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  • Apple Watch & AirPods play a bigger role in Apple's ecosystem than you think

    tht said:
    Have you folks noticed an uptick in people wearing Airpods Max? It's taken about 3 to 4 years, but I'm noticing a lot more Airpods Max headsets on people's heads.

    There are some crazy people who wear full-on tin can headsets, which is the form factor of the Airpods Max, during their workouts at the gym. A rather significant fraction of them are Airpods Max. I wonder if they put the ear cups through the wash? They have multiple ear cups and put them through the wash?

    Then there are the double crazies who wear a hoodie, indoors, and they wear their headsets over their hoodies...

    Yes, it is an ecosystem. The user experience of connecting Apple's accessories is huge. Connection by way of the Bluetooth settings is mostly easy, but the way Apple does it for AirPods and Watches? Tough to do better.
    Tin can headsets? What did Maxes do to piss you off? Why does it bother you so much? Or at all. I've seen three people wearing Maxes while driving. Now that bothers me. Maxes in the gym bug you? Maybe they seal better than Pros. Maybe IECs bother the wearers. But you call that crazy. What somebody does in their own home doesn't budge the "crazy" meter needle. Intolerant much?
  • J.D. Vance shouldn't open his mouth about Apple if he doesn't have a clue

    MAGA creed:

    He hates what I hate, so his character doesn't matter.
    Except that you're not rich so he doesn't care about you, tiny character flaw.

    He won't back down.
    How about a debate where he got his ass handed to him.

    He tells it like it is.
    What a mess that is, nothing but word salad.

    The military loves me.
    Except that he thinks they dead, bullet riddled and losers.

    I love the poorly educated.
    I just don't give a damn about them.

    It would take one ultra scary mf-candidate to make me vote for Trump. He's about as bad is gets. A garden gnome would get my vote over Trump. A sack of hammers would get my vote over Trump. He is a clear and present danger. The fact that his cult base doesn't see that or doesn't care says more about them than him.

    muthuk_vanalingamroundaboutnowronnbaconstangBart YIreneWdewmeilarynxwatto_cobra
  • iOS 18 has over 250 new features and updates, says Apple

    But how many useful new features are there?
    Just because a feature isn't useful to you doesn't mean it isn't useful to anybody else.
  • Orange County police considering Apple Vision Pro to process surveillance data in real-tim...

    Nothing is going to “break” the platform. AVP is the future of computing: mobility + large screens with a minimum of materials.
    Spot on. Price will come down. Weight will decrease. Features will increase. Applications (of use) will increase. Content will increase. Competition will increase. It won't happen quickly but it will happen. No doubt it's happening in the Apple Batcave even now.

    ssfe11h2pBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Apple launched AirPods eight years ago, and changed the world again

    AI said:
    Apple was criticized for its September 7, 2016 unveiling of the AirPods, because it was the end of the headphone jack 

    The headphone jack managed to hang on for a good while after the AirPods first debuted.

    The single biggest criticism I saw came from posters in forums like this, as well as this one:

    People wearing them look dorky/stupid etc., ad nauseam. I couldn't believe how many posts ranted and raved about how people looked. Maybe a year later they were ubiquitous. And coincidentally "true wireless" earbuds started showing up everywhere. Where are they now? Waiting for the Next New Thing so they can be the first to offer baseless critical gems like "round watches are stupid".

    Ok Rudy Giuliani did manage to look dorky wearing AirPods but that was a cry for help and not the fault of the AirPods.
