to work on HD media and hardware.

    Absolutely spot on!

    Although Bite murch and the other HD-DVD believers wouldn't here of such common sense last year. and it seems thats likely still the case.

    There are going to be a large amount of BD jumpers now IMO and the HDM prices will continue to fall for BD.


    If Toshiba has 1 million players sold, and lets not forget that people like murch have at least two players, and have 40% of the market that would seem to imply that with 60% of the market BD has 1.5 million players IN USE which would include the PS3 numbers.

    now, is that HD-DVD figure for north america or the world wide figure?
  • Reply 398 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Can ya feel the Blu-ray love, warming your HD DVD heart?

    See...that's quite classy of the BDA if this comes to fruition for you HD DVD guys. This means you might be able to turn in your HD DVD players or Discs for either discounted hardware or discs. So, ya never know, it may be more to your advantage to take this olive branch from the BDA than to try and buy a Universal player.

    It'll be interesting to see if they come up with some offer. I have 27 HD DVD titles, many of them HD DVD exclusives at this time, so I'm unsure how they could exchange my discs. Whether I take an offer or not, I'd certainly appreciate the gesture. A discount on a combo player would probably be the most helpful for HD DVD owners, because even of they offered to replace 5 of my discs, that still leaves me with the need for a combo player.
  • Reply 399 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    If its "JUST" about an optical disc format, and you imply that fretting about such things is beneath you, then why are you here wasting your time posting on the thread?

    Because I can?...

    You're right about wasting my time here, though.
  • Reply 400 of 2639
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Because I can?...

    You're right about wasting my time here, though.

    Bye then
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