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  • Quote: Originally posted by rminkler Samsung is planning a dual (hd dvd and blu-ray) player (or maybe recorder?) http://www.engadget.com/2005/09/06/s...y-disc-player/ Samsung have since confirmed that they won't be producing a dual format …
  • Quote: Originally posted by DaveLee Hmmm, indeed. Maybe we need to wait for kodawarisan to work some of that investigative magic... Ask, and ye shall receive...
  • Quote: Originally posted by Splinemodel That's possible, although I'd bet it's not. I have a feeling this whole memory debacle was a marketing move to keep powermac sales up until new powermacs are out. After all, they need to clear the channel…
  • This is beginning to sound like a PS3 vs. Xbox 360 rant. Back on topic, WB has announced releasing movies in both formats (which was always a distinct possibility)... link
  • Didn't know whether this might warrant a new thread, but Toshiba seems to have confirmed (indirectly) that PS3 might be out the door in March of next year or so... (Link) Seems a logical reasoning by El reg.
  • Quote: Originally posted by cubist Don't go rolling your eyes at us. As has been pointed out, many times, in other threads, those dual-dual Intels are not available today, and when they are available in mid-2006 (9 months from now), they will lik…
  • Quote: Originally posted by johnsocal It appears the the Blu-Ray drive alone will cost Sony a $100 in the PS3- http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=25901 It is a bit of a crappy comparison. It would be more favourable to compare it to the cost…
  • Also, Intel will have to have a reasonably affordable solution to match AMD for those people possibly wanting dual opteron (dual core) or dual athlon X2 processors in their computers/workstations.
  • Quote: Originally posted by kkentert I'm actaully in the process of refusing payment on the credit card. At this point, I figure why fight the battle. I'll let PC Mall handle it. I'd rather have them try and get their money back than do it mys…
  • Quote: Originally posted by cubist Also note that Conroe is dual core but does not support dual processor. For multiple processors, you need the Woodcrest (Xeon-like) server processor, which would allow a dual-dual setup. Because we're expecti…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Digital Disasta 1. Is OS X going to be the same with the new Intel systems? Are you still going to be able to run Cinema 4D R9 or any apps on the new systems? As a point of interest, Maxon have had Cinema…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Muchisgiven Hey I just wanted to know if there was really much of a difference with the 12" 867ghz and the 1.5ghz...I have a 15", and I would rather have a 12"...This guy wants to trade with me but he has the 867Ghz. …
  • Not sure how relevant this is, but my cable provider (ntl in the UK) won't allow two different computers to use the same connection. I have to clone the MAC address of the original computer (which was set-up when the computer was registered the f…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Splinemodel I usually don't have problems with ads that have chicks in them, even though I've never actually seen anyone dance with an iPod in hand. Maybe you should have a look here. Though it isn't a chick. …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Telomar Not according to publications dated March 2004. They quite specifically state Yonah will be followed by Merom that will be produced on a 65 nm process with IA32e (Intel's 64 bit extensions). In fact the only …
  • Quote: Originally posted by ThinkingDifferent How much memory do you really need in a PB? Dude, remember the mantra... You can NEVER have enough RAM.
  • Quote: Originally posted by snoopy Intel may like Apple as a customer because Apple appreciates good technology, not just top MHz. The fact that Apple was first to make extensive use of USB was not lost on Intel I'm sure. I agree and think t…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison The problem there is 1. The PS3 won't be out for a half year after HD-DVD is already shipping. The focus for PS3 buyers is going to be playing games. Sure some with capable HDTV will buy movies but the a…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison Well that was the hope back when this article was created on April 22nd. Since then the merger rumors have died. Not quite. See my post above for Toshiba offering the olive branch (new CEO)... [He…
  • Quote: Originally posted by spooky Thanx for the replies guys, can anyone recommend an inexpensive combo wired dsl/modem router that works well with macs? I am currently feeling the love from Belkin. I have also had a reasonable experience wi…